Farewell-Luke Skywalker

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"I can't believe you're back."

I smile wrapping my arms around Luke and he does the same, we stay like that for a minute of two before we stared back at each other and I smile looking into those familiar blue eyes. After all these years i finally get the chance to see him again. It's a shame that it must be under these circumstances, we used to be so happy together now after Ben turned into Kylo Ren, Luke disappeared and never returned back home.

"You should've come back home.." I whisper and a tear escapes my eye.

Luke stares back at me not knowing what to say and presses his thumb against my cheek and wipes the tear away. He takes my hand and makes us sit down to where Leia is smiling at her long lost brother.

"I am deeply sorry fir abandoning you..both of you." he says looking at me then Leia. "I understand.." Leia mutters and places her hand on top of Luke's robotic one. I sniff and look back at him lovingly, all these years away from him i still am in love with him. The man who rescued me back when we were little and stole my heart.

Smiling to himself he reached over and runs a hand through my grey hair, "We've both gotten so old." he jokes and I smile. "We have haven't we?" he leaned closer and kissed the top of my head and Leia's before standing up.

"There's no choice but to confront him." hearing those words I stand up and grab my lightsaber, the one I haven't used in many years. "I'm coming with you." I tell him and he looks back at me with tired,worried eyes.

"I don't want to lose you Jill."

"You won't."

Luke stares at me for a second and sighs defeatedly "If there's one thing I remember is that you never listened to anyone." I laugh at the memories of out mission and how Luke would try to tie me up so I wouldn't follow him. Han would joke about how Luke didn't feel suffocated with me by his side. "Please come back." Leia says grabbing my hand and I nod looking at her and hugged her.

"I won't lose you both."

"You won't Leia." Luke says and takes my hand. Together we begin to walk outside and see Kylo's ship landing onto the ground and look at him taking his steps getting closer to us. "Luke. (Y/N). You both won't make it out of this." he warns up and takes off his cloak. Luke smirks "I think we will kid." we stare at out nephew and he angrily takes his lightsaber out and I do the same.

He rushes over to Luke first and then I showed up behind him, the three of us fighting so our friends would make it to safety, I swing my lightsaber at Kylo who dodges and i look down to see that he made a cut on my leg. Still fighting and seeing Luke struggling I race towards them and right when Kylo was about to hit Luke i ran faster and stood in front of him.

I opened my eyes and saw Kylo down on the ground holding onto his wounded torso and I look down to see a large open wound on my stomach, i lean back and Luke wraps his arms around me.

"No no this can't happen."

He begins to repeat and I smile looking up at him and he takes my hand "Don't die..please don't." I see him crying and a few tears landed on my cheeks and i smile looking up at those blue eyes, "What mattered was protecting our friends." Luke smiles down and nods.

"I guess it's time for us both to leave then." Luke leans down and kisses my lips one last time before I closed my eyes.

Kylo Ren wounded stares up ahead at his aunt and uncle ready to attack them once more before he looked and saw them both disappear becoming on with the force.

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