Last Christmas-General Hux

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My head shot up at the sudden shouting and looked around to see stormtroopers and many other people running towards where the shouting was coming from none other than General Hux. He can sure get on my nerves easily but i can't help but love him.

A few people have noticed me staring at him when i'm supposed to be working and have asked if it is noticeable and many answers have been 'yes' I don't think the General has noticed it though. It's been years since i last celebrated Christmas..last Christmas i did i celebrated with my family..when they were alive..

Few weeks i ocassionally asked Hux to at least do a small Christmas dinner,meeting or just to give out presents for the people around hs. I wish he would've considered that..Slowly i made my way over to where he was and the door opened and everyone's head turned to me.

"Late as always (L/N)." Hux snickered and folded his hands behind his back. "It's been years since the First Order arranged a small event for everyone to enjoy and relax. The supreme leader gave us the permission to take a day off and prepare a Christmas dinner."

The room was filled with people talking to each other and smiles on their faces, "Silence!...We have two days do get things ready which must be enough time for all of us. Families are welcome to arrive and hang out presents." The room filled with many people cheering and Kylo in the corner with his arms across his chest. "Now i'll give each of you an assignment,some of you will prepare the dinner,others the decorations and such." Hux boredly said and each out names.

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

I heard his voice and i lifted my head up to see him with a clipboard in front of me, "You're in charge of decorations and please don't decorate this place like a child would,it's a formal dinner party."

"A-Alright i'll try my best." Hux nodded and walked away. I walked over to where some people were picking up pieces of paper,this must be this secret santa i've heard people talk about. I grabbed a piece and unfolded it. Armitage Hux. I held onto my paper and blushed. Must be my lucky day i'll get him the perfect gift.

***Christmas Day***

I changed into a a black dress and put on my matching cardigan and walked out of my room and saw some soldiers with their families reunited a smile on each of their faces.

I wish my parents were here...Now's not the time to grieve. I breathed in and walked out with the present i got in hands,the thing inside the box started to move and i tried shutting it up so he wouldnt notice was it is.

I arrived and saw Kylo Ren with a drink in hand by a corner talking to Phasma,some of my colleagues talking to each other already dancing, "Didn't think you would arrive." a voice next to me said.

"H-Hux! O-Of course i wouldn't miss this." I tried not to make eye contact him him but failed, "You look nice handsome today General" Hux looked down at me and nodded and saw his cheeks almost turn the same color of red as his hair."

"You look nice as well.." Hux coughed and we looked around the area, "...You did a nice job with the decoration..." "Thanks..I tried my best this is my first Christmas after all since forever." Hux and I would glance at each other but nothing more.

We all had our Christmas dinner and drank some wine before heading and partying once more. This is the first Christmas that didn't felt lonely anymore. The time for the presents arrived and we all exchanged them,my friend gave me a new dress and it was time for my turn. I grabbed the box and turned around towards Hux who looked at me surprised when i handed it to him.

"Merry Christmas General." I blushed. Hux slowly took his gift and slowly opened it revealing a ginger cat looking up at him with wide eyes. Hux stared at it for another second before looking back a me.

"I-I hope you like it since i once heard you were fond of cats and always wanted one.." Hux eyes seemed to lighten up at the sight of the pet he always wanted,the cat purred and rested it's head against his hand.

"I don't even have a gift for you."

"That's alright Hux. I just wanted to see you happy for once." I said and opened my eyes and saw him place his cat down and he slowly leaned forward and kissed my lips resting his hand on my cheeks. I could feel people staring at us and i'm sure my cheeks turned into a dark shade of red when he pulled away.

Hux smirked to himself at my reaction and leaned over and whispered to me, "This isn't your gift if that's what you're thinking,meet me later in my chambers and you'll figure out."

I hid my face and felt like exploding any minute. Damn it Hux why do you always do this to me, "Screw it let's go." I smiled to myself and grabbed his hand.

"With pleasure."

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