Missing Cat-General Hux

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"You must feed her,give her water and stroke her fur."

"I know what I must do Hux...you're always leaving me with the damn cat."

"What?!" He glares at me.I quickly stand up straight and hold my arms out here I am Kylo Ren's assistant and second in command, I am supposed to go out today on a mission with Kylo and Hux but now i have take care of this cat since Hux insisted on me taking care of Millicent.The cat will be alone so that started to worry him.

Hux hands me the orange fat cat and I try my best to hood her in my arms,"You must also remember to play with her and treat her well."

"Yes yes I know."

"Take care Millicent.."

He leans down to the cats level and kisses the top of her head. He straightens up and walks away from me.What the hell?!!! He said goodbye to his cat but not me? I wanted him to kiss the top of my head or better yet my lips. I dreamily imagine how'd it be like to be with Hux.

Wait..no.I thing it'd be a total disaster...he's always busy,cleans up every damage Kylo does to the ship,likes to spend the nights petting his cat and his attitude isn't that nice. I let out a sigh and take the cat to my quarters,I begin to walk down the hall and see Stormtroopers preparing themselves and surprisingly enough Kylo hasn't left just yet.

"Commander (Y/N)."

Kylo stares down at the cat and asks me what I'm doing with this furball.

"General Hux asked me to look after her.Isn't she so cute she's also ginger just like him which makes her more adorable." The cat meows as I pet her head.

"You really are something aren't you..that's why I tried to avoid you.you always compare to the cat with Hux."

"Something wrong Ren?" General eyes me and keeps a straight face.

"Nothing's wrong..come on." Both of then turn their heels and walk out of my sight.

"Well I guess it's just you and me."

I happily smile at the cat and begin to carry her to my room.I place her on my bed and glance over at a few times as I start to write on my notebook and make sketches. Hmm I wonder where Wesley is...He's my siamese cat I got from my old friend I like my cat but he's not like Millicent..he's a lot more lazy and wanders around the ship without me knowing.

About an hour or more passed and by this time my notebook is full with my sketches.

"Hey Millicent,what do you think of this one-"

I look back at me bed and see that she's not there I stand up and start searching for her,behind my closet door,in the small corners,on top of my book shelf,I even look down to my bed and table and there is no sign of her. "Millicent!?"

Oh my god...Hux is going to kill me..I bite my nails and I begin to run outside of my room. "Millicent?! Where are you?" How did she even get out of my room..Ah! from the air vent. I search for her for about 15 minutes I even ask Phasma is she's seen the cat.

"Millicent come on! Where the bloody hell are you? I don't want your owner to kill me."

"Commander!" I hear General Hux shouting at me.

Quickly I begin to run and search for the cat before he does,"Millicent!!"

I run across e hall and arrive at the end of it and Hux stands there with his arms crossed. "Help!"

Hux grabs me and places his hand on my mouth so I would stop screaming for help,"Shut up! You're always so loud..now where is my cat." He straightens his jacket once he lets me go. "W-who? Oh you're cat..right! I'll umm bring her to you."

I turn my heels and run away from him as fast as I can and he's clearly close to me since I can hear him screaming. I take the right hall and pass an opening empty looking room only filled I was going to hide in there when I heard a meow. I gasp and stare down at Millicent who's on the rug with Wesley and kittens,

"There you are!"

I tell Hux to shut up and come here quietly,he takes a few more steps closer and stares down at the cats. "Aww look Hux they had kittens together...Aha! We have grand kittens." I smile up at Hux and grab his arm and hug him tight he begins to squirm and looks down at me not amused by my action.

"I knew my Millicent was fat but I didn't think she was pregnant..all thanks to your ugly cat." My cat began to hiss when General grabbed a nearby spray bottle filled with water and began sprayed him.

"Hey! Don't spray my cat with water he hates it!" I say,he turns to me and starts to spray it with me. "General! Stop it! No you know I also hate it." I laugh and begin to run down the hall with him behind.

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