Mission Failure-Finn

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I was thrown down onto the cold floor by a stormtrooper who ignored my questions not caring about me one bit, i began to cry and hid my face realizing that i'll never seen my parents again. The First Order took their lives and i couldn't do a thing..

"Hey.." I felt someone tap my shoulder and opened my eyes to see a boy my age with different colored skin than me. "Are you alright?" his voice asked and i continued to cry. "Oh..they took your family away..huh?"

"I want my mommy and daddy back." I whispered not meeting his eyes.

"...They also took me from my own..i know how you feel i've been here for almost a month. I know this is all of the sudden but we'll protect each other from now on okay?" I wiped my tears and stared at the boy.

I could only nod my head in response, "What's your name?" the boy asked me.

"I'm (Y/N)"

"That's a nice name..at least you have a name.." He sadly said.

"You don't?" I asked curious to how he doesnt have a name. "I'm sure i have one but i can't remember it..they only call me by FN-2187." I look at him curiously and try to say his name, "Hm..why don't i call you Finn?"

The boy looks at me and his eyes brighten up, "Finn..I like it!." "Well. Finn it's nice to meet you." I smile and we shook hands.

That was years ago and till this day Finn and I remain close friends and spend most if our time together. While working here for years i found out that a few months ago i have a cousin who works here also in the stormtrooper program and would always keep an eye on me and daily threatened me to stay away from Finn.

He said many bad things about Finn but despite his horrible attitude towards Finn i never listened to him and Finn and I always had each others backs. I blushed at the sight of Finn when they called us up to head to our first mission. Finn and I made many plans if someday we escape from this place and i hope it comes true.

"(Y/N) you seem cheerful despite we're going on a mission. Our first mission as official stormtroopers." Finn whispered.

"I am..but i don't want to harm anyone."

"Neither do i but we gotta stick to the plan."

Finn and I stopped talking when the General have us a speech and he headed to our mission, I saw innocent people dead on the sand and followed Finn when he grabbed my hand and lead us back into the ship.

"This is too much." Finn said like he was having flashbacks remembering maybe his past?

"We have to find a way to leave-"

Phasma came in and i quickly shut my mouth,she only came in to warn us to wear our helmets back on. The First Order had a prisoner which i heard is from the Resistance and immediately told Finn.

"This is great! We can save him and leave this place for good." Finn and I smiled and embraced each other, we stared at each other and started to lean in when we heard a loud bang and thought it was the right time to leave.

"I'll meet you up by the TIE fighters later just get the guy out of Ren's reach." quickly i told him and was about to grab a couple of things when Finn grabbed my arm pulled me back and lightly kissed me.

"Please be safe." He said concerned,I blushed and gave him one last smile before i began to pack a few things and quickly ran when they heard that the prisoner was gone.

"Finn!" I shouted when i saw him make his way inside on of the ships but everyone began to shoot them and i dodged a few ready to leave this place with Finn when someone grabbed my wrist and wouldnt let me go.

"Surprised?" I turn to see my cousin grinning at me as his grasp tightened around my wrist, "Ow! Let me go." I cried and looked up ahead and saw Finn looking at me.

"Go" I mouthed Finn since there was no way out for me. He seemed to hesitate when the man beside him, shoved him and shouted for them to leave. I watched Finn leave thinking of how it could've felt to leave and live a new life.

"You won't be seeing your boyfriend for a while." my stupid cousin said and let go of my wrist. However even if i was sad i still had hope that someday i would see him and i have a feeling that i won't have to wait so long for that.

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