Mission-Luke Skywalker

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Requested by @colorcodedgrey i am so sorry it took a while.I've been sick lately and been laying in bed forever also sorry if it was rushed.Please do enjoy it :)

"We must hurry Princess."

I continue to fire at the stormtroopers when the princess gets behind me but instead of running away to hide herself,she took out a blaster and began to shoot some down.

She'll never change.I shake my head smirking and finish with the trooper, "Come along Alona."

Leia says instead of me guiding her into her safety.It's been about two years since i've been her bodyguard and my life has never been better.I had a nice comfy room to sleep and enough money to keep me alive at first i thought i was going to be protecting a small child but i was wrong.

Leia is about the same age as me and i'm lucky to work for her.Leia is a strong and independent woman any guy would fall for her. I'm the opposite of her i have light colored hair and am part Torgruta i only have the marking on my face nothing more.

Princess Leia took me inside of an unfamiliar ship where two guys stood in the middle with a wookie. Han Solo is the captain of the Millennium Falcon and calls himself the best pilot of all the galaxy and the other guy is Luke Skywalker.

He has sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes and stared at me with a smile unlike Han who kept on spying on the princess. I stood in front ready to kick him if he tried something else.

"That's alright." Leia whispered gently moving me aside. I nodded and stood still relaxed that i was somewhere else than her home.

We spent days life days and Luke started to get to know me better. I never really left her home and i stared at the comets and stars amazed by its beauty.

Few days later i arrived at Tatooine and was about to explore the place when a few people arrived and circled me.A man dressed in green grabbed me and without a word took me somewhere else which i was disgusted when i saw Jabba the hut.

I stared at the creature in disgust he murmured something and the last thing i remembered was me yelling for help.

Luke's pov

"Are you sure they are here?"

Leia asked me.

I nodded and took out my blaster,Leia did the same and i could tell she was worried too.It's been a few hours since we last saw Alone and Han Solo and we were beginning to get nervous.

We arrived at Jabba the huts place and Leia was distracting him when i went to a different area inside the cave and found both of my friends in carbonite.

I ran and i was lucky enough to get them out if there,"L-Luke!" Alona said shivering.

"About time you came kid." Han said shivering too.

We escaped and made it the the Millenium falcon. "Princess i'm so sorry i left you alone i should've protected you..thank you for saving me once again." Alona said bowing her head a bit.

"No need to thank me.Luke was the one who saved you." Leia smiled over to me. Alona turned towards me and embraced me in a hug.

"Thank you Luke."

I blushed a deep red and smiled, "Y-your welcome." Han walked past me as he rolled his eyes and hugged Leia who pushed him away.

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