My Star-Luke Skywalker

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To @Galactic_Princess_ thanks for requesing once more. GUYS MY BOOK REACHED 20.8K READS! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING MY BOOK :D

 Question!! I know it not Star wars but how many of you like Guardians of the Galaxy? If so are you excited for the Volume 2? Who is your favorite character? Mine is Rocket and Star lord :) 

"Have fun guys!" 

Han Solo shouted as the crowd got louder each second, "They aren't leaving yet! We're going to the reception remember" Leia said sending a look to Han but kept a smile on her face.Today was a perfect day cause i finally got married to the man i have loved many years now.Luke Skywalker.

Honestly i never thought this day would come at first, i thought Luke wasn't interested in me.Until on day Han decided to tell me that Luke liked me but knowing how of a pranker Han is i didn't believed him.

After that Luke took me out and now we are married! I am finally Kylie Skywalker.

I smiled at Luke as we made our way to the reception area and went inside.The place was gorgeous filled with flowers,the tables all set up and the curtaisn wide open to see the night filled with bright stars.

"The place is beautiful." I say smiling.

The place begins to get full by the amount of people and i could see in the closest table to ours, Leia and Han. 

"Sure the place is beautiful..but not as beautiful as you." Luke smirks.

I roll my eyes and take his hand when the music starts and we're sharing our first dance as husband and wife.The night was fun but it was time to leave ans head to our honeymoon. Han and Luke were both talking so i was with Leia.

"Sure you'll be okay?" I ask Leia and we look back to see Han smiling and fooling around after a few drinks.

"I'll be fine..don't worry about me now go." She smiles.

I smile back and place my hand on her stomach, "Take care of that kid for me then..hey Ben..look after your dad he's been having a few drinks if he tries anything kick him for me." I say as Leia chuckles.

We say our fairwells and we arrived at a small cabin near the woods.I stretched and yawned already tired, "I see you're tired too..i am." Luke yawned and wrapped his arms around me,both of us looking up ahead through the large window.

"You know Han is really having the time of his life." Luke said laughing when Han almost fell on top of a table and tried his best to dance.

"Sure he is before his son is born."

"You know! After his kid Ben is born he's gotta have a cousin." He smirks. I slap his shoulder smiling.

"Of course not right now we're exhausted..i'm glad i met you back then even if Han was a jerk to us both." Luke says.

"If it weren't for that jerk we wouldn't hav been together."

"Of course we would've been together after all! You're the smartest girl i've ever met i don't see why guys didn't liked you." He says.

"They just didn't like me cause i wasn't like other girls." I reply.

"Well they missed out cause now i have you and i'm not letting you go." He lovely said and hugged me tighter and kissed my cheek.I won't ever let you go too Luke..we'll be together on this from now on.

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