Odd Love Across Different Universes-Kylo Ren

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Kylo's pov

What is this stinging in my head and why do I feel so dizzy? slowly my hand reaches to my head and i instantly flinch. I look around and start to question where the hell am i? I don't recognize this room from anywhere, did Hux order to build another room on my ship?

"I'll find Hux and have him explain this to me." I groan and started to stand up when i heard the door just a few steps from me open wide and see a girl about my age staring at me.

"Kylo. No no don't stand up." she rushes to my side and holds my arm and forces me to sit back down on the bed. I stare back at the girl surprised that she isnt frightened by me but i'm more concern i am where I am and who she is. "W-Who are you?" I ask the girl who hums and smiles back at me and takes my hand and began to wrap a bandage around it.

"You had a nasty fall..I'm you're wife." she laughs it off and stands up "Don't worry you'll get your memories back in no time. If you need me don't hesitate to ask for help." the girl grabs a blaster,holster and begins to tie up her boots.

"Is he awake?!" a panicked voice comes from the other side of the room and I see Rey?! I stand up ready to fight her when the girl comes closer and tells me to relax "What is she doing here?!"

The girl and Rey exchange looks "I'm afraid you remember that then..you and my sister were practicing when you accidentally fell and hit your head."

"I'm so sorry." this Rey apologizes. sisters?! how are they sister and how did I get here, last time I remember i finished talking with Snoke and headed back to my chambers.."Now don't be rude with Rey she'll be taking care of you while i'm gone."

I stare back at her even if i don't know who she exactly is besides my wife in this weird place I can't help but ask her where she is going, "I'll just be going on a mission it'll be quick." she takes a step closer and kisses the top of my head and smiles "I promise i'll be safe." the girl apparently called Jane Knight tells me before she leaves the room leaving me with Rey.

Jade's pov

I hope he gets his memories back i'm worries that he had that fall. I scratch the back of my neck and landed my ship on a nearby planet and right when I landed a few creatures appeared with weapons and one by one began to defeat them with no problem. After all I learned from the best when I became a smuggler,Han Solo and his companion Chewie too. I still remember the time I first met him.


"Good job kiddo. That's it for today's lesson, you never fail to impress me." Han happily said and Chewie roared. I smiled thanking them both and saving my blaster "Thank you so much both of you." i tell them both and Han seems to look annoyed but smiles when he looks down at me again.

"Tomorrow same time?"

Han asks me and I nod my head "Same time." Chewie roars one last time before walking off with Han somewhere around the place. I turn my back and look at the person Han seemed annoyed of, his son Ben Solo was trying to cause some mischief before Han shot him a look and now he looked bored yet sad. He always tries to get me distracted while I train or pull up some kind of thing, he thinks he's so clever.

"Did you come to apologize?" he says looking up at me from his seat. "There's nothing to apologize besides you deserved that punch." I smirk and he crosses his arms and leans closer trying to intimidate me.

"Just admit if you think i'm hot?" he's the next to smirk and I make a disgusted face, "No way! why would i like a boy who acts like a darth vader wannabe." I smile to myself and begin to walk away.

"Hey take that back!" he shouts behind my back and follows me "I won't!" "I hate you..y-you..scruffy looking nerf herder!" I stop and quickly looks back at him.

He smiles when he sees me stop "Who you calling scruffy looking?" that will only make him happier. I kept my mouth shut and continued to walk to my room. That idiot he thinks he's so cool and can get any girl.

*End Flashback*

I never thought I was going to stay with him after all the insults we threw at each other. Finally i come back to reality and began to shoot at the enemies when they almost hit me, now i jus gotta finish this mission and i'll head back home to take care of my husband. I'm so glad to have him back.

Kylo's pov

I was getting bored with Rey here with me now matter how much I wanted to strangle her i knew she wasn't the real one. I groaned and that caught her attention when she stopped talking "Do you ever shut up?" Rey gives me a look and placed he hand on her hip.

"Do you ever stop with being annoying? Don't worry my sister will be back." rit when she said that Jade came into the room and smiled when she saw me still laying in bed. "How are you feeling?"

"..Good i think?" she glances over to Rey "Has he been nice to you?" she said trying to not laugh "Same as ever." is the Kylo from this universe the same as me? i jump at the sound when she throws her blaster onto the table and sits down by my knees.

"I know i promised you that I wouldn't go any missions that much but I guess this time I really have to if we want to raise this." she reaches my hand and placed it on top of her stomach. I stare back at her surprised. I barely know her but so far she's treated me to nice, my eyes wander over to Rey who smiles at her sister, it seems she knew the news about her sister.

Her hand tightens a little and she begins to cry a bit "We're having a baby.." "Jade.." I decided to tell her. We stare at each other before I decide to tell her, "I'm not Kylo.." she stares back at me confused.

"No i am Kylo but not of this universe? dimension?" What am i even saying? I take a deep breathe and she begins to cry "I..have to leave." I stand up and began to walk. I don't know where I should go but I need to leave.

"I'm sorry.." her voice says behind me and I stop to listen "I-I just thought you were back..i was so happy." I face her and see her eyes all puffy and a bit red "What happened to the me from here?"

"He went on a mission and I didn't see him for months..and never returned..i thought you were him." my eyes widen a bit, looks like he died in battle. The girl thought i was him. I stare at her and stepped closer to her, "I apologize for that..i'm sure he'd be proud." i say resting my hand on her stomach and look at her smile when she rests her hand on mine.

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