Saving Lives-Luke Skywalker

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This was requested by @Muffin8891. Sorry it took so long cause i was terribly sick and didnt have time to write it.Hope you like it.


It was another day,another mission along with Han Solo and Leia. We were on a planet which we heard stormtroopers were invading,so Luke asked me if i could join him once again. We landed and made our way out if the Falcon when Han stopped us and got his blaster out.

"You gotta be careful,MadiThese things arent friendly ya know? You're still young for these things why dont you wait for us inside the Falcon." Han said. I looked up at him angry.

"I'm almost your age! What makes you say those dumb things." 

"Kid, I've flown from one side of the galaxy to the other. I've seen a lot of strange stuff." Han replied.

"Come on,Han. Just let her go." Luke said to Han.

Han Solo has treated me like a kid since we started going on missions with him. I can't blame him for trying to protect me but he must know that i'm no kid.  I groaned when they both started discussing about me,Leia felt sorry for me since she can't exactly order Han around even if she'd like to

"We should go right now besides they are talking,they won't notice." Leia whispered to me.

"Oh.they'll notice." I reply saddened that i wont be able to go.

"She's just a kid,Skywalker. Let's just finish this,i wanna get out of this planet fast." Han walked past us. I met with Luke's eyes as he muttered 'sorry' to me. Leia gave me a sympathetic look and followed Han.

I stood up from a rock i was sitting on and made sure they left the place. The coast was clear and i saw them nowhere, "I'm sure they already left towards the village." I mutter. 

I got my blaster and made my way carefully down the hill,careful to not fall down and get hurt. I made my way to the small village and was quickly met face to face with a Trooper,i took my blaster out and shot him.Before other's saw me i ran and hid behind a wall as i heard people screaming. I ran again and shot more of them,i was about to run again when I heard Leia and Luke speaking.

I can't let them see me. A scream was heard just a few foot away from where i was standing,a young woman was holding onto a boy when a Stormtrooper aimed his weapon at her. She screamed for help so i ran and shot the trooper down, "Are you o-okay?" I stutter.

She shakes her head and shows me that there's blood running down next to her stomach. "O-oh my! w-what should i d-do. I'll go ask for h-help." I was going to run for help when she grabbed onto my wrist. I heard another voice screaming my name. 

"No! Take him. I'll be fine.Go!" 

I nodded my head and took the small boy in my arms and ran for dear life. When i was reaching out of the village when a tropper spotted me almost shot the baby if it werent for me. Luckily the baby wasnt harmed but i was,i wasnt able to run faster due to that blast i took behind my back.

I held onto the baby and made my best so it wouldnt start crying. I heard Luke calling out my name along with my two other friends. I was getting scared cause it was getting darker and i had no idea where i went running to. "Madi!" Luke seemed angry at me as he came closer.

Leia looked angry as well as she spoke,"Madi? What were you thinking? We were all worried!" She said and once she spotted the baby she grabbed it from my arms when she saw me in pain.

"What did i tell you kid!?" Han stared at me. I stared back at the three of them and apologized for what i did. Luke came over and hugged me gently, "Don't ever do that again." 

"Now let's get back to the village. The baby's mother is fine." Leia spoke and she carried the baby all the way back to its home. We made it back and lucky us the mother of the baby was all fine and thanked me for saving the boys life. She along with Leia helped me stitch my wound when we made it outside Han was yelling at Luke.

"She's like a little sister to me!"

"Yeah? well she isnt,she can do whatever she wants to.she's tough."

"Tough my grandma.She couldve gotten killed! Cause of you Sywalker."

They both began to yell even more when Leia came over and patted my shoulder, "Men..they'll never change." 

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