The Millennium Falcon-Han Solo

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This is for Lukes-Jedi-Princess who requested another one shot. So thank you again! Hope you like it :)

"So i was helping out this dude who happened to be my enemy without me even knowing he almost stabbed me in the back if it weren't for Chewie." Han Solo kept on talking and talking and talking some more. I only followed him but not listening a single word he is saying. Honestly i'm regretting coming with him on this 'mission' in the first place.

He has Chewie anyway he can help him in stealing more things,Han continued talking and Chewie nodding his head at every word. I'm thinking that he's also  had enough of Han.everyone once in a while needs a break from this man.

"Aren't i cool,Kylie?" Han smirked back at me. 

I frowned at him attempt at flirting and rolled my eyes,"Come on,time to head back to to see the princess." Chewie walked in first on his ship. While i went in last.i'm too tired to even walk. "About time let's head back." He said sitting up front.

"Whatever you say meatball head." I mutter.

"I heard that!" 

"Hey can i at least drive the Falcon for a bit?" I ask him. 

"Heck no. this is my baby and i wont let anyone touch her." He replied.

I groaned and laid myself down,at least i'll rest a bit.maybe i can even sleep for a bit,nothing else will happen. I was closing my eyes but couldn't fall asleep. I groaned even louder and that seemed to get his attention, "I'll let you drive for a bit if you shut up." 

I sat up smiling and sat right next to him who had his eyes closed with a grumpy looking expression and his arms crossed over his shoulders. I started to push a few buttons and hit the hyperspace one. Out of nowhere some TIE fighters came and started to shoot us. "What the hell?!" Han opened his eyes and glared at the enemies.

"Isnt these the same ones who attacked Luke the other day?"

"I don't care if it's the same ones. I'm worried about my ship." Han said. "This is impossible! Kylie you have to shoot em." Han faced me.

"Why me?! I don't even know how to shoot on this thing," I panicked a bit, Han groaned and held my shoulders.

"You're the second best pilot i've ever met,Kylie. I trust you on this one you know the Falcon like the palm of your hands. Now go and kick some ass." Han said smiling a little.


We have the comlink head set up so we can speak to each other while we're at different parts from the ship, "Calm can do this it's easy just stay calm and everything will be alright." I say to myself. I sat down and started to shoot some of them, "Han i don't think we'll be able to defeat them." I sat through the comlink.

"They won't defeat us,Kylie,like you said we'll get through this." Han replied calmly. I take his advice and continue to shoot them. In no time they stopped and flew away and were out of sight.

"Whoo hoo! we made it!"

 I walk up to the front of the falcon and hug Han,"I told you we would do it kid." He pats my back. I only hug him tighter, "You can let go now..can't breathe." He gasps once i let him go.

"I can really fly this ship alone someday."

"Hey hey don't say those things." He smirks and ruffles my hair,"No but seriously thanks..i wouldn't have done..this..without you." Han awkwardly says to me i only hug him again. I was about to pull back when Chewie came passing by us and pushed me so Han and I ended up kissing each other.

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