Traitor?- Kylo Ren

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"Are you sure that once he sees you again,he'll react and turn to light side again?" 

I stare up ahead and watch all of the trees covering in snow,I feel the cold air and snow crushing my skin making me shiver even more with the thought of seeing Ben once again. I look over to Finn and Rey who are staring at me confused. I nod my head a couple of times as I begin to bite my lip which is something i often do when i'm nervous.

"I'm sure....besides he killed Han Solo...he was a dear friend of mine and i can assure you that i'll convince him to be good again. I know he's still good deep inside that deep cold frozen heart of his." I sigh and I can imagine how much he has grown since we last saw each other. 


"Ben! Tell you friend Jane that supper is ready!" 

"Alright Mom!"

I smiled to myself while I was picking up different colored flowers and making a crown out of them.Ben's mother Leia showed me her beautiful garden a month ago and she told me if i would like and watch over her flowers to which I agreed. Every spring new flowers grew around the huge harden and one flower caught my attention. It was a single black rose. It was surrounded by beautiful red ones,I always though that the other matching roses would grow but it didn't.

I would pass by the same bushes and it was the same everyday. "My mother is calling,idiot." He smacked the flowers out of my hand,making them all fall to the ground. I pouted and glared up at the boy dressed entirely in black. I jumped onto him but he stopped me and pushed me away making me fall down on my butt. I tried to not cry but failed. "Ben! What did you do to Jamie?" Leia came over and helped me to get up,and wrapped her arms around me.

"Ben. Apologize to Jaime right now!"

Ben looked over to his mother surprised that she yelled at him.He smirked down at me "I'm sorry you're so weak and pathetic." He left without saying nothing else and I can tell Princess Leia was angry at her own son. "I'm so sorry Jamie. Ben has been acting strange lately. Come in i'll make you something sweet to eat."

That day Ben was turning fourteen years old and became distant with all of us. While Leia was talking with her husband. Meanwhile everyone was talking about adult stuff i felt Ben staring at me. I looked over the corner of my eye and saw him glaring at me. I stood up from my chair making everyone look at me "May I be excused?"

"Is everything alright kiddo?" 

I nodded over at Han and stepped aside "Yes...i just need some fresh air." 

While making my way outside I heard everybody talking happily about Luke training Ben and that they'll be gone for a while. I'll admit ever since Ben and I met. I felt a connection towards him,a strong powerful connection. He was the Ying and I was the Yang in our relationship. We became closer and eventually we started dating a year ago. Even though I was two years younger than him,i can tell that I loved him more than just a friend.


I quickly looked back and saw him behind me,his hands behind his back probably hiding something. "What do you want?!" I ask him with a glare. He looks down at me,angry. Yep this was our relationship. Of love and hate. "Stop whining about everything and woman up, You're already twelve so I suggest you train harder and try to impress me." He stared at my bright blue eyes and I into his dark brown ones.

"If you came here to scold me than you should just leave!" I folded my arms and looked away from him. I heard him coming closer and he took my hand "I won't leave you alone. You're just too stubborn and childish." He grabbed both of my hands and gave me the single black rose that was resting in the garden. "We're supposed to get married remember? Mother and Father agreed to this before we were born." I gave him a small smile.

"I know." He smiled down at me and held me tight in a hug. "You'll mever leave me right Jane? No matter what happens you'll always stay by my side?" "....I swear I will...Ben."


"Go up ahead i'll catch you two in a minute."

Rey and Finn both nodded and ran down to confront Ben. Well now most known as Kylo Ren. I watched them run into the forest "Now's my chance to prove that i've gotten stronger and smarter. I promise i'll bring you back Ben." I grabbed my lightsaber and placed it on my sweater as I began to chase them.

I ran which was impossible in the snow. But i managed to find them "You are all traitors! You were supposed to kill her and now look at you!" My eyes widen and I saw Ben just a few feet away from me. "Jane." Rey whispered. Ben stood still and slowly looked behind him. "Well isn't it little Jane, She's not so little anymore i see."

"I've changed Ben."

"BEN IS DEAD!! My name is Kylo Ren and i'm the commander of the first order."

He glared at me and fully turned his body to see me well. "I know that already. You killed your own father Ben-" "HE WAS NOT MY FATHER! CALL ME BEN ONE LAST TIME AND I WILL RIP YOUR HEAD."  I stared into those brown lifeless eyes. "I swear I remember how I killed you parents," "I dont care! I know there is still good in you...I'm bringing you back with me."

He smirls and grips his ligjtsaber tighter "Your going to sen my back to my mommy sp she csn scold me snd convince me to be good again? No no Jane thayt will never happen again. I'm going to finish what Darth Vader started." He started to laugh once he saw me a bit scared. "Did I scare little Jane?" He looled down at my hands and stared at them confused. "Your still wearing that fifthly ring." 

"Yes. I still have hope that we'll go back and get married." I say with tears in my eyes now. I shake ,y head and helf onto my black long hair that kept getting on my face. "You still believe that i'll get married?!" "You were getting married to him?!" Finn suddenly shouts. Ben looks behind and glares at him.

"Please come home...Ben." 

He drew his lightsaber and began walking towards me,furious. "Oh shit." I start walking backwards and He does seem like he's gonna kill me. "Don't touch her!" I hear Rey shout. She starts to attack him along with Finn but Ben defeated them. "Now i'm going to kill you." 

My breathing quickens and I start to run away from him "Come and play Jane. It's not fair if you keep running away." I look behind me and see nobody there. I scream once he appesred behind a tree and nearly chopped my head off. I drew my purple lightsaber and swung it at him making him scream in agony as he holds his face. "Ben. Please listen to me this isnt y-you. I want you back..I still love you Ben!!" 

He swung his lightsaber at me making my hiss as I hold onto my leg that started bleeding a bit. "Finally. The time has come to kill you. You were the one who made me feel loved and never lonely..But that needs to change." 

He pushed me and I fell onto the snow and I closed my eyes prepared to die "At least you'll be the one to kill me." I opened my eyes and saw him inches apart from my face "You promised to me thay no mayter what happened you would stay by my side....Don't ever come and look for me or next time I WILL kill you." I stared up at him confused. He leaned down and kissed my lips. I kissed him back and when we parted he drew his lightsaber and stabbed it onto my shoulder. "AHHH!" I hold my shoupder and cry. 

"I hope we don't see each other again." He placed something on my pocket and walked away like nothing happened. I heard Rey shouting at Finn and they both came and helped me get up. We arrived at the Millenium Falcon and Chewie greeted us. "Where did Kylo go?" "Don't ask that to her her! She needs to be heled first. That bastard will pay." 

They placed me on a seat and they took off my sweater and lowered my shirt as they bandsged my shoulder which had a huge wound. "He'll never change. We gotta tell General Leia about this." I confused. reached over the pocket and took out what Ben placed inside. His matching ring. "Yes. He will never to back...that makes me an enemy and a traitor..." I was never there for him. So I guess this means that we will most likely never see each other again....

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