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"...hey kiddo wake up." I heard my father's voice whisper to me,slowly i sat up and yawned, "What's the matter daddy?" i ask him with another yawn after and rubbing my eyes trying to open my eyes.

"Today i planned an entire day of us together but we gotta hurry cause dad has to sign up some paper at his job. I'll leave y-you to get ready." My father said and walked out of my small room filled with toys. Quickly i grabbed the first clothes i found scattered on the floor and carried my stuffed bear with me.

About an hour later we arrived at this giant ship filled with many soldiers all dressed in black and some in white, "Is this where you work father?" I asked him while he held my hand all the way to an office. He didn't respond until i moved my hand with his,quickly his eyes looked down at me, "What w-w-was it kiddo?"

"I asked if this is where you work! You always told me that someday i'd visit you here." I smile up at my father who remained silent and stared up ahead.

"About time you should up." a man with dark red hair said when he saw my father and me,but the way he looked at me was with disgust? Father let go of my hand and explained to the man why we were late.

"This better now happen she is (Y/N)?" The man said with a smile on his face and stood back up, "I have a son the same age as her...Armitage..annoying brat if you ask me. I was never one for raising a child." i hugged my small teddy bear and grabbed a hold of my father coat.

"Sign here and here." the cold looking man says handing my father a clipboard. I watched my father signing a few things before handing the clipboard back to the man behind the desk.

"All settled then." The man nods his head and behind me two stormtroopers appeared and grabbed my arms, "Father?! Tell them to let me go!" I cry out as i struggle and try to run into my father's arms and my teddy bear falling to the floor.

"Daddy!" I escaped from their grasp and only managed to hold onto my father's hand for a second when they pulled me back and forcefully escorted me out as i cried and shouted back at him...

That was 12 years ago and ever since that i never heard a word from my father. I don't even know if he's even alive. These past 12 years were hard for me especially after realizing that my father sold me to the First Order. I just turned 24 and felt lonely,lonely because i had no memories of my family.

I served for the First Order for many years but despite that it never felt like home to me. I was always assigned on missions to try and rob,kill or kidnap people and when i refused they would leave me several marks on me. Life wasn't easy for me especially with the boy I grew up with,Armitage Hux. I remembered his name when his father was disgusted by him when i was still little.

We would take our anger on each other daily when we were younger and a bit till this day.

"Hey don't talk about him like that!"

"Why would you care you never liked the man."

"Course i never liked him but at least i remember his face especially when i killed him." Hux would tell me..yeah we both have dad issues.

I would take my anger on any men on this ship and feel no remorse until i realized not every men are alike. I met Finn and when i heard the news that he was going to betray the first order I helped him with a Resistance pilot known as Poe Dameron. That was almost a year ago and i've felt so at home. I looked up at the General Leia Organa as a mother figure cause i never had for a father..i decided to put that aside for while.

We thought with Rey heading to where Luke Skywalker is everything would be fine but the First Order attacked us and now Finn and another girl who works on the ship known as Rose were on a look out to find a man who can disable the tracking device on the ship. So now we're on to a mission. a suicide mission.

"Do you think we'll find the man?" Rose asked us both.

"I hope so." I say while playing with my hands and looking back at her, "You ever heard of Canto Bight?" she shifts from her spot and nods her head.

"I have..heard a few things here and there."

"Me too." I admit.

"Canto Bight?! I've never heard of it before." Finn says and looks at us both, "Is it a nice place?"

I shrug my shoulder which is a habit of mine and play with my hands again feeling nervous about this whole situation and place we're heading, "I doubt it's where everyone who has money loves to spend time."

"Interesting." Finn says and the ship stopped.We finally arrived. Finn ran inside with a smile on his face he took in every detail of the place while Rose and I exchanged look. Now on to find the man with a red flower. Rose pulled Finn onto a balcony and I followed, i stared down and saw a few creatures and people watching a race with these creatures they have locked in.

I couldn't hear what Finn and Rose cause my eyes looked down at a little girl smiling up who i assume is her father...

I felt Rose tug onto my sleeve when she pointed at a man dressed nicely in white with a pin,the red flower! "There he is!' Finn grinned and the three of us began to run down the stairs when three soldiers grabbed us from behind and threw us on their shoulders. They lead us to a cell and threw us in,the three of us groaning and realized that one of them drew a small cut on my arm,blood slowly dripping down. I hissed but tried to ignore it.


"What are we gonna do now?" Rose looked at us both.

"'s useless now..the galaxy is at risk because of the first order and now the man won't help us disable the device." I muttered and hugged my arm arms trying to keep myself warm careful to not touch my wound.

" I can help."

I jumped a bit along with my two friends at the sudden voice that came out of know where,i squinted my eyes and saw a man sitting up from a bed. I couldn't seen most of his face until he stood, "You were a-a-all talking out loud and over heard you t-talking about disabling a device." Finn walked a step ahead of us standing in front of us just in case.

I saw a clear view of the man and he looked almost familiar. Like i knew him from somewhere, "You can help us?"

"Sure why not..b-but i need something in return." he muttered and we stepped aside and he opened the cell door and the three of us stepped outside and began to run. I stopped in my tracks figuring if i should follow Finn and Rose of this man. I cursed and ran to the other side following to where the man left.


I stopped and raised my hands up and stared at the man beside me and BB-8 who began to shoot coins to the man ended up the floor when this strange man hit him and began to collect the coins that laid on the ground.

"Really? We don't have time for that." I tugged onto the man when he had enough coins and we began to make our way to the exit. I only followed the man and we entered a ship, "This yours?" I ask looking around.

He shrugged his shoulder, "Kind of." i furrowed my eyebrows but decided to not ask more questions to this stranger. I don't even know the man,he might kill me but i felt something when i saw him. BB-8 rolled inside and began to beep while looking up at me, "Yes..i know we won't leave him." I whisper and knelt down to it's level.

"Of course..we can trust him i think.." I shrug and saw the man staring at us both. I blush and quickly stood back up, "S-sorry." The man rolled his eyes and sat down on the couch and began to find something inside his coat.


I looked down at BB-8 not sure but the man spoke again and this time i obeyed and sat down next to him, "Give me your arm." slowly i did and he touched it and began to clean my wound, he wrapped it up on a bandage and i couldn't help but stare at a small stuffed animal that rested on top of the table, it resembles a teddy bear but a very worn out one. i chuckled which caught his attention.

"That bear.."

"W-What about i-i-it?" He asked and grabbed the bear and stuffed it into his coat.

"It reminds me of the one i had back home." I stared down at my arm which was already wrapped up and he stood up and took a sip out of a flask he i assume carried with, "Drinking so late? What's up with you anyway?"

"Drowning m-my own s-s-sorrows." He muttered to himself but I heard. I stood in front of him, "L-Look...umm...thanks for wrapping up my wound-" the man shrugged and moved back to the front of the ship.

"What's y-your name kid?"

"(Y/N)." I answer and he glances back at me and starts the ship after, "What about my friends-"

"I'm n-n-not leaving them..just trust me." He answered and BB-8 stared at me.

"So..(Y/N)..kiddo..w-what brings you h-here again?"

"The first order is about to attack our people and are keeping a track on we need someone to disable the tracking device. You sure you can do it?"

"Kid,i've done t-t-these kind of things a thousand times-"

"That's why you were in the cell then." I try to not laugh and he shrugs again, "More or less."I smiled and sat down on the other end i looked over to him and we met our dark eyes, "You remind me of my daughter for some reason.."

I frown and stare at him asking myself if i should ask where she is, "What h-happened to her?"

The man looked away first and spoke, "S-She d-d-died...I couldn't save her..even before she died i didnt tell her how much i loved her" weird how a strange man is telling me about his family.

I took a hold of his hand and smiled, "I'm sure she knew how much you loved her." we stared at each other for a second when he was about to speak up again BB-8 started to call us telling us that he saw Rose and Finn.

"I'll be right back..told you i would wait for them." The man smiled before heading down with BB-8.

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