War-Darth Vader x Reader x Krennic

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"Do as you are told, (Y/N). I do not have time to lecture you again cause I have a very busy schedule..if Vader finds out you've been taking unessasary breaks he'll fire you."

I yawn on the inside as I heard Krennic speaking to me. I'm not new to this job but I really need a break from time to time..it's lonely and boring here.

I yawn loudly now and rest my feet up on his desk.

"What are you doing?!" He raises his voice and stares down at my dirty boots which is making him freak out.

"I just cleaned it an hour ago...Know what?..just leave."

He points at his door and I calmly walk out of his office and he quickly shuts it up. Krennic is such a clean freak..well..I better see what Vader is up to.


I hid by the corner and watched him..he's just standing there without making a single sound or noise,what is he up to? Hmm i better leave then...

"Where are you going?"

I tensed and looked up ahead to see Vader looking at my direction with his arms fold across his chest.

"Mind telling me why you were spying on your boss?"

"I w-was just passing by!" I really am a bad liar.

"(Y/N), I've had a few plans to rule the galaxy but i'm having a hard time..would you mind joining me for lunch? I can use your help."

He serious?

"It would be a pleasure.."

I never thought Darth Vader would ask me to help him with these plans..I was kinda hoping Krennic would ask me..oh wel!

About an hour passed and I was sitting down with Vader and his blueprints till someone approached our table.

"Looks like Vader took the first step then." I heard Krennic say as he glared at our boss.

"You were late."

I am so confused. I looked between them back and forth when then I realized they were fighting for me..well more like deciding who should stat with me.

"I'm better than you!"

"You wish! You just work for me!-"

"Yeah! I've been behind your whiny ass for years."

"Bring it on then."

"Stop it!"

I stood in between them when Vader took out his lightsaber. I glared at both men, "How dare you two decided for me! You two better start planning some more cause honestly i'm not falling for any of you two..good day men." I said without a single word after as I walked away from them.

"Let's fight and see who wins her hand then."

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