Luke Skywalker- Love (a)

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"You know we that even if we do love each other, you're a jedi... we could never act on it." You pulled away from Luke's outstretched hands and hated yourself as Luke's face fell in sadness. "I love you Luke." He sat his hands on his dark, sun crested hair and sat on the sandy rock as if the weight of the world were on his shoulders.

"I love you too."

"But you're a Jedi. The universe has far greater things in store for you than a small hut on some dwarf planet with an outcast like me. You'll be somewhere out there." You perched next to him and waited for him to sink his head onto your shoulder as you watched the third of your planets four suns sink into the horizon. "You'll be bringing peace to the galaxy, reuniting families, putting an end to tyranny all over the galaxy." His hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you tightly in.

"I wish the rules weren't as they are. I don't understand why the life of a Jedi must be a life of... solitude. A life of solitude with nobody to love and nobody to be loved by, makes me think that being a Jedi isn't worth it."

"Life is full of sacrifices. Do you really think I want to give you up? Send you off to who knows where to do... I can't even fathom the danger you might be putting yourself in. I do know however, it will all be worth it for all the good you will be doing." He tried to fool you with a less than convincing smile but you knew the pain inside his heart was only rivalled by yours. "I'll wait for you though. I'm sure one day when you've... saved the universe and brought justice to every being that inhabits it, I'll still be here. I'll still have my tiny plot of crops going and I'll definitely make sure to keep a fresh pot of soup cooking just for you. I'll never be able to forget about you, I'll think about you everyday and every night I'll look out into that vast emptiness above me and I'll pray that I'll see a sign that tells me you're due a surprise visit."

"The offer still sits on the table, there's always an empty seat next to mine if you wanted to join?"


Written by Aaron.

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