Prologue: The Force

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Emperor Magma. Said a stormtrooper as he bowed. Yes? I said. We have found life on the planet. Said the stormtrooper. Did you ask them if they are with us or the Rebel scum? I asked. They aren't with either Emperor. They say they are with the Dark Side of the Force. Which is funny because there are no more force users besides Luke Skywalker. Said the stormtrooper.

You are so stupid! The Dark Side of the Force is always here! I want to talk to them! Bring me to them! I yelled. Yes your highness. The stormtrooper said as he bowed down. Right this way. Said the stormtrooper. Ok we are at your shuttle. Said the stormtrooper. Do we have troops on the planet still? I said. Yes we do. Said the stormtrooper. Ok then get me a few of our best stormtroopers. I said

Yes sir. The stormtrooper said as he went searching for others. ( I am hoping that there is a Sith Lord down there that will help us.). Here are your troops your highness. Said the stormtrooper. Ok then let's go.

We are on the planet your highness. Said the stormtrooper. This is definitely a place where you would think Sith Lords would be. ( This place is like Mustafar.). Ok take me to the Force users. I said. Ok right this way your highness. Said the stormtrooper.

We are here. Said the stormtrooper. Hello Mitchell. You are the one I have been sensing in the Force. My name is Darth Death. Said the person. How do you know my name? Barely anyone knows that. I asked. The Force. Let me see if  I am right. Darth Death as he brought out a device. What is that? I asked. It is a Midichlorean scanner. Yes I was right. Said Darth Death. Right about what? I asked.

You have the Force. So do you want me to train you in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force? ( Yes! I have always wanted to be a Sith Lord! Darth Vader is my idol! I look up to him.) . Yes! I said. Ok first thing you have to do is no longer use your name, my young apprentice. Said Darth Death. Why? I asked. To be a Sith Lord you have to. Darth Death said.

Ok I will have my name changed. I said. Ok for now on you will be... Darth Draco. Said Darth Death. That's a cool name, I like it. I said. Another thing you now call me master. Darth Death said. Yes master. Together we will rule the galaxy! Darth Death yelled. But first you have a lot of training to do.

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