Chat 1

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{Chat is activated}

Anakin Skywalker has entered the chat room STAR WARS: THE CHAT WARS

Ahsoka Tano has entered the chat room STAR WARS: THE CHAT WARS

Anakin Skywalker: I AM A BAWSS

Ahsoka Tano: *le grumpy cat face* No.

Nute Gunray has entered the chat room STAR WARS: THE CHAT WARS

Nute Gunray: You got something right, for once. Bravo!

Ahsoka Tano: Be gone with you, sleemo! No one likes you except the rest of the dumb Trade Federation with their ugly hats and your stupid battle droids! And they don’t even count! How many followers do you have on Forcebook? Huh? HOW MANY?!

Nute Gunray: I can’t even begin to process that… *Walks away and sits in a corner*

Ahsoka Tano: That’s what I thought. And how the heck did you get on this chat anyway? It’s private!

Nute Gunray: I have my ways…

Nute Gunray has left the chat.

Anakin Skywalker: Snips…wasn’t that taking it a little too far? I mean you didn’t really have to do that for me.

Ahsoka Tano: Oh, it wasn’t for you, Master. I had an old score to settle with that Trade Federation dog.

Anakin Skywalker: *whispering* Force she’s crazy sometimes…

Ahsoka Tano: WHAT did you just say??!!

Anakin Skywalker: Nothing…

Obi-Wan Kenobi has entered the chat room STAR WARS: THE CHAT WARS

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anakin what’s going on here?

Anakin Skywalker: *whispering so quietly it’s almost mouthing it *Ahsoka’s gone nuts!

Obi-Wan Kenobi: ……

Anakin Skywalker: *still whispering* Was I like this when I was your padawan?

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Maybe…

Anakin Skywalker: *clears throat awkwardly* Well, okay, then…

Obi-Wan Kenobi: The first time I can remember that happening to you was after that whole business with you escorting Senator Amidala to Naboo after she nearly got killed that one time here on Coruscant by Zam Wessel.

Anakin Skywalker: Wait a second… that was when Padme and I fell in… OH MY FORCE AHSOKA WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING??!!

Ahsoka Tano: What? Nothing!

Anakin Skywalker: You’ve been seeing Lux Bonteri again, haven’t you?! Oh by the Force the Council is going to KILL YOU!!!

Ahsoka Tano: What? No! I haven’t been seeing him!

Anakin Skywalker: Come on, Snips! You can’t lie forever!

Ahsoka Tano: Maybe I have…

Obi-Wan Kenobi: For the love of deathsticks, Ahsoka! Please no!

Ahsoka Tano: Okay, fine! I have! Yeah, I’ve been seeing him!

Lux Bonteri has entered the chat room STAR WARS: THE CHAT WARS

Lux Bonteri: Hey sweetie, what’s going on?

Ahsoka Tano: Uh, hey Lux… Um… Anakin and Obi-Wan kind of just found out about us…

Lux Bonteri: WHAT?! *facepalms dramatically*

Ahsoka Tano: It wasn’t me, okay! They figured it out on their own!

Lux Bonteri: Ahsoka, I thought you said that they wouldn’t find out!

Ahsoka Tano: I did, but I guess I underestimated them… a little… sort of

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Oh, this is getting good…

Anakin Skywalker: *through a mouthful of buttered popcorn* Want some, Master?

Obi-Wan: Pass me a handful, Anakin.

Anakin Skywalker: *virtually passes Obi-Wan a handful of popcorn*

Ahsoka Tano: Be quiet, you two! Can’t you see we’re trying to argue?

Anakin Skywalker: *shuts up*

Obi-Wan Kenobi: *shuts up*

Ahsoka Tano: Thank you. Now where were we?

Lux Bonteri: I believe I was reprimanding you for letting the gundark out of the bag.

Ahsoka Tano: Ah yes… *pauses dramatically* But Lux, I’m telling you that I didn’t do anything to arouse their suspicions!

Lux Bonteri: Well you must’ve, because I certainly didn’t!

Ahsoka Tano: Well, come to think of it… I might have…

Obi-Wan: Oh pray tell.

Ahsoka Tano: *shoots Obi-Wan an evil glare*

Obi-Wan Kenobi: *slinks away and sits in a corner*

Anakin Skywalker: Shame on you, Ahsoka! Don’t be mean to Obi-Wan!

Ahsoka Tano: *shoots Anakin an even more evil glare*

Anakin Skywalker: *slinks away and sits in the corner with Obi-Wan*

Ahsoka Tano: Now, as I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted, I think that maybe when you weren’t in this chat yet I was kind of getting a little… um… you get the point.

Lux Bonteri: *facepalms again*

Anakin Skywalker: *Snickers from the corner*

Obi-Wan Kenobi: *trying to hide a laugh and look serious at the same time and failing* Well, really Anakin?

Ahsoka Tano: *shoots another evil glare at the both of them and they both fall silent*

Lux Bonteri: Look we’ll talk about this later in a PRIVATE chat where there’s no laughing in the background after every word you or I say. And to be clear, I am not mad at you.

Ahsoka Tano: Good, sweetie, I hate being mad at you…

Lux Bonteri: *kisses Ahsoka on the lips*

Anakin Skywalker: *makes gagging noises*

Obi-Wan Kenobi: PLEASE try to be more mature Anakin! (Not really, if I weren’t on the Council and a Master I would be doing that too)

Lux Bonteri has left the chat.

Ahsoka Tano: And Master Kenobi, Skyguy, I WILL know if you even THINK of repeating what you heard here, and then I will totally kill you in your sleep!!! *suddenly takes on a sugary-sweet tone of voice* See you at training tomorrow, Masters!

Ahsoka Tano has left the chat.

Anakin Skywalker: If I weren’t so terrified of getting a lightsaber in my stomach tonight I would be totally grossed out.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Same here. I would suggest locking our doors.

Anakin Skywalker: She’ll still find a way in…the doors to our rooms at the Temple aren’t resistant to lightsabers, you know…

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Oh… That’s a comforting thought…

Anakin Skywalker: See you tomorrow, Master… if there even is a tomorrow for us…

Anakin Skywalker has left the chat.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: That was officially the BEST. PRANK. EVER!!!!

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Ahsoka and Lux are probably going to kill me for that, but at least it teaches her not to leave her account on Forcebook open on her holopad when she leaves the room… anyone could have seen what she and Lux were writing to one another…

Obi-Wan Kenobi has left the chat.

{Chat goes inactive} 

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