The Beginnings of The Chat Wars

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{Chat is activated}

Dooku has entered the chat room STAR WARS: THE CHAT WARS

Ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn has entered the chat room STAR WARS: THE CHAT WARS

Yoda has entered the chat room STAR WARS: THE CHAT WARS

Mace Windu has entered the chat room STAR WARS: THE CHAT WARS

Dooku: The Jedi are corrupt! We must change our ways!

Yoda: Mistaken you are, awesome are we.

Mace Windu: Yeah, I agree with the green guy here.

Ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn: He has a point there.

Yoda: *widens eyes and drops cane* Dead you are, doing here what are you?!

Ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn: I’m… well, that will be explained in another place, in another time, my old friends…

Dooku: ???

Yoda: *picks up cane again* Calling old, who are you? Old I am not! Only 854 years old am I!

Mace Windu: Whatever. Stay if you want, Qui-Gon. But back to the important matter at hand.

Dooku: We must change, or we will pay the price!

Mace Windu: No! We have been like this for a couple thousand years now! (I actually forget how many) We’re not going to change the ways of the Jedi just for the wishes of one man, Dooku!

Dooku: I now see that the Jedi Order won’t be able to adapt. I shall start anew, and you will see me again, sooner than you think!!!

Dooku has changed his username to Count Dooku

Count Dooku has left the chat.

Yoda: Strange and disturbing this is. Miss him, we will.

Mace Windu: I agree. Let us go meditate on it uselessly while we try to cope.

Yoda has left the chat.

 Mace Windu has left the chat.

 Ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn: Well I guess I’m the last one here. I think I’ll just wait for them until they get back.

 Ten years later…

 Mace Windu has entered the chat room STAR WARS: THE CHAT WARS

 Obi-Wan Kenobi has entered the chat room STAR WARS: THE CHAT WARS

 Yoda has entered the chat room STAR WARS: THE CHAT WARS

 Ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn: *brushing virtual cobwebs off of his Jedi robes* Finally! You guys made it!


Ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn: Sorry my old padawan, but no. I am one with the Force now, because I am awesome.

 Yoda: Awesome you are not, lying you are.

Mace Windu: Couldn’t have said it better myself… *whispering* Except maybe with something even remotely closer to grammar

Ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn: *Sad face*

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Masters, do you believe what Dooku told me? About the Sith controlling the Internet?

Yoda: Difficult to see. Always in motion, the future is.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: I have to admit that without our excellent Comments, it would not have been a victory.

Yoda: Victory? Victory, you say? Master Obi-Wan! *epic music plays in the background* The shroud of the Dark Side has fallen. Begun, the Chat Wars have.

*Star Wars Theme plays in the background*

 {Chat goes inactive}

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