Chapter 32 - Not Tonight

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⊘ Silence

⊘ "Leia, let me in." Han pressed his hand on the palm sensor and then pounded on the door to their apartment one more time.

A Neimoidian poked his blue reptilian head out a door down the corridor and narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

With a quieter thump, Han said, "Don't make a scene, Leia."

The hatch whooshed open to reveal a red-faced Princess of Alderaan. She grabbed his arm and dragged him into the suite while Threepio halted a few paces away.

"Switch off, Threepio," Leia commanded the droid.

"Switching off, Your Highness," the droid said before powering down.

"You rekeyed the lock?"

"What do you think? You humiliate—"

Han pushed his hands in front of him. "Wait? I humiliated you? You're the one who humiliated me in front of the whole Senate. You think they're going to give me another mission now?"

Leia crossed her arms and huffed. "That won't be the reason."

"Oh, you managing my life now?"

"No, I don't have to." She turned her back and stepped toward the living room.

When Han spun her around, he noticed the slight baby bump under her flowing Senatorial gown.

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"

"You come in, reeking of Corellian rum, and bring us nothing we can use. I risked my position in the Senate, all credibility, letting you go on this mission. You have no idea—"

"It's not my fault they sent me on a wild bantha chase."

Leia shook her head and pressed her lips together as tears welled in her eyes. She swallowed and crossed her arms once more, turning from him. When he clutched her elbow, she shook him off. "Don't touch me." She stared out the sliding window at the mountains in the distance.

"Look ..."

"You don't get it, Han. Jakku is our last chance. All of the other targets washed up." She hung her head low. "I was counting on you."

Han slid between her and her view. "Sh. We'll figure something out. We always do." He pulled her close to his chest and ran his hand down her back.

Leia pushed him off her with more force than he thought she could possess. "No."

He stumbled into the plastiglass sliding door. "What'd you do that for?" He rubbed his head.

"Sex is always your solution, Han. Well, it's not going to work this time."

"It always works." He cocked his head and smirked at her. He teased her. "You know you can't get enough of me."

"Not this time. I've had quite enough of you."

"Come on, Leia, it's been weeks."

"Yeah, and I'm done with being your toy that you shove to the side when you're done." She stormed into the kitchen.

Han sidled up and embraced her from behind.

She elbowed him and turned, her face angrier than he had ever seen it before. "Don't touch me." A knife lay on the counter. Her eyes focused on it as she barely lifted her hand. After a tense moment, she gripped her hips.

He held up his hands again. "All right. I'll leave."


"What's the point?"

"We need to work this out, Han. We've got a kid on the way."

Han stumbled backward. Something about that made him freeze, the world halting around him as if he were locked in carbonite. He ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm not sure I'm ready for this, Leia."

"You should have thought that through five months ago."

"Can't you get rid of it?"

She swung her flattened hand at him.

"Ow!" He raised his palm to his face, it stinging from the slap as much as from the surprise.

"You think that after five months of feeling him inside me I would even consider that?" She pointed toward the front door. "Get out."

"Leia." He twisted his head and bit his tongue. "I'm sorry. It's just ... we never talked about kids."

"We never talked, period. Not since Endor." She leaned against the counter.

"We are now."

"Really?" She chuckled. "If you want to stay, I need a real relationship, not this fly-by-night garbage."

"I need a few things, too." Han rubbed the back of his neck. "Some respect around here for one."

"I respect you."

He shook his head. "No, you don't. And why should you? I'm not earning anything."

"It's not about the credits, Han. I've got plen—"

"You don't get it. I need to provide something for this household, Leia. Now that the housing project is finished—"

Her brown eyes softened. "I know you want to be the provider, but what I need is you. Here. Especially with a baby on the way." She pressed her lips together and cocked her head. "How about bringing in shipments for the private vendors here?"


"You'd be able to fly. Get off the planet. Feed your need for hyperspace."

He inhaled and considered the options. "I could do some short hops, be home on the weekends, if we're going to work this out."

She sidled beside him and snaked her head under his arm. "Maybe a few nights every week? Get a few more ships, run your own fleet."

"Now you're talking. Solo Shipping. 'Our junk moves your junk.'"

He smiled when she giggled.

"We might need to work on that slogan."

Han took a step closer to the living room, guiding her to the sofa. "Yeah. So, a kid?"

"Uh-huh. A son."

He rested his hand on her belly. "Don't feel anything. Just you getting chubby."

"Oh, you—"

He winked at her. "Always thought you were too skinny anyway."

"Han Solo, one more comment about my body, and you will be wishing you were still in carbonite."

He pulled her close to him and kissed her on the head. "I love you. As crazy as our lives have been, that's the one thing that will never change."


"Of course."

"Sometimes I think you love everyone else, everything else but me." Her voice was quiet, her eyes focused on the mountains once more. "Every time you leave, I think you've found someone else, someone better."

"I'm sorry. I guess I left because I didn't think you needed me anymore."

She turned to him and ran her fingers down the lapels of his vest. "I do need you. Your son needs you. I need to know you'll always be there for me."

"Well, I have some needs, too."

She rolled her eyes. "I know."

"Not just sex. I need a purpose, Leia. I know it's hard for you to understand, but ... it's just how I am."



"That's why I became a Senator—to find my purpose by helping others. Why can't you find your purpose being a husband and a father?"

Han lowered his head in silence. Maybe it is time I settled down, stopped chasing the next big thrill. But I have no idea how to be a father ... at least not a good one. I don't want my son growing up hating his old man, running away ... but she needs me, and I need her, more than I want to admit. He cleared his throat and softened his face. "I'm willing to try if you are."

She crossed her arms and gazed past him at the mountains again. "This isn't something we can just try with. A baby will change everything, and we can't mess this up. Are you ready to put someone else ahead of you? Can you be the man I need?"

He wrapped his arms around her and brought his lips to her. His mouth sought hers—

She pushed him away once more. "No."

"I want to show you how much I love you."

"Find another way." She waved her finger in front of her. "'Cause this isn't happening, Solo."

"I thought you agreed to fulfill my needs."

"That's not what I meant, nerfherder." She stared at him with a pensive face. "I need you to be my rock, not some asteroid poking its space slug out every so often." Leia nestled her hand in his. "The Senate's rough. I need you to be my refuge, to tell me everything's going to be all right, that you still believe in me ... even when I've stopped believing in myself."

"I do."

"I need it more often, not just when the mood suits you and you want to shoot your coaxium."


"You can start by taking me out to dinner. We've never been on a date before." She pinched his vest and dragged him toward their bedroom.

"That's not true. I took you to dinner once."

"Yeah. Endor doesn't count."

"Your father was there."

"I didn't know you before my father—" Her eyes widened and she lightly punched him in the stomach. "Bespin doesn't count either. Go get cleaned up. You'll find some nicer clothes in the wardrobe. Make yourself presentable."

"I have to change?"

"A shave wouldn't hurt either. Chewie coming home?"

"Not tonight." Han winked at her.

She shook her head. "Don't even think about it, Han. Not tonight."

Did you know ...

As a Force-user, Leia has a unique bond with her child in the womb. She would feel the agony of his death if she aborted him.

Tell me what you think ...

● How long will this last?

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