Chapter 73 - Mission to Aduba

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❶ "Your Father Would Be Proud" — Rogue One OST

❷ "Almost Ready" — The Right Stuff OST

⊘ Silence

A few weeks later while Naluma supervised the loading of the Millennium Falcon with the supplies for Khalkha, Luke poked his head into their cabin. Sensing his unease, she looked up from her datapad. "What's wrong?"

"The Senate has requested my presence." He winced.

"Now, of all times?" Naluma asked with her hands on her hips. "We're supposed to leave tomorrow, Luke." She ran her hand over his uniform tunic and fastened the collar. "I need you to help with set up of the academy."

"Can't be helped. I'll hop over there right now and hurry back."

"If you must leave, take Kalder with you. He needs to learn how to deal with the Senate sooner rather than later."

"Will do," Luke said before kissing her good-bye. "Hey, Kalder," he yelled into the Falcon.

"Yes, Master Luke."

"You're with me. Change into your formal grays."

Kalder raised his eyebrows in question before hightailing it to the shuttle. "Yes, master."

❶ After meeting with the Senate, Luke returned to the shuttle with Kalder in the middle of the night. He awoke Naluma with a gentle push.

"You're back?" Hope colored her words.

"Can't stay long. Just here to pick up some uniforms." He opened his gear locker and shoved some clothes into a small kit bag. "Headed to Aduba to keep two factions from blowing up their entire planet. If it's all right with you, I'm taking Kalder."

"You don't have to ask my permission."

"I know," he said as he sat next to her on the bunk and stroked her face. "But I appreciate your insight."

"He's ready for a mission. Just keep his predatory instincts under control," Naluma said with a smirk. "How long will it take?"

"Couple of weeks. Once it's resolved, we'll have to report back to the Senate, too."

"A couple of weeks?" She sat back and started her cleansing breaths. It's going to be all right, Naluma. Visions are too far out. As long as we don't pick up anymore Padawan between now and then ... "Well, we'll keep to the original schedule then and head out today with the Falcon."

"Are you sure you can handle it by yourself?"

"I'll be fine." Naluma placed her hand on his arm and picked up his fear. "Relax, Tandolleau will be piloting the shuttle."

Luke smiled at her and shook his head. "You know me too well."

"Trust me, I don't ever want to pilot again, anyway."

"Good. Then I won't have to worry about you," Luke said, stroking her chin with his thumb.

She turned her eyes downward.

He pulled his hand away quickly. "Oh, yeah, you'll have another passenger this trip."

"Another Padawan already?" Her breathing increased. Not the one I saw. Please.

"No. A cleric. Lor San Tekka approached me in the Senate. Says he's received direction from the Force to join us at the academy."

"What are your thoughts?"

"I scanned him. He believes he has been called to this vocation. He knows there won't be any servants, and he has promised to assist in any way possible," Luke said as he bit his lower lip. "At least he'll give us another adult."

"But does he outrank you?" Naluma asked. "I mean, who's going to be in charge?"

"That's still to be determined," Luke said with a grunt. "He's waiting on the main deck. Now, don't forget to launch that satellite beacon. Did Kallay get it programmed to her satisfaction yesterday?"

"Yes, she did. She said if anyone even found it in space, they would mistake it for debris and not a communication relay station," Naluma said with a proud smile. "I've put her in charge of the entire assignment. She may be ready for a mission soon, too."

"Not yet. She's still ... her fear overwhelms her at times, 'Luma. That could get her killed on a mission," Luke said as he looked at the chronometer. "I have to get going. Our transport leaves in a few minutes."

Naluma wrapped her arms around him. "May the Force be with you, Luke."

"You, too. I'll meet you Khalkha in a few weeks." Luke pressed his lips to her one last time. He stroked her cheek with his finger and then exited the cabin.

I love you, Naluma added.

Love you more.

❷ The Republic Cruiser Freedom approached the Aduba System as it transitioned from hyperspace. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Jedi Padawan Kalder Flo'et stood on the bridge with Captain Wedge Antilles. As they arrived in Aduba orbit, the projection screen displayed two conversations between the warring factions.

The Wuutuus and Kiiloos were two clans of humans native to Aduba who had joined the New Republic a few months earlier. Both clans lived nomadic lifestyles, moving around their territories on quadrupeds. The typical Aduban male sported dark, straight hair, a stout frame, and a long dark beard. The only distinction between the two on the screens were the colors of their armor. The Wuutuus wore a dark blue, while the Kiiloos favored amaranthine.

⊘ Captain Antilles said, "Attention, Wuutuus and Kiiloos of Aduba. This is the Republic Cruiser Freedom on a peace-keeping mission. As members of the New Republic, you are hereby ordered to cease fire on one another. A peace accord will take place at 1100 hours fleet time aboard the Freedom. Transports launching now."

The leader of the Wuutuus replied first. "Understood, Freedom."

The leader of the Kiiloos said, "I refuse to attend any meeting with the Wuutuus. It's a trap. The Republic is conspiring with the Wuutuus."

Captain Antilles replied with weariness in his voice, "You can either come willingly or unwillingly, but you will come. Please realize, if the New Republic were conspiring with the Wuutuus, you would not have been given this opportunity to respond. We have enough firepower to obliterate both of your territories immediately."

The leader of Kiiloos said, "Well, if you insist ..."

"We most definitely insist. Freedom out," Wedge said before terminating the connection. He turned to Luke. "Sometimes I wish we were back in our X-wings blowing up the Death Star again, instead of all this political nonsense. Don't you, Luke?"

"All the time." Luke grinned at his old friend with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "Hard to believe how long ago that's been. I guess we all must grow up and be responsible sometime."

Because both parties refused to attend unarmed, claiming the right to defend themselves, MPs escorted them into the conference room.

With their arms crossed in front of their chests, Master Skywalker and his Padawan stood near the middle of the room, using their Force abilities to gauge their audience. Even without the Force, the stare down and silent standoff could be cut with a vibroblade.

Captain Antilles called the meeting to order. Within seconds, the Wuutuus drew their blasters, firing at the Kiiloos. Luke and Kalder jumped in between both parties, standing back-to-back, using their lightsabers to block particle blasts from every direction. Next, they Force-grasped the blasters.

Kalder interjected. Master, that Wuutuu has a thermal detonator.

I know. I'm waiting for him to show his hand. As soon as the man reached inside his vest, Luke grabbed him and paralyzed him with the Force. "Captain, could you please have an MP check for a thermal detonator inside his vest."

The MP approached and brought it out. He deactivated it and removed it from the room. Luke looked at the two parties. "Now, if we would all just cooperate, we may actually be able to have this meeting. Anyone else have any more surprises, or do we have to do this the hard way?"

No one moved or said anything. One of the Kiiloo snarled.

Kalder said, "Master, that Kiiloo has a dagger. He is planning on throwing at the leader of the Wuutuu."

Luke put forth his hand and grabbed the dagger. "Now, sit. The next move by either party will result in both of you in binders. I trust you can be reasonable."

The Jedi looked to his old friend. "Can we bring up the maps of the region?" As they appeared on screen, the blue and the pink overlapped in a swathe of purple.

"Why you! That marker there is the remembrance stone my great-grandad built with me when I was just a boy, right after the Corenuu flood," the leader the Wuutuu snarled.

"Nonsense, the marker was there long before you were born. My great-great grandmother built it there when we fled the hordes. My grandfather lies underneath it. It's ours."

Wedge rolled his eyes at Luke, who scrunched his lips together and raised his hand. "Silence. The Force speaks. Let me tell its story of your world."

The warring factions focused on the Jedi. "Eons ago before Wuutuus or Kiiloos walked Aduba, the great being Tengri walked the gardens of your home. Tengri loved all growing things, but he was lonely. Thus, he formed the first man and the first woman from the river clay. Both people brought him much joy, and he brought them together with love."

Luke's sonorous voice and waving hands enchanted his listeners. "Tengri longed for more companions, though. He sent his power through the male to female, and soon twins were born. Two strong boys—one hairy, the other smooth. One muscular, the other wiry. But their faces mirrored each other."

He walked around the table. "As the boys grew, they competed for everything, but especially for Tengri's love and approval. If one boy offered a dibé, the other offered a nerf. If one scaled a mountain to seek Tengri, the other scaled a higher mountain."

Luke lowered his voice. "Soon, the boys could not even be in each other's presence without fighting with each other. With his joy turned into anguish, Tengri regretted ever creating them. He raised his hands, aiming his power at the twins to strike them down. But to Tengri's horror, his original creations, their parents, took the blows. The ones Tengri loved beyond all description died at his hands, and all he was left with was the two sons."

He stopped at the end of the table and opened his hands. "Unable to console their god, the boys fled the vale, each his separate way, hiding in caves. Soon, others entered their regions. Each boy found a mate. And then two mates. And then three. Crying out to their distraught god, they built their tribes, thinking 'maybe Tengri will accept one of my children for a companion.' Now, Tengri wanders Aduba. He's searching for the pure in heart that will love him without regret, but all he finds is his children fighting among themselves. The Force has spoken."

An awkward silence filled the room. Then the Wuutuu leader grumbled. The Kiiloo followed suit. Neither would talk to the other though.

Wedge broke the silence. "By the power invested to me by the New Republic, we hereby claim this swath as New Republic open space. No settling. No hunting. No warring on this hundred-click strip."

Luke interjected, "We will call it 'Tengriland.' Those pure in heart may only enter to seek the peace that Tengri offers."

The Adubans grunted their approval and made their marks on the accords.

Kalder asked, How did you know that story, Master Luke? How did you know what would work?

I didn't. The Force gave me the words.

But who is Tengri?

Luke sighed. The embodiment of the Force.

It's real? Like a human?

It meets us where we are in our faith. For the nomad tribes on Aduba, it's a loving father image. For the Jedi, it's power, it's light, it's love.

Did you know ...

● Aduba is a canon planet. The clans are my own creation.

● This is Kalder's first mission. He is progressing rapidly.

● I love Wedge. He deserved a bigger part. Catch Denis Lawson in anything he's in. He's awesome.

Tell me what you think ...

● What was Kalder thinking during the mission? Scared? Wanting to impress Luke? How do we know this?

● Do you think Luke is playing favorites with the Padawan? Why or why not?

●What do you think about Lor San Tekka joining the Jedi at the Academy?

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