The Test Of True Purpose

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Rey's POV

It's been one whole day and they still won't let me out. They won't tell me why either. It makes me furious to think that I saved all of them just a couple weeks ago, and now I am their prisoner. To keep myself busy I practice using my new staffsaber and accidentally burn the wall in the process. They give me food and a chance to use the bathroom regularly, but other than that I get no chance to see what is going on the outside of my tiny prison. I often think about how I comforted Ben, and if he would, once getting to the light side, let me free. I also wondered how Ben would surrender and convince his mother he was truly staying on the light side. Just imagining him, his soft hair, chocolate eyes, stern gaze, his scar down his cheek, it made me long for him. I tried to contact him through the force like we have done so many times before, but every time I fail at doing so. 

I hear the door open to my prison. I gasp as I see Ben standing in front of me, sheepishly smiling at me. I stand up, grinning.

"So did your mother let you join the light? Or did you just take over this ship?" I ask and he laughs.

"My mother lets me join, but under the consequence that she took my lightsaber away," He says, looking me in the eyes.

"That makes sense,"

Then silence, we stare at each other for a minute or two, just taking each other in. Ben's still in his black uniform, his hair perfectly brushed, his face calm and calculated. He looked calmer then I have ever seen him before. I take a step closer to him. We are only inches apart. The world around us seems magical, and once again, our faces grow near to each other. He pulls me closer to him, I subconsciously put my hand on his shoulder to balance myself. Our lips touch with a burst excitement and serenity. Tranquility spread throughout my veins as our lips move in perfect harmony. I am kissing Ben Solo. I am kissing the guy who wanted to be my teacher, to teach me the ways of the force, the guy who almost killed me, and the guy who I now know likes me.

Then as we slowly pulled apart, the door opened once again. Ben and I quickly got our hands off of each other, trying to make it look like we were just talking. Finn looks astonished, face unmoving in shock.

"I think he saw that," Ben says.

"Yeah, no kidding," I reply.

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!?!?!?!" Finn shouts.

I take a step forward and face my hand towards him, "You will forget you ever saw that,"

I try my hardest to use the force on him, to try to bend him to my will.

Finn's eyes began to become glazed over, his body tensed, "I will forget I ever saw that" 

I take a deep breath and stop using the force on him. His entire body relaxes and he shakes his head. He looks up at Ben and me, trying to figure out what he was trying to remember. I glanced up at Ben for a second, he glanced down at me, a small smile splaying on his lips.

"Ugh, my head hurts, nevermind that though," Finn says, rubbing the nape of his neck discreetly, "Rey, Leia wants to see you,"

"Will she tell me why she locked me in this room for the entire day?" I ask.

"I don't know, I was just sent here to get you and take you to Leia," He says. 

Ben clears his throat, "I can take her to see Leia,"

Finn's face darkens and he points at Ben, "I still don't trust you! I'm taking her to Leia!"

"Or I could walk by myself," I say, not wanting them to get into a fight. 

"No, Leia sent me to get you and deliver you to her," Finn breathes heavily, full of anger, "She told me to keep you two apart,"


(Also this next part is just to set the plot in motion and not meant to offend Princess Leia at all. We all love her and miss her dearly. I made Leia do whats going to happen because she would be under stress and heartache. I am not trying to imply this is how Princess Leia or Carrie Fisher would act.)

Finn had grabbed my arm and dragged me to Leia. All the while Ben was looking me in the eyes, knowing not even he could do anything to stop the wrath of his mother. I tried my best to be as confident as possible, but it's hard. I keep imagining what might happen, why she locked me up. This wouldn't end well, there's no way this will end well. Finn drags me into a room with very little of anything except for two white chairs on opposite sides of a white table and Leia of course. Her face is stern and calculatingly calm.

"Please sit down," She says, gesturing to the seat across from her.

Finn leaves the room and I take a seat across from her. The room is an eerie quiet as I wait for her to say the first word. She doesn't, but she does stare at me, making me uncomfortable.

"Why did you lock me up?" I ask, trying to start the conversation.

She gives a face of sorrow and disgust. I don't know what I have done to provoke her anger! I honestly have no idea! Well, I did run away, with her son, to a remote island, stole one of there ships, and created a staffsaber. But that would only warrant a stern talking too, not locking me up for a day!

"Well let's just get to the root of it all, my son has surrendered to the light," She says.

"And that's why I was locked up?" I question, clearly confused.

She sighs, "No, it's because the Force will try to balance itself. Having two of the most powerful force users on the same side isn't possible. I know you're conflicted, and with Ben joining the light, you have the right to be. But I cannot let you take over the job of the ruler of the First Order, it would be irresponsible of me. That's mostly why I am locking you up."

My expression sours, "Mostly?"

She sighs loudly, "I have access to every camera on this entire ship, they are everywhere, including your cell,"

I take a deep breath, knowing exactly what she is going to say. She's going to scold me for kissing her son.

Her face shows a furious expression, "I will not let my son be seduced back to the dark side after he just got here,"

"What?! No! That's not what was going on at all!" I plead.

"Take her away," Leia growls, and two large humanoid esk creatures drag me back to my cell.

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