To Cry,

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Ben Solo's POV

I ran onto the Millenium Falcon. It's the first time I have ever been happy to see this ship in all my years. As a child, it always meant that my father was going to leave. We never knew if he would come back or not, so it always was a sign of stress for me. I knew the halls of the Falcon by heart, even though I haven't been here since I was a young boy. Just remembering those blissful years before my uncle took me away to train makes me wistful for when I was a young boy. 

Rey's bleeding isn't getting any better so I do what any normal Jedi would do, try to use the force to heal it. I try to calm my nerves and think about that glorious kiss we had. My hand begins to glow, and in no time at all, she is healed, but not awake. I put her in the co-pilots seat, strapping her in carefully. I then ran over to the controls, pushing buttons and starting the engine. 

Soon enough we were in outer space. I turned the shields on along with every defense system on the entire ship. I worried it wouldn't be enough to save us, but like always, I kept my worries hidden deep beneath layers of grief, pain, and sorrow.

Rey's POV

I was awake the entire time he brought me onto the Falcon. But I was in too much pain to do much of anything. Ben was frantic as he placed me down in the co-pilots seat. When he placed his hand on my wound it didn't hurt. Instead, it felt light and warm, almost an inviting and calming feeling. Then it all stopped because my wound was healed. When he pulled away I thought I was going to be able to walk and do everything normally.

Then the memories hit me, like the waves against the rocks on Ach-to. Painful memories, wistful memories, caring memories, all swirling around in my head. All of them Ben's. I took this rare chance to see who he truly was in his past. 

The first memory wave hits me full force, and suddenly, I am in a rocky underground home. The first thing I see is Han and Leia smiling goofily at each other. I sharp pain hits my heart, wishing my parents had a love like they did, or loved me at all. Leia held a swaddled baby Ben in her arms, looking down at him with love, care, and affection. Ben was asleep in her arms, peaceful and quiet.

"He's going to do great things one day," Han whispers as to not wake up Ben up, "I just know it,"

The second memory washes over me, and I am standing on the Millenium Falcon.  Chewie is there, holding tiny Ben in his arms. Han is standing next to him, smiling at little Ben. My heart almost breaks, his parents truly loved him, but he killed Han and tried to kill Leia. 

The third memory washes over me, and I almost squealed at how adorable Ben was a toddler. He was on his father's shoulders, smiling, genuinely happy, making little gun noises out of his mouth while Han bounced him around. They were pretending to be on a mission and were shooting bad guys, it was adorable. 

Fourth memory, in a house unfamiliar to me. Ben was slightly older in this one, by maybe just a year. Though he was still adorable! He had a little stick in hand that he had pointed on Han's chest. 

"Oh no! Oh noooo! I was killed by my own son!" He screams in fake agony, making my heart ache. 

Ben pretends to stab him with the sick, "No, dad, you can die better. Pleassssse die better! Please!"

My heart does jumps and leaps in my chest. Does Ben remember this? Did he remember this as he killed his own father? Tears start to travel down my cheeks as I watch Han fake his death for his son. 

And then I am awake, crying. Ben, today's Ben, is looking at me with concern. He puts the Falcon's autopilot on and walks over to me with a worried face. I try to stop crying, but my heart feels heavy with sadness. Ben scoops me into a hug and I cry into his shoulder. He holds me tightly against him as if letting go the slightest bit would make me cry more. 

"Nightmares?" He asks softly. 

Should I tell I saw him as a child? Should I? Would he freak out at me? No, no he wouldn't, he wouldn't freak out on me. He instantly calms whenever I am near, so I have a good bet I'll be alright.

"Ben.....when you healed me I saw memories of you as a baby and as a toddler, and there was one that just made me cry to think happened...." I whisper.

"Which one?" He asks and starts to caress my back.

Just thinking about it makes me cry, "I-I don't know how to describe it, you were a toddler and had a little stick on your father chest and you.....and he......."

I broke down into another round of crying. He held me in his arms, shifting his weight onto the chair so that I was now sitting in his lap. He rests his head on the top of mine, pulling me into his warm chest. 

"I know exactly which one you are talking about....." He whispers, "It hurts me too,"

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