To Get Rey,

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(This chapters going to be really short because I'm planning on making a part two after this finaly.)

Ben Solo's POV

I threw Hux off of me instantly. The force bond closed. I cannot believe what I saw. I saw Rey's surroundings for once, I felt her starvation and insanity. She was imprisoned by the Resistance! Her face drooped, her eyes barely able to stay open, and her body sagged against the wall. She had delusions and was ready to give up. But I knew, I felt it, that she wanted me to come and rescue her because I'm the only one who is truly on her side.

She thinks I am the only one in the entire galaxy that knows her truly, and that might be true. I know that the Force intertwined our fates. I know why as well. It all came to me in a flash of a second. It's because the Force wants us to bring balance to the galaxy by making this Grey Jedi order, and by having Rey and me together.

Rage filled my veins once again. This is for Rey! This is for all the times this stupid First Order has ever made me cry! I kick Hux in the stomach, knocking him to the floor. I grab my lightsaber from his hand quickly and ignite it.

I hold it over his face, "If you EVER kiss me, talk to me, or even try to communicate with me ever again, I promise to kill you without mercy......"

I slash open the door, running out into the hallway with my new found strength. I see stormtroopers making there rounds who see me and then run away. They know that when I am on a power spree, things can get messy.

I will save Rey, or die trying! Because I.....because her.

Rey's POV

All of the sudden, I felt a burst of strength. It must have been because of Ben, he's probably on a power spree trying to find me. I use my strength to call for help, even though it's never worked before. I thought the Resistance would have a change of heart, they are supposed to be the good guys! I thought they where the good guys, the ones who would give their lives to save everyone, and bring peace to the galaxy. I know now that's not true.

I hear someone walking near my cell and shout louder. The person walks in front of my prison and I grimace. It's Finn, but he's different. There's a look in his eyes, a cold one, a scowl I've never seen on his face before. It shakes my foundations in a way I don't understand. I thought I could trust him, but he's been too with the Resistance to see my side of things.

"Finn! Please help me! Please!" I shout desperately.

He shakes his head, not meeting my eyes, "I can't go against the Resistance! I cannot commit treason!"

"Finn! Please! Where is the Finn I used to know? Where is that guy?" I cry.

And he walks away. So much for being a good friend! I'll never trust him ever again! I'll never trust anyone but Ben Solo ever again! It'll do me no good to keep the hope that the Resistance will change its mind about me. I am as much of a nuisance to them as I am a weapon. I hate them with all my being! If only Ben would save me! Please Ben, come soon! Please, Ben... I need you!

Ben Solo's POV

I'm almost there Rey... almost there! I took one of the X-wings from the First Order, just took it because everyone was scared of me. It might be because I threatened everyone in my way, twirling my lightsaber past all of there faces as I raced down the halls. I couldn't believe the Resistance would do something do vial to her of all people! It's just like what Snoke did to me, use me for my power and not for anything else but that. I will get her, I will save her, and together we will create the Grey Jedi order. 

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