Trying Again

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Ben Solo's POV

Rey is the missing link to The First Order. She is powerful, strong, and very capable by herself, but with our power combined, we could rule the universe. She is more conflicted then I am, more distressed, which would make it easier to seduce her to join the dark side. 

When I grabbed those memories, idea's, and thoughts from her mind, I was only trying to find what truly wanted in life. When I was in her head, I saw a lot more then I intended too. I saw some of her worst memories, including getting sold away as a child. I saw her, young, frail, weak, forced to clean and work for the inhabitants that took her. In her thoughts, when I saw them, the loudest one of all is about her parents. She doesn't want to believe that her parents sold her, so she covers it up by saying they'll come back for her. She knows they never will, but she has hope. Hope, something I gave up long ago. I never see any hope in anything anymore, not after I was forced by Snoke to kill my father. It still gives me nightmares to this day. 

I need to persuade her! I have too! She is the missing link to this whole plan! I  just need to find a way to persuade her, to get her to give herself to the dark side. I have to do this! I have to too! It's the only way for the dark side to rule over all!

But I still do feel the light side. It begs me to join them, it throws itself at me trying to get it to come over. I hold fast to the dark side, knowing I'll have more power and control on this side than on the light side. My mother is one of them calling my name. She is the one that calls my name out into the abyss, and I hear it millions of lightyears away. She pleads with me, the light side pleads with me, but I try my best to hold tight to the dark. 

"Ben, join us," A new voice pleads, feminine, stern, "On the light side you can do what's right for the world, we will understand you here, please join us,"

I know that voice. Oh no. It's Rey. She is now taunting me to join the light side. Along with her, my mother, and the disembodied voice of my father. But why her? She is conflicted as well, why would she advocate for a side that's not for her? Could she be so drawn to the light side, even if it was a day since we talked last?

"Ben, son," My mother says softly, "I still miss you,"

Noooooooo, not now, not now. Get out of my head. Both of you. Please.

"I still love you son," My father says and I break down into tears.

Rey's POV

It was just a normal day, I was talking with Finn, Poe, and this girl Finn likes but hasn't told anybody that. We where causally talking, eating some food, and enjoying being in the moment. I had told them everything about Ben, about what he told me about the resistance, how we can talk to each other through time and space, and see each other too, and how I am conflicted. They know nothing about the force and it pains me to see them try to comprehend how it works. Finn and his (hopefully soon to be) girlfriend sit next to each other, staring at each other out of the corner of there eyes. I used to be jealous of Rose and Finn, but I've gotten over it. They just seem so right to each other and are so happy together, I didn't want to take them away from that.

Suddenly, I see Ben. He's crying, distraught, and on the floor. He's in a bedroom looking room, with no one around to comfort him. My first thought was that this was all a trick. But as I watched him cry harder, faster, and louder, I realized he was not trying to fool me. I knew that if I did confront him, it would be awkward. Sobs wracked his body, he shivered although it was nowhere close to freezing. I did what I felt right at the moment and walked over to him. I left my own part of the vision type thing we had going on, and over to his. 

"Ben, are you alright?" I ask.

He faces jolts up and we make eye contact for a few seconds. His chocolate brown eyes shimmer with tears as he looks away. He shakes his head, trying to stop crying anymore then he already has. He wipes the tears off of his face and takes deep breathes. He then pretends he was never crying. He quickly stands up and turns to look at the black tiled walls behind him.

"Yeah," He answers shakily, "I'm fine,"

"You realize that if you joined the light side, you would never have anything to cry about," I say.

He kicks the wall then leans his head against it, "Would you just leave?!"

But then after a couple seconds of me not leaving he adds, "Why does the force connect us at the worst of times?"

"I don't know," I confess, "But the force is a strange entity, you might now always know what it wants,"

"The force certainly hates me, as does everyone," He says, looking at the floor. 

I don't know why I do what I do next. Maybe it's because I feel compassion for him, or maybe simply because it would be too awkward to just stand there. I walk over to him and hug him from behind. I lean my face gently on his back. My first thought is that he would instantly try to get me away from him. I thought he would force choke me or something, but he doesn't even flinch.

"Not everyone hates you Ben, your mother certainly doesn't," He flinches now of all times, "And I..... well I know you have light in you."

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