Mission Two....

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  "You have done well Tes." My master says as I stay knelt down.

He had his back turned to me as he was looking out the window into deep space. His cloak as dark as the night sky hid his figure we'll.

"Now onto your next mission." He says.

With one swift movement his right arm comes out from under his cloak. In his hand is a thin cylinder that contains a paper. He then tosses it backwards towards me. It lands in my hand softly. He then turns around and faces me. His red face with the black tattoos staring down at me. His horns just barley visible.

"Do not fail me Tes. And you shall be rewarded on your return." He says.

I drop my head slowly waiting on his command to leave.

"I will not fail you my master." I say to him.

He nods and then raises his arm up, telling me to rise to my feet. I obey and stand up. With only a few feet apart, I watch as he towers over me. He was almost seven feet tall while I am only five foot three.

"You may go." He finally says.

I swiftly turn and walk out if the room while holding the cool metal canister in my right hand. With every step, I could feel my saber bounce off my thy. It was sometimes quite frustrating feeling it pound off my side. Including when I'm jumping around trying to stay hidden.
Finally I make it to my ship. After hitting a button the ramp comes down and I board it. The inside was very dull. It was grey and black for the most part. There was dry blood on the floor along with many bones from past prisoners. There is one part that has pelts from wookies and many other creatures. But all in all, she is a pretty clean ship. Very fast, one of the fastest in the galaxy. No one can out run her. Trust me, I built the engine myself. As I sit down and start typing in the coordinates that were given to me, I hear the slight beep of my R4D17 as it programs and readies the ship. Not too soon after did the sound of the engines start to warm up.

"R2D17, hyper drive as soon as we take off." I say.

"Beep beep boop beep."

Slowly I spin the ship around as it is in Hydra mode. When the ship just hovers but doesn't travel off or thrust itself forward into the depths of space. As I see the emptiness of space in front of me, I hit the button and the thrusters launch my ship into the deep depths of space. And then hyper space.

"How did she manage to get away.... Leaving Anikan in a coma. His master dead. And many other Jedi slaughtered..... NO ONE COULD STOP HER?!" One of the members of the council yells.

"Do as you will, young Jedi." Master Yoda says to a very young Jedi.

The boy looks to be just a teen. Very inexperienced and such.

"I can tell you why no one could stop me." I say as I walk through the doors.

Automatically the boy spins around and activates his saber. Master Yoda along with Winduw and a few others also stood up from their chairs.

"You step any closer and I'll cut your head off!" The boy yells from the other side of the room.

I grin and ignore him. I step forward once more, keeping my eyes on the boy. My hand resting on the hilt of my saber.

"I didn't come to fight." I say out loud.

"Prove it!" The boy says in a stern tone.

Slowly and cautiously I pull out my light saber. The hilt cold against my skin as I hold it. As I walk closer to them I stop only a few feet in front of the boy. I lay the saber on the ground and then roll it over to him by kicking it .

"Is that enough proof? I'm not here to fight." I once again say.

"Then why are you here sith." One of them says.

My eyes gleam as I shift them from one face to another. I can tell that none of them trust me. Of course not, I killed their chancellor. Along with putting Anakin in a coma.

"For one, I am not a sith. Nor am I a Jedi. And two. I'm searching for someone that I'm sure you guys would be curious about as we'll...." I say to them as I now stand before them.

One Jedi turns his head towards me seeming interested. A dark brown cloak wrapped around him loosely as he shifts his figure.

"And what is that now?" He asks in an interested tone.

I let a small grin appear on my face. And then I regain my posture.

" Star killer." I say.

The room grows silent instantly. There was a very strong tense feeling surrounding me making it hard for even me to breath. We all knew who he was. He was one of Vader's best. He was highly skilled in swordsmanship along with being swift and tactical. Not even I can compare to him. And to be honest..... Up until a few days ago.... I though the was slaughtered years ago. And was laying at the bottom of the sea.

"Obi wan killed him years ago. Your talking bullshit nonsense." He says to me.

Then the one in a black cloak stands up and looks down at me.

"No no, please, tell me more." The blacked cloaked one says.

Before I open my mouth, I think about how to word it. The voice of the man hidden under the black cloak seemed.... Dark.... But I continue with caution.

"My master gave me the coordinates of where he last was seen....he was not too far out of this galaxy four days ago." I say.

I could see the black robe shift slightly as if he was reaching for something.

"And you are correct my child. But your master misinformed you." The guy says.

Then he jumps over the councilors and lands in front of me. Just between my saber and I. As I stared at his eyes I can see a tint of yellow in them. They were fierce as anything. In his right hand was a light saber..

"I'm right here." He says.

He then activates his saber. He lashes out at me swiftly as I tuck and roll out if the way. I manage to grab my saber and gain my stance as he spins around.

" It's Star Killer!" I hear from behind me.

I lightly glide my finger over the button on the side of the hilt. Instantly the powerful white light illuminates the room. My saber humming as it sits at idle. Star killer's eyes were focused on me immensely as I readied myself for a blow. In his right hand was his saber. The blade maybe 40 inches long. The blade a firey red. I knew from history that he usually would duel with two sabers. Each both a copy of Darth Vader's light saber.

"You think you can beat me?" Star killer yells out at me.

I let out a breath and then swiftly run forward launching myself at him. Our blades then cut across each other causing a flash of white and red light. The sparks flying every which way. As we stand stalemate, blades crossed like an X, I stare him down. The red and white reflecting off my purple eyes.

" I don't need to win. I just need to distract you and keep you busy." I say to him.

It angers him and he pushes his saber forward causing me to back up a few feet. As he comes down for another try, I block him just barley with the tip of my saber. I then swing low only for our blades to meet again. Star killer and I go back and forth blocking each other's best attempts at taking each other down.
As I spin around catching his blade I kick him backwards into a wall. When his eyes reopen, the yellow tint has grown, and he looks very angry. That's when he lashes out at me catching my shoulder. As my saber clatters to the floor I back up slowly into a machine. My left hand holding my right shoulder where the blood already starts to stain my shirt.

"Any last words...." He says to me as he lets his blade hover above my heart.

I lay with my back pressed against a piece of machinery. Only when I go to move is when I realize what iv done. I move my hand off a button which causes a siren to blare. I can barley hear Yoda yelling my name as this black hole opens up behind Star Killer. Right before he goes to finish me off, the black hole sucks him in. I grab on to the machine desperately. But as the wind grows stronger, I continue to lose my grip..... Until finally it sucks me in to....

"HELP!!!" I scream as I lose sight of the Jedi council and enter a void of space.

I yell as I fall from the sky and hit a object that was brown and green. It was a weird brown cylinder with green on top of it. The after going through that, I hit the hard ground and roll to a stop.
Weakly I open my eyes seeing blues at first.... The pain brutal on every inch of my body. I can hear loud noises like space ships flying above me. They would come almost every five minutes. All around me is tall objects that are illuminating with beautiful lights. Whites, reds, blues, and oranges. As I pull myself up, I notice these objects rolling around. They had their own light source on the front of them as we'll on the back. It glowed red on the back though while on the front they had white lights. And there wasn't just one or two. There are thousands, colorful just roaming around on this black substance on the ground.

"Lord maul, can you hear me?" I say into the ear piece.

All I hear is fuzz. I look around some more feeling lost as anything. The people here are different. Iv never seen any like this before.....

"Where the hell am I?....." I think to myself.

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