Chapter 36 - Ben's Essay

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Another year passed at the Jedi Academy. The Jedi held the darkness at bay. Naluma maintained her peace, with no indication of reverting to her previous despair, even with the constant pressure from Ben.

Luke kept himself around the academy a bit more during this year, alternating missions with Kalder. Except for slight gaps in scheduling, he assigned two Jedi Masters to the academy throughout the year.

He had switched Naluma's workload around so that she was teaching more academic classes and fewer PT and saber classes, but she still had not conceived.

Doubt we'll ever have children at this point. Maybe I could bring Breha here. Use a different name. I miss that little Kowakian monkey-lizard.

He thought back to the last communication he had with Leia. The four-year-old had yanked the communicator from her mother and told him he was supposed to come back immediately because there was a big emergency. When he asked what it was, she said, "I miss you."

Luke turned his attention back to the academy and the current dilemma. Over the last year, Padawan had graduated. Others had increased in knowledge. Ben, still under the threat of exile, had cooperated.

With constant pranks and insubordination, Luke could not tell if the boy was so desperate for attention he would accept negative attention or so desperate for power he would try anything.

Luke looked up as Ben entered his study with apprehension. Good. You're scared. You should be. Luke let that thought sneak past the edges of his shields. Ben blanched.

Luke motioned to his nephew to sit in one of the desk chairs. The master took a hardcopy of Ben's assignment from his desk drawer and laid it on his desk in front of Ben.

Ben looked at the piece of clear flimsi lit with red, cleanly handwritten words margin-to-margin.

"Can you explain this?"

"I didn't cheat."

"I didn't say you did," Luke said with peace as he leaned back in his desk chair looking at the papers. "I am concerned about your choice of topic. The assignment was an essay on the qualities and achievements of the greatest Jedi in history."

"I chose the one who was the most powerful and brought balance to the Force," Ben said, his anger rising in him. "Anakin Skywalker was the greatest Jedi to ever live."

"He had the greatest defeat, Ben."

"He also had the greatest career as a Jedi. And you turned him back to the light. You saw the good in him," Ben said with glaring eyes.

"Grandfather was the most powerful Jedi ever. He even vanquished his master, Darth Sidious. The only human ever to race pods. More powerful than even Master Yoda. More powerful than you."

Luke jerked in his seat. His insecurities of being a Jedi Master sprung up again. Luke was brought back to the Emperor's throne room on the Death Star over Endor. The Emperor had nearly turned him, too.

Reclaiming his peace, he steepled his fingers and thought deeply for a few moments. He tried to read Ben, but Luke only perceived an admiration for Anakin—nothing sinister. He also sensed a bond between Ben and Anakin, however unlikely.

He just needs a father. Han doesn't understand him. Not even sure Ben would even accept him as a father at this point. I don't even understand him. What's the harm? Maybe Anakin could help him ... if it's really Anakin. That's the real problem.

Luke paged through the paper again. He paused at the point where Ben focused on Anakin's turn to the dark side.

Luke read the paragraph. "Darth Sidious turned Anakin to the dark side by playing on his love for his wife. Sidious placed dark Force-visions of his wife dying in childbirth in Anakin's mind. They overwhelmed him. They consumed him. When the time was right, Palpatine informed Skywalker that the Sith had learned the secret to eternal life. He promised Anakin this power if he would vow his allegiance to Darth Sidious. Anakin sacrificed his own soul to save his beloved wife. Even in turning to the dark side, Anakin exhibited the self-sacrifice required by the Jedi Code."

Luke looked up at Ben as he heard a sniffle. Tears welled up in Ben's eyes as he pleaded, "Master, he gave himself for his wife. Would you not do the same for Master Fau?"

Luke stared at him unable to answer and then nodded "yes." He knew he would turn to save Naluma, as he had almost turned to save Leia. The Emperor was right, so many years ago on the Death Star. My compassion will be my undoing.

Luke looked at the essay again said, "Ben, how did you find out Vader is your grandfather? It's not in any of the histories."

Ben took a deep breath and hesitated. Then he answered, "He told me."

Luke asked with sternness, "When?"

Ben was silent, not daring to answer.

"Ben, when did he tell you this? Answer me, Padawan."

"Two weeks ago."


"I talk to him often, Master. He comes to me during meditation."

"What else has he told you?"

"About you and your trials ... about how you turned to the dark side." Ben smiled at the last part.

"I never turned," Luke denied with vehemence.

"He felt it. You turned to save mom."

Luke had no answer. He turned his head as he warred within himself. Admit it. You turned. You know you did. In the throne room, you turned for those brief moments ... and you would do it again in a heartbeat if it would save Leia.

After a few tense moments, Luke said, "Ben, if Anakin is truly coming to you, I cannot prevent it. Next time he appears, send for me or Master Fau."

"Grandfather is the only one who has ever loved me, and I will finish what he set out to do," Ben declared with a clenched fist.

"And what is that, Ben?"

Ben almost spoke the truth, To rule the galaxy with mother at my side. "To bring him back—to give him eternal life. Then I would have someone who loves me." Tears trailed down his face.

Luke took a deep breath and sat back in his chair. He looked at Ben—Luke longing for the father he never knew, and Ben longing for a loving grandfather. How could Luke deny him that?

Did you know . . .

● Ben is 15 now. Breha is 4. Luke, Leia, and Naluma are 38. Han is 48. Chewie - well over 200. Who keeps count after that number anyway?

● Without using the Force, Ben is controlling Luke by manipulating his emotions and bringing up his worst moment of temptation ... a moment wherein Luke failed. If Luke had not pulled himself together, how would this confrontation have ended?

Tell me what you think . . . 

● Do you think Anakin is appearing to Ben? If not, who?

● If it's not Anakin, why is he so convinced it is?

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