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Her skin was purple. The same as the silly, ruffled dress he had her wearing. Caldor Alkwood loved his life. He had some of the most successful taverns in Ketterdam and a precious, little wife at his feet. A young girl by the name of Andromeda Daramis. A girl who wasn't even at the legal age to be married, but whose parents had to find a way to ship off their 'devil' daughter. Caldor had always claimed to his guests that Andromeda was like a pet to him, like a servant he loved to play with.

He would pick her up at random points of the day and put her on his lap like you would a child. Andromeda wasn't happy. She had hated her life the minute her 'sister' had blamed her for the burns she had inflicted on herself. Andromeda would've been able to live and provide for herself as she too brought money, from the small part-time job she had at one of Caldor's tavern's but whatever she earned went towards buying her another frilly dress she didn't want to wear. Andromeda had a reputation for herself around Ketterdam for being a 'golden girl'. From being cherished for her skill with children and being favoured by the townsfolk for having the warmest heart despite her situation.

Everyone knew what Caldor Alkwood was doing to his wife, yet no one did anything to stop it. Well, almost everyone. While working her shifts in the tavern Andromeda would always get frequent visitors, some more than others but she refused to forget the face of one. He had eyes as cold as stone and a face that held the emotion of revenge. Kaz Brekker had offered Andromeda a way out of the life she was living, ''just think about my offer, it will be much better than what you are living now.''

It was safe to say Caldor wasn't happy about that in the slightest way, ''Andromeda give me the card. NOW! That boy can not help you out of the perfect life you are living, he is known to be a murderer Andromeda and just think dear who are you safer with me or a murderer.'' One of the promises Caldor Alkwood made to his wife on their wedding day was that he would never scare her or shout at her. He hadn't kept his promise, as he had her backed up against a wall with tears rolling down her face.

''Andromeda darling, I'm so sorry you know I didn't mean to shout at you in the slightest. Come here.'' It was the same as it always was. Caldor would make Andromeda upset, he would then either guilt trip her or apologise to her by squeezing her close to him.

Caldor Alkwood hated Kaz Brekker. The middle aged man sat in his cell contemplating the events of that night. The sun had began to set as he searched high and low for his wife in the house, watching and obseving the window as a thick grey smoke filled the air as people crowded the street. It meant nothing to him at the time as he presumed Andromeda was working an extra shift at the tavern and that some sort of bakery had caught flame or something had burnt, if only he had seen the warning signs sooner. The line of seven taverns lit aflame as Kaz dragged Andromeda away from the scene. Andromeda losing the upset look that she had to one of happiness, as she was free from the life she was living. 

Caldor Alkwood hated Kaz Brekker. For it was the 17- year-old boy who had ruined his life. He had burnt his businesses to the ground and he had gotten his arrested for neglect and abuse of his wife. But the worst he had stolen his wife, he had stolen her heart and love. 

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