02. Panty Franny

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‧₊ ·˚ ༘❁ ┊ep 1. vanishing of will byers ▬▬▬▬▬▬
꒰ ✎ ꒱ؘ STARGIRL, a stranger things fanfiction

The next day came. Franny was in her restroom getting ready for school. She quickly changed and took a piece of bread and biked to school. But before she left her house her mother shouted out for her.

"Mi Amor! Your backpack!" Paola shouted for Franny. Franny ran back in the house and grabbed her backpack from the chair and kissed her mom goodbye and got back on her bike again and rode to school.


"That's weird." Mike queried. "What's weird?" Franny asked Mike while putting her bike on the bike rack. "I don't see him." Lucas speculated. "Who?" Franny asked once more. "Will."

"I'm telling you, his mom's right." Lucas said to Mike as they walked near the school. "He probably just went to class early again." Dustin chimes in, "Yeah, he's always paranoid Gursky's gonna give him another pop quiz again."

"Step right up, ladies and gentlemen." A bully, named Troy spat. The four turned around to look at Troy. "Step right up and get your tickets for the freak show." Troy and his friend laughed. "Who do you think would make more money in a freak show?" Troy hits Lucas in the shoulder, "Midnight, Frog face, Toothless..." Troy looks at Franny as he approaches her, "Or Panty Franny?" His friend considers and looks at everyone of them. "I'd go with toothless."

"Leave her alone Troy, she didn't do anything." Lucas tells Troy.

"Shut up. Why are you even defending her? What is she your girlfriend?" Troy replies back looking at his friend as he said the final part. Lucas eyes winded. "What no! She's not my girlfriend."

Troy and his friends push past the group. "Assholes" Lucas mutters to himself. "I think it's kinda cool." Mike tells Dustin. "It's like you have a superpower or something. Like... Mr. Fantastic."

Dustin smiles and replies, "Yeah expect I can't fight evil with it."

"Hey Lucas," Franny holds Lucas to the side before they walk in. "Yeah?" Lucas replies with a bright smile.

"Thanks for sticking up for me. I don't even know why they call me 'Panty Franny'" Franny wondered. "Of course, anything for you. You're my best friend." Lucas breaks smiles and she goes in for a hug.

"C'mon let's go to class."

As the two catch up to the group the spot a new girl in their class. "Lucas who is that?" Franny asks Lucas. He shrugs his shoulders and grabs Franny's arm and pulls her to their seats.

"Is Will still not here?" Mike asks, the rest of the group shake their head.

The bell rings and everyone sits in their seats as more students enters the classroom. "Okay my fellow adventures." Mr. Clark says to his students with a bright smile on his face. "I'd like you to meet my very own daughter..." Mr. Clark uses his hands to make a jazz hand gesture. "Please welcome Gabby!" Gabby smiles and waves to the classroom.

"Sit wherever you want Gabs." Gabby makes her way to where Will was supposed to sit, and she smiles and Franny. "Hi, I'm Franny." She breaks a smile to Gabby. "And this is Lucas, Dustin, and Mike, and Will but he isn't here today..." 

"Nice to meet you all." Gabby replies, "Is it okay if I be with you guys today at lunch? I really dont know anyone, besides you guys." Gabby asked the party. "Sure, I don't see why not." Mike smiles at Gabby.


The bell rings and everyone gets their books and backpacks. "Remember, finish chapter 12 and answer 12.3 on the difference between an experiment and other forms of science investigation. This will be on the test, which will cover chapters 10 through 12..." Mr Clarke trails off, "which will be multiple choice with an essay section." Mike and his friends stand before the teacher. "So did it come?" Mike asks Mr. Clarke with a big smile, Mr. Clarke gave a sad smile, "Sorry, guys." Mr. Clarke gave them a sad look, "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but..." He looked at Franny, "It came." He gave a smile to them.

The party headed to the AV Club room where they find a HAM Radio. "Yes!" Mike exclaimed. Mr. Clarke followed behind the group. "The Heathkit ham shack." He said. Franny and the others gave a woah. "Ain't she a beaut?" Mr. Clarck asked. "She's more than a beaut Mr. Clarke." Franny said looking at the radio.

"I bet you can talk to New York on this thing." Dustin said. Franny agreed. "Think bigger." Mr. Clarke replied. "California?" Gabby asked. "Bigger Gabs."

"Australia?" Mike asked. Mr. Clarke gave a nod the group exclaimed. "When Will sees this, he's totally gonna blow his shit!" Lucas remarked. "Lucas!" Mr. Clarke gave a remark. "Sorry." Mr Clarke smiles and Mike wears the head phones and leans in towards the receiver.

Mike talks in a Australian accent. "Hello, this is Mike Wheeler, president of Hawkins AV Club." Franny smiles as she takes the headphones leans into the receiver next. "Hello this Francesca, the Vice President of the Hawkins AV Club."

The principal and Hawkin Chief walk into the AV Club. "Sorry to interrupt. But may I please borrow Francesca, Micheal, Lucas and Dustin?"

"But what about Gabby?" Franny asks Mr. Clarke. "She'll stay here with me, I'll teach her about the AV Club."


The four enter the principal's office being questioned about Will. Franny was quiet while the three where overlapping chatter. "Okay, okay, okay." The chief told them. "One at a time, alright?" Hop told them, then he pointed at Mike. "You." Mike nods as Hopper proceeds to ask him questions. "You said he takes what?" Hopper asks.

"Mirkwood." Mike tells him. "Mirkwood?" Hopper looks at Callahan, as Mike nods. "Have you ever heard of Mirkwood?" Callahan shakes his head replying, "I have not. That sounds made up to me." Lucas replies to the Officer.

"No, it's from Lord of the Rings." Franny nods. "It's actually from the Hobbit. It's this town where this Hobbit Bilbo Baggins lives." Lucas nods. "Mirkwood, it's a real road, it's just that the name is made up." Mike continues, "It's where Cornwallis and Kelley meet." Hopper nods, "Yeah, all right, I think I know that—" Mike quickly interrupts him, "We can show you, if you want."

"I said that I know it!" Hopper tells them. "We can help."  Mike said. "Please, let us help. He's our best friend." Franny begs the Chief. "No." He tells her. "C'mon please let us help." Mike tries to convince him. "No. After school, you are all to go home. Immediately."

Franny crosses her arms. "That means no biking around looking for your friend, no investigating, no nonsense." Hopper pauses for a second. "This isn't some Lord of the Rings book." Dustin corrects him. "The Hobbit." Lucas hits him the leg. The two smack each other as the bicker. "Do I make myself clear?" Hopper asks the four.

Mike and Franny stare forward as Hopper stands, the four gaze up at him as Hopper towers over them. "Do I make myself... clear?" He asks the four, they all nod. "Yes, sir." Mike and Dustin said. "Yeah" Lucas and Franny said.

i really hoped you enjoyed this chapter! i
tried my hardest to give as much detail and not much dialogue. hoped you liked it!

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