03. Do You Copy?

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‧₊ ·˚ ༘❁ ┊ep 1. vanishing of will byers ▬▬▬▬▬▬
꒰ ✎ ꒱ؘ STARGIRL, a stranger things fanfiction

At the Francis' home, sat the three family members eating dinner. "We should be out there." Franny says looking at her plate poking her food with her fork. Kirby and Paola look up from their food. "What do you mean mi amor?"

"She means we should be looking for Will." Kirby announces. "Anyways, mama, is it okay if I go to Nancy's house to study?" Kirby gazes at her mom. Paola gazes back at Kirby giving her that look whenever it's not safe. "Please, I'll do the dishes tomorrow after school."

Paola shakes her head. She drinks from her cup full of Dr. Pepper. "No, Kirbs, it's not safe."

Kirby sighs and puts her food in her mouth while looking at Franny. "I can go with her mom. I can be with Mike the whole time." Paola shakes her head again. "No. Final answer."

Franny puts the last piece of food in her mouth before making her way towards the kitchen. She tells evreyone goodnight and heads to her room.

Franny do you copy? It's Mike. Franny hears from her backpack. She rushes over to her backpack and takes out the walkie. "Yeah. I copy. Over."

I'm worried about Will, Franny. I mean what if he's gone forever? Over.

"He's not gone, Mike. Don't say that. Over" She lies on her bed.

"I was thinking..." Mike says as he taps his finger on the board. "He could've cast Protection last night, but he didn't. He cast Fireball. Over."

"What are you saying? Over." Franny asked furrowing her eyebrows a little. "I'm saying... he could've played it safe, but he didn't. He put himself in danger to help the party. Over."

Franny considers him narrowing her eyes. "Meet me in ten. Over and out." They each push down their antenna on their walkie. Franny loads her backpack with supplies. She walks out of her room and sees her mom watching telenovelas on their TV. She opens the door slowly and closes it softly and gets her bike and rides to Mikes house.


Franny, Lucas, Dustin, and Mike Ride their bikes on the road. "Ah man. This is it." Lucas claimed. As the four rode with their hands on the handles they slowed down with their feet to a stop as they reached on the side of the road with a section blocked off from the police.

Lighting flashes as Dustin looks up as a droplet of rain falls on his face.

"Dustin. Hey. Don't worry we'll find him soon." She put her arm om his shoulder as she brings out a smile. "I hope." She mumbles to herself as she looks away. They all get off their bikes and walk into the woods.

"Stay on channel six. Don't do anything stupid." Mike says as Dustin watched the three walks into the woods. "Hey, guys, wait up." Dustin implied getting off his bike and going under the police tape and runs to the rest of the group.

"Okay like my mom said, let's stay safe and stay together. Lets get into groups so we don't get lost." Franny claimed looking at the party.

They all walk into two of groups, Lucas and Franny and Dustin and Mike.

"I really hope we find Will, Lucas." Franny tells Lucas gazing at him. Lucas was trying his best to be brave and look for Will. He inhales and exhales as he looks at Franny, "Yeah me too." He speaks. Franny grabs his hand and lead Lucas to see if they can find Will. Lucas blushes at this. Franny smiles as she leads him.

"Hey Franny, if we ever find Will do you think it'll still be the same?" Lucas questioned. Franny stops in her tracks and turns to look at him. "Maybe, I mean I hope so. It'll be nice if we find him and forget all about this." Franny put forth. They continued to walk and continued to search.

"Hey guys have you guys found anything?" Dustin asks from his walkie. Franny replies, "No, nothing yet. How about we all meet together and look with each other."

Dustin says, "Alright find ya in a bit."

"C'mon let's go find them." Franny grabs Lucas' hand and they walk together.

A few moments later Lucas and Franny find Dustin and Mike. "Hey guys found anything on your "way here?" Mike asks the two. They shake their head. "Okay let's keep looking."

"Will!" Mike yells out in the pouring rain him and the other search the dark forest with their flashlights. Dustin calls out, "I got your X-Men 134!" Franny looks at Lucas with a sad small smile. "Guys, I really think we should turn back." Dustin trembled. "Seriously, Dustin?" Lucas tells him.

"You wanna be a baby, then go home already!" Lucas continues. "I'm just being realistic, Lucas!" Dustin and Lucas argue.

"Do you ever think Will ran away because something bad happened? And we're going to the exact same spot where he was last seen?" Dustin blurted. Franny thought Dustin's theory was pretty self-explanatory. "We have no weapons or anything?"

"Dustin, shut up." Mike replied. He puts up his hands. "I'm just saying, does that seem smart to you?" Mike puts his hand in front of him and says, "Shut up. Shut up." Mike hears rustling from behind him and Franny turns around to see where its coming from.

"Mike its probably just a rabbit or something." Franny says as she turns around back at Mike. The rustling happens again but louder and closer to them. They all beam their flashlights to where the sound came from.

The rustling happens once more, and they turn their flashlights to where a girl with a shaved head standing before them in a yellow oversized shirt at them in the pouring rain. She stares fearfully at them as rain falls down from the sky.

"Holy shit."

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