05. Stupid Failed Plan.

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‧₊ ·˚ ༘❁ ┊ep 2. the werido on maple street ▬▬▬▬▬▬
꒰ ✎ ꒱ؘ STARGIRL, a stranger things fanfiction

Tuesday morning, the school was quieter than usual. The school bell rang, everyone rushed to class.

"Oh, this is weird." Dustin says looking at Mike's empty seat. Franny looked at Mike's seat that was empty. "He's never this late."

"I'm telling you guys, his stupid plan failed." Lucas claimed. "I thought you liked his plan." Dustin replied. "Yeah, but obviously it was stupid, or he'd be here." Lucas expressed.

"If his mom found out a girl spent the night--" Dustin put forth. "He's in deep shit right now." Lucas finished Dustin's sentence.

"What if she slept naked?" Dustin whispered. "Ew, Dustin don't say that." Franny shared. "What is Mrs. Wheeler ratted us out?" Dustin said, placing his hands on his face.

"Mike would never." Franny claimed, he was her best friend, and they wouldn't do that to each other.

"Never mind that. All that matters is, after school, the freak will be in the loony bin, and we can focus on what really matters. Finding Will." Lucas explained after he opened his book and sighs. Franny looks at Dustin rasing her eyebrows then looking away.

"Hey, Lucas. I'm sorry about..." Franny whispered to him. "Last night? Yeah, I know. It wasn't like me, and I don't want to end up on bad terms with you now. So, can we forget that it ever happened?" Lucas replied.

Gabby walks in and sits in Will's seat. She waves to everyone and opens her book. Franny turns around to look at Gabby and she taps on the desk. Gabby looks up and gives a soft yeah.

"Find anything at the search party yesterday?" Franny asks worried. Gabby shakes her head and goes back to reading her book. Franny turns at Dustin and Lucas and sighs and looks away.


Franny looked the clock waiting it to hit 3 o'clock. Franny had told Mike to tell El to wait for 3:15 so she can see El. He agreed and told El.

The bell had rung. She put all her books in her backpack and ran to her bike running past Lucas and Dustin.

"Frans! Where are you going?" Lucas asked. She turned around and walked backwards. "Can't talk right now! I'm in a hurry!"

She got on her bike and rode it to Mike's house. Franny knocked on Mike's door to and answer from Mike.

"Hi." Franny gave a quick smile as Mike pulled her in and shut the door closed.

"What's going..." Franny was cut off by Mike.

"El knows about Will. She'll help us find him." Mike explained about how Eleven saw a photo of Will.

"My mom she came home early, and she wasn't mad that I skipped but besides that El knows about Will and she's willing to help us find him. Frans, we need her to help us find him. She can be our only hope. " Franny nods at this.

"Okay, let's get the others. But first where is she?" Franny asks. Mike leads Franny up to his room where he opens the door and finds El sitting on his bed.

El looks up and she sees Franny. Franny smiles and El walks up to Franny and runs in to hug Franny.

"Fran." Eleven says as she smiles. Franny breaks into a smile and hold Eleven tight.

Franny missed El. El missed Franny. They can't survive with each other. Even though they only met yesterday the two had a tight bond.

"Missed. You." Eleven whispered in her ear.

"Missed you too El." Franny replied.

Mike smiles as he sees the two have a moment. "Okay. Should we call Lucas and Dustin now?" Mike asks.

Eleven and Franny break from their long hug and Franny nods.

A few minutes later Dustin and Lucas walk into Mike's room. Dustin closes the door. Dustin and Lucas both look at Eleven. Franny looked at Lucas who was sitting on the bed next to Eleven

"Are you out of your mind?" Lucas began. "Just listen to me." Mike explains.

"You are out of your mind!" Lucas continues using his hands to make a hand gesture to Eleven.

"Eleven knows about Will." Franny announced standing up from the bed.

"What do you mean she knows about Will?" Dustin questioned.

Mike picks up a photo of Will and the other from the science fair they won a few years ago.

"She pointed at him. She pointed at his picture." Franny explained as Mike held up the photo to the two. "Eleven knew Will was missing, Mike could tell" She finished.

"He could tell?" Lucas wondered. Mike nods. "Just think about it." Mike added on. "Do you really think it was a coincidence that we found her on Mirkwood, the same place Will disappeared?" Mike finished, "That is weird." Dustin replied.

"And she said that there's bad people after her." Franny said. "So, Mike and I are thinking those same people took Will." Franny added to what she said before. Lucas crossed his arms looking down then looking up.

"I think she knows what happened to him." Mike said.

"Then why doesn't she tell us?" The four step closer to Eleven. Lucas stands in front of Eleven.

"Do you know where he is?" wondered Lucas. The, he grabs onto her shoulders then loudly says, "Do you know where Will is?"

"Stop you're scaring her1" Mike says. "She should be scared1" Lucas replied.

"No she shouldn't." Franny adds on, passing Lucas and sitting back on the bed next to Eleven.

"If you know where he is, tell us!" Lucas loudly says. Eleven stares at Lucas, tears almost forming in her eyes.

"This is nuts Mike! We have to take her to your mom!" Lucas said. "No! Eleven said telling any adult would put us in danger."

"What kind of danger" Dustin asks. "Her name is Eleven?" Lucas questioned.

"El for short." Franny says, Lucas looks at her then nods.

"Mike, what kind of danger?" Dustin asked once more. "Danger danger." Mike replies.

Mike forms a gun with his fingers, and he aims it at Dustin. He moves it to Lucas who smacks it away.

"No, no, no!" Lucas started, "We're going back to Plan A. We're telling your mom Mike." Lucas walked to Mikes door and tries to open it, but it's completely slammed shut.

Lucas tries again. Once again slammed shut, but this time it locks.

Franny and the rest look at Eleven. Blood running down her nose.

"No." Eleven says. as she glares at them.

"What the fuck." Dustin says slowly. Lucas tries to unlock the door and opens it but it completely shuts again.

"No." Eleven says again.


"Kids! Dinner!" Mikes mom announced from downstairs.

"Stay here. Do not come downstairs." Mike told Eleven. She nods.

All four open the door and walk out. Franny waves bye to Eleven as she closes the door. They all rush down to the table and Kirby and Nancy walk behind them.

"Watch it!" Nancy says as Mike bumps into her. "Sorry."

They sit down and Mrs. Wheeler puts their plates on where they were sitting. Franny thanks her as Karen smiles.

A few minutes later Karen notices the boys staring at their food. She looks at Franny, putting another piece of food into her mouth. She looks back the boys.

"Something wrong with the meatloaf?" Karen asks. The boys all look at Karen.

"Oh, no, I had two bologna sandwiches for lunch." Dustin says smiling at her. Lucas smiles and chuckles. "Me too." Lucas says.

"It's delicious, Mommy." Nancy smiles at Karen. Karen gives a thank you to Nancy.

"So, there's this... special assembly thing tonight..." Nancy said. "For Will, at the school field. Cn I go? Kirby's mom already said she can. Barb's also driving."

"Why am I just hearing about this?" She says, cutting her meatloaf. Nancy arches her brows.

"I thought you knew." Nancy replies.

"I told you, I don't want you out after dark until Will is found." Karen responses.

"I know, I know Mom. But it'd be super weird if I'm not there." She uttered. "I mean, everyone's going."

Karen shoulders sag as she sighs. She looks back at her plate cutting the meatloaf. "Just... be back by 10:00."

Nancy nods and smiles at Kirby.

"Why don't you two take the boys two Franny can also go with Kirby." Karen began smiling at Franny. Franny smiles.

All the boys say a no and shake their head. They already knew where they we're going instead of going to the assembly.

"Don't you think you guys should be there? For Will." Karen asked, in confusion.

Mike spits on milk as he sees Eleven come down the stairs. Karen tries to turn around, but Dustin draws attention to her by pounding on the table.

"Sorry. Spasm." Dustin apologizes. Franny and Lucas watches as Eleven passes the dining room unnoticed.

Karen looks over to Holly who sinks down in her seat.

Nancy whispers a nice to Dustin who sinks down in his seat.

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