12. Upside Down

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‧₊ ·˚ ༘❁ ┊ep 8. the upside down. ▬▬▬▬▬▬
꒰ ✎ ꒱ؘ STARGIRL, a stranger things fanfiction
trigger warnings guys! ❪ blood and death ❫

As Franny and Luca sit in the second row from Mike, Eleven, and Dustin. Mike checks his watch as his leg was bouncing. He stands and goes outside. They all watch.

"Where's he going?" Franny breathed and turned to Lucas. He shrugged his shoulders as Mike walks back into the gym.

"They're gone." Mike storms in. They all look at him in confusion. "What?" Lucas questioned.

"Nancy, Kirby, and Jonathan. His cars gone." Mike asserted as he told Franny and them. "They're probably just sucking face somewhere," Dustin added. "Gross," Lucas replied.

"No. Nancy would never do that around Kirby. No way. Besides she likes this one girl in her class." Franny blurted out about Kirby's crush.

"Did they go with the chief?" Dustin guessed. "I don't know," Mike assured that he didn't know where the trio went.

"No." Eleven blurts out. "What? Did you see them? Do you know where they went?" Mike asked.

"Yes." Eleven continued.

Mike looked. "Where? Where did they go?"

Eleven stares at him blankly. "Demogorgon." Eleven answered. Mike's eyes shift between them.

"Told you they're real," Franny told Lucas. He rolled his eyes and gave a small smile.

They all step off the bleachers and walk toward Mike.

"Guys. Guys!" Mike announced. "This is crazy." He paused. "We can't just wait around."

"Mike, in case you forgot. We're still fugitives." Lucas began. "The bad men are still looking for us," Lucas added, responding to Mike. Franny nods. "And if we go out looking for them, they'll find us." Franny was abjured fidgeting with her fingers.

"Yeah, and we don't even know where they are," Dustin added. "El can find them." Mike gestured to Eleven, who was sitting with her knees to her chest.

"Mike look at her." They turn to look at her who looked at them back.

"We think we should all stick to the chief's plan." Dustin addressed. Lucas nodded. "Exactly. We stay here, keep El out of sight and keep her safe." Lucas claimed.

He wanted all of them to stay safe and not be harmed. "That's the most important thing, remember? Besides, they're okay. Their with Jonathan."

"Yeah, and she's kind of a badass now, so..." Dustin walks towards the door. They turn to watch him leave. Mike looks at him in confusion.

"Where are you going? You just said stick to the plan!" Mike called out. "I am. I'm just going to go get chocolate pudding." Dustin turned and walk backward. "I'm telling you, Lunch Lady Phyllis hoards that shit." Dustin acknowledged.

"Are you serious!" Mike yelled out. Franny and Lucas follow behind Dustin. "El needs to be recharged!"

They walk out of the gym and head into the kitchen of the cafeteria. Franny mirrors each hallway to make sure no bad men were at the school. She gulped as they enter the cafeteria.

They open the refrigerator finding stacks of metal pudding cups. "Found it!" Dustin called the two who were also looking for them. They rush over to where Dustin is and they smiled.

"I knew she was hoarding it." Dustin grabs a bunch of pudding and places it in his hands. Franny and Lucas start to grab some. "Yeah," Lucas said happily.

"Always lying, saying she's out." Dustin jabbered. "Bald-face lair."

"Mike, I found the chocolate pudding!" Dustin yelled out. "Okay!" Mike yelled out as Franny gave a small laugh. "Grab as much as you can guys." Dustin fumed in happiness as he was finally able to have his favorite pudding.

They walk outside of the kitchen and set the pudding down on the table where Eleven could be spotted sitting.

"This will charge your battery right up, I'm telling you." Dustin smiled as he handed Eleven pudding.

Mike runs in. "Guys! Guys!" Mike yelped. "What is it?" Lucas answered turning to him.

"They found us." Mike pants as he tells the four. Franny's heart could be heard pounding and she drops the pudding as Mike leads the way to hide.

They run down a hallway. "How did they find us?" Franny gasped with her hands shaking as she runs with the others. "I don't know but they knew we were in the gym," Mike added. "Lando," Dustin commented.

They stop as two of the guards walk in. "Got 'em!"

They turn and run up the stairs. They turn down another corridor where agents rush near them. "Freeze!"

They turned back and rushed the other way. "Go, go! Go left!" Mike yelled. They run back into the other hall where Connie Frazier rushed down to them. Connie points her gun at them as Franny looks at them in fear.

As their flashlights flash dramatically behind Connie. Eleven focuses her intense glare at agents and MP's guns waver in their hands as the Government's agents stand frozen in place.

Blood pours from their eyes, noses, and ears until they simultaneously collapse.

Eleven fell to the ground. They all rush to Eleven's side. "El! Are you okay?" Franny asked panting. "El!" Mike shakes her. "Something's wrong."

Dustin places a hand on Eleven. "She's just drained."

"No, no, no, she won't wake up. El!" Mike's heart started beating pretty heavily as he watches Eleven not wake up. "El!"

Franny's jaw went slack.

They watch as Mike presses his head near Eleven's unconscious body. "She's barely breathing." Mike's head lifts.

"Mike we have to go now," Franny tells him.

"Leave her." Dr. Brenner appeared from the hallway. They all stood up in shock to see the man. "Step away from the child."

"She's our age you dumbass," Franny muttered under her breath looking at Dr. Brenner.

"No!" Mike called out. "You want her, you have to kill us first."

They all stand next to Mike. "That's right!" Dustin agreed. "Eat shit!" Lucas and Franny called out in a loud voice.

More guards appeared from behind them and grabbed them as Dr. Brenner watched as they all trembled and tried to break free from the guards.

Dr. Brenner grabs Eleven and grabs her face with his hands. Franny watches as she had that paralyzed body and felt like she was unable to. Leave her alone Franny could be heard whispering as her heart was racing and her palms were sweating.

Eleven wakes up and turns to look at the four struggling to break the men. The whimpering girl wanted to help but couldn't do anything. Chill down her spine she whimpers as Dr. Brenner shush's her.

Eleven gives Dr. Brenner a reassuring look. "Bad," Eleven whispered with dried blood from her nose.

His face falls. "Bad." Eleven's hand reaches out for her friend.

"Mike. Mike." Mike tries to break free but fails. He grunts. "Mike." The lights flicker. They turn their gaze towards the wall at the end of the hall.

"Blood," Mike murmured. "What?" Lucas questioned.

Blood. One thing that can cause the Demogorgon to appear.

As the lights strobe and the wall breaks. A Demogorgon appears from the wall. The MPs released the four as they draw their guns.

They rush to Eleven who was laying down on the floor. Dustin picks her up as they run down the hall away from the Demogorgon.

"Come on, come on," Mike yells out. "Go, go!" Lucas drawled. Franny watches as the Demogorgon jumps to Dr. Brenner.

"Holy shit," Franny muttered.

Dustin carries Eleven down the hall. They enter an empty classroom.

Lucas shuts the door and locks it.

"Set her down here." Franny pushes off the supplies that were on the lab table and Dustin sets her down.

Mike grips Eleven's hand as the lights continue to strobe. Mike's heart was racing, and sweaty hands and blank-faced. "Just hold on a little longer, okay?" Mike sniffles. "He's gone. The bad man's gone." Mike comforts her as he panics in fear.

"We'll be home soon, and my mom... she'll get you your own bed." Mike had a feeling his hair was raising on the back of his neck.

"You can eat as many Eggos as you want." Eleven grins at the mention of Eggos. "And we can go to the Snow Ball together." Mike finally asked her to the Snow Ball.

Eleven smiled look fades. "Promise?" Eleven questioned softly. Mike nods sniffling, he promises El.

The Demogorgon screeches. They scream as gunfires can be heard. They all stare at the door where flashes can be seen through the narrow window.

Gunfires are headed closer as Franny holds Lucas' hand tightly. They stop for a second. "Is... is it dead?" Dustin asked in fear.

The door breaks down as they all jolt. Lucas takes off his backpack and grabs the slingshot. Dustin hands Lucas the rocks as he shoots them at the Demogorgon.

The Demogorgon roars. "Kill it!" Mike yelled. The rocks bounce off the Demogorgon. "It's not working!" Lucas blurted out.

Lucas aims directly at the Demogorgon as everyone shouts at him to kill it. He shoots the rock at the Demogorgon who launches it back into the chalkboard. The Demogorgon was pinned against the board.

Eleven's nose bleeding she walks up to the four her gaze focused on the Demogorgon. "Eleven stop!" Mike calls and rushed to her but is flung back by El. She continues towards the monster. As the monster squeals, Franny helps Mike get up. They watch helplessly as Eleven comes face to face with the Demogorgon.

The monster squirms against the wall as Eleven stares at it intensely. Slowly, Eleven turns her head to the four who watches her sadly.

"Goodbye, Mike."

Tears spill from Eleven and Mike's eyes as they watch each other. Eleven turns back to the Demogorgon. Eleven glares at the creature.

"No more." Eleven angrily stares at the Demogorgon. She places her arm up and it rides against the chalkboard reaching for her. They cover their ears. Eleven's hand wavers and her mouth stretches wide.

They clutch their heads as they watch Eleven make the Demogorgon disappear into dust. They squeeze their eyes shut.

The Demogorgon disintegrated into ash. The flashing stops and they open their eyes and uncover their ears.

Eleven. Demogorgon. Gone.

"El? El?" Mike called out. "El!"

"Eleven!" Franny called out for her friend.

"El, where are you? Eleven?" Tears in his eyes, he calls out for her. "El?"

Franny places a hand on her mouth tears spilling from her eyes.


Franny sits in the back of an open ambulance with Lucas. Paola rushes to her as Franny was wrapped in a towel.

"Franny! You're okay. Oh my god." Paola hugs her and prays that her child is okay and safe. "Oh my god." She sobs into Franny's shoulder.

Franny pulls out of the hug and Paola spotted Lucas. "You." Paola brought Lucas into a hug and gave him a peck of the head. "You kept my daughter safe. Thank you mijo." Son.


The four sit in hospital chairs. Mike was lost in thoughts, Franny laying her head on Lucas' shoulder, Dustin asleep, and Lucas also asleep.

Jonathan enters the waiting room as Mike and him make contact. Jonathan gives him a nod. Mike shakes the two as Franny jolts up. "Guys he's up," Mike exclaimed. They all rush to Will's room.

"Will!" Franny runs to Will's bed and hugs him. "I missed you." She smiled as Will gave her a big smile.

"You won't believe what happened when you were gone, man," Lucas exclaimed. "It was mental!" Dustin added.

"You had a funeral." Lucas began. "Jennifer Hayes was crying." Dustin stammered.

"And Troy peed himself." Franny gave a nose crinkle and laughed.

"What?" Will laughed. "In front of the whole school too!" Dustin added.

Will coughed. Their smiles faded. "You okay?" Will looked at Mike.

"It got me." Will paused. "The Demogorgon."

They all nodded. "It's okay. We made a new friend. She killed it. She stopped us. And saved us." Mike added.

"But she's gone now." Franny sighed.

"Her name is Eleven." Dustin carried on the conversation.

"Like the number?" Will asked. "Well, we call her El for short." Lucas smiled.

"She's basically our wizard."

"She has superpowers," Lucas whispered as his eyes go wide. They carried on about Eleven as Will watched with excitement.


In Mike's basement. The five sit around a table with the game board.

"Something is coming. Something angry." Mike told the four. "Hungry for your blood."

They watch in interest as Mike carried on. "What is it?" Will questioned.

"It's the Thessalhydra, I'm telling you," Dustin answered.

"It's not the Thessalhydra." Lucas corrected.

"That's what you said last time and guess what happened?" Franny rolled her eyes.

"I'm telling you, it's the Thessalhydra." Dustin corrected Lucas. Dustin and Franny were sure it was the Thessalhydra.

Mike places down the Thessalhydra. "It roars in anger! Will your action!" Mike asked Will.

"What should I do? I—" Lucas cuts him off. "Fireball him!"

Will looks to Dustin who rubs his chin thoughtfully. "Fireball the son of a bitch." Dustin added.

They grin as Will rolls the dice. Will lands on a fourteen.

They exclaim in happiness. "Direct hit! Will the Wise's fireball hits the Thessalhydra!" Mike imitates a screech and falls to the ground. Mike pretends to die.

They cheer. Will and Lucas hug. They all dance around the table.

"Lucas cuts off its seven heads and Dustin places them in his bag." Dustin gets his back and pretends to hold the heads. "You carry the heads out of the dungeon victorious, and you present them to King Tristian." Mike paused.

"He thanks you for your bravery and service." Mike finished.

"Whoa. That's not it is it?" Dustin questioned. Mike shakes his head. "No, there's a medal ceremony—"

"Oh! A medal ceremony? What are you talking about?" Dustin exclaimed. "The campaign was too short." Lucas put forth.

"Yeah." Franny and Will agreed.

"It was ten hours!" Mike answered. "But it doesn't make any sense."

"It makes sense!" Mike argued. "Uh, no, what about the lost knight?" Dustin argued back.

"And the proud princess," Lucas added.

"And those weird flowers in the cave." Will put forth.

Jonathan and Kirby come down. "What's that smell, Jonathan?" Kirby asked. "I don't know. Have they been playing all day or have they been just farting?" Jonathan smiled at Kirby and they laughed.

"Oh, that's just Dustin." Lucas chuckled. "He farted." Dustin smiled fade. "Dustin farted." Lucas blows a raspberry.

"Okay." Dustin nodded. "Very mature, Lucas. Are you like this around Franny?" Dustin asked.

His face went blank. "Yes. Yes, I am." Lucas admitted.

"Bye guys." Will waved to everyone. "Bye Will!" Franny waved back.

"Franny." Franny grabbed her backpack as she waved goodbye.

"Bye Lucas." Franny waved as she headed up the stairs. Lucas and Dustin stopped playing and fighting. "Bye." Lucas chuckled and smiled.

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