22. Suzie?

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‧₊ ·˚ ༘❁ ┊ep 1. suzie, do you copy?▬▬▬▬▬▬
꒰ ✎ ꒱ؘ STARGIRL, a stranger things fanfiction

Lucas loved going over to Franny's house and making out with her. They made out once a week at Franny's or Lucas' house. Her mom didn't care, she just wanted her kids to have the time of their lives this summer. Franny remembered that they have to go to the mall and go watch a movie with the others.

"Lucas." She muttered still kissing Lucas, Lucas kept kissing his girlfriend. "Lucas!" He trailed down to her neck, "We have to go to the mall. Will and the others are waiting for us. If we don't go we're gonna be late.l" Lucas groaned, "Fine, c'mon let's go." Lucas got up from Franny's bed and grabbed his shoes Franny grabbed her hair and placed it in a ponytail.

Lucas was spotted looking at her. "What?" She turned back, "I love you." Lucas blurted out, Franny smiled. "I love you too." She replied, "Now let's go," She grabbed his hand as Paola watched the two rush down the stairs. Paola thought of Jim and her yesterday, while her kids were at the mall.

They grabbed their bike as they rode off to the Mall. Franny lived a few minutes away from the Mall which made it faster for them to get to the Mall. Once they arrived they saw Max, Gabby, and Will at the Mall. "See we made it." Lucas laughed, and Franny smiled.

"Yeah, earlier than Mikes and El. You know Mike." Franny walked with Lucas as they reached the others. "Now we wait for him." Gabby began. It was almost thirty minutes waiting for Mike.

Mike arrived as Lucas crossed his arm next to Franny's. "You're late," Lucas told him. "Sorry!" Mike replied, placing his bike on the bike rack. "Again!" Lucas declared.

"We're gonna miss the opening." Will started, his backpack full of snacks and drinks. "If you guys keep wining about it. Let's go!" Mike walked in front of the group. They followed behind him.

Lucas mocked him. "Just stop talking, dude." Mike sighed, "Let me guess. You were busy." Lucas smacks his lips. "Like you and Franny aren't like that," Mike responded.

"Yeah, but at least we're on time," Franny remarked as she held Lucas' hand. "Real mature guys."

"Oh, El, I wish you could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends." Lucas mocked. "Lucas stop," Max called. "Well, Franny and Will think it's funny," Lucas replied as they chuckled. "Because it is," Will replied.

They walked near Scoops Ahoy where Kirby and her girlfriend worked. "Yeah, it's so funny when I wanna spend romantic time with my girlfriend." Mike rolled his eyes.

Lucas placed his arm over Franny's shoulder, "I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend." Franny smiled as Lucas placed a kiss on her head.

They walked to the escalator where they rushed passed teenagers. Mike bumps into a girl. "Sorry!" Mike apologized. "Watch it." The girl told them.

"Yeah! Watch it, nerd!" Erica, Lucas' sister called out sitting with her friends on an island. "Isn't it past your bedtime?" Lucas asked, "Hi Franny." Erica smiled as she waved, and Franny gave a smile back. "Isn't it time you died?" Erica replied as Lucas walked past her. Her friends laughed, "Psycho!"

"Butthead!" Erica and Lucas kept bickering. "Mallrat!"

"Fart face!"

Lucas blew raspberries to her sister. "That was mature, Lucas." Franny grabbed his shoulder as they enter Scoops Ahoy. Kirby and Robin could be seen bickering about who was the better server when Mike rings the bell. "Hey, dingus, your children are here," Robin called out, as Mike kept ringing the bell.

Steve opened the break room door. "Again? Seriously?" Steve commented. Mike gave Steve a deadpan look. Mike rang the bell once more as Steve opened the door to the break room and led them to the delivery door where the halls were empty.

They walked out one by one and they all walked to the movie theater door. "Come on, come on," Steve rushed them. "Hey, I swear, if anybody finds out about this—" Steve called out.

"We're dead!" They all replied in sync. Moments later, Mike opens the door and peaks out. "All clear," Mike opened the door where the group walked out. They walked into a sneak preview of George A. Romero's Day of the Dead.

They squeezed past people already seated. "See Lucas we made it," Mike whispered to Lucas. "We made it through. Fart face." Franny whispered as Lucas gave a wonky face to her. People shushed them. Will opens his backpack as he gave snacks to his friends.

"Skittles?" Lucas asked. Franny nodded and held out her hand. "My favorite, thanks." She smiled and gave a kiss on Lucas' cheek. They both turn back to the movie as they watch in interest. The projected stutters then goes dark.

They all clamor in complaint. "Come on," Franny groaned. They all complained when the film reel starts again. They cheer in joy and clap. Franny grins at Lucas who grinned back.

They mocked and continued playing as they watched in interest.


The next day, the party waits at Dustin's house. Mrs. Henderson told them to wait for her to pick up Dustin and they hear a door opens a few hours later. They all rushed to the side of the wall.

"El." Mike looked at her, she nods and she closes her eyes, blood trickling down her nose. They hear Dustin muttering. "Now," Mike whispered. Eleven's eyes open as the toys stop their movements. As Dustin examines them. They sneak into the same room where Dustin was in.

Max counted down with her fingers as they reached one, they blew the noisemakers as Dustin screams he blows hairspray into Lucas' eyes. They both scream. Franny's mouth hangs open as she tells Lucas to stop.

"Sorry, Lucas. Oh my gosh." Dustin commented. "It's fine." He places his two fingers on his eyes. Franny grabbed Lucas' arm and takes him to the sink, she turns it on. "Here. Put your eyes under the water." Lucas nodded with his eye closed and places his eyes under the sink.

"Ow. Ow. Ow." He raises his head under the sink. He groans. "Better?" Franny asked who placed an arm on the counter. "Still stings." He runs a finger over his eyes. He opened his eyes a little.

"When is the next time you're free?" Franny shrugged, "I don't know... Maybe all week?" She told him as she placed his head under the sink. He screamed in pain. "Oh! Sorry!"

Franny sees the group walk out. "What's happening?" Franny asked, Gabby smiled, "We're gonna see Dustin's girlfriend!" Gabby smiled as they walked out the door.

"Girlfriend?" Franny and Lucas say in union, they look at each other then Lucas grabbed his bag as Franny walked out. They grabbed their bikes and biked somewhere, Dustin led them to a tall-looking field.

"Shit. It's so hot." Franny complained as she fanned her face with her hands. They walk up the steep field. "Aren't we high enough?" Lucas asked, holding a bag of steel poles.

"Cerebrospinal works best at a hundred meters." Dustin started. "You know I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones," Max added. "Yeah, but Susie's Mormon," Dustin interjected. "Oh, shit. She doesn't have electricity." Lucas expressed.

"That's the Amish, Lucas," Franny replied. He nodded. "What are Mormons?" Will asked concretely. "Super religious white people," Dustin called out.

"They have electricity and cars and stuff, but..." Dustin trialed off. Franny placed her hair into a ponytail and wiped her face. She recently dyed some of her hair pieces pink. "It's all a bit..." Dustin looked back at the group. "Shakespearean."

"Shakespearean?" Gabby assured. "Yeah. Like Romeo and Juliet." Max nodded her head slowly. "Right." The silence was short for a second, "Star-crossed lovers." Dustin added on. "I got it." 

"Hey, guys!" Mike called out. They all turn to them, "This is fun and all, but, uh..." Mike trailed off. He taps his watch. "I have to go home." El smiled. "We're almost there." Dustin ejected. "Sorry, man. Curfew." He pulls away El.

"Are you kidding me? It's 4 on a Monday." Franny complained. "Relax, they just wanna go suck face, like always." Gabby emitted.

"Curfew at 4?" Dustin checked his watch, "They're lying," Lucas added. "It's been like this all summer," Will replied.

"It's romantic," Max stated. "It's gross," Will replied watching Mike and El leave. "It's bullshit," Dustin added. "I just got home." Dustin looked at the two walking away helpless. "Well, their loss, right?" Dustin told them. "Onwards and upwards!" Dustin chuckled, walking up the hill. Franny and Lucas sigh. They follow Dustin.

The spot Will standing where they left. "Will, come on!" Dustin called out, Will turned and jogged to the remaining group. The group gets tired from walking Dustin drops his duffle bag on the ground. "Made it." Dustin smiled. "Yeah, only took five hours," Max complained placing Dustin's things on the ground. "Why can't we just play D&D." "We can play later Will. Hold on." Franny placed her hands on their thighs. "I need to sit."

Franny takes Lucas' backpack that had the canteen that they packed. She takes it out and drinks some of it. "Want some?" She handed the canteen to Lucas. He grabs the canteen and drinks the rest of the water. He chugged the water, Franny looked at him incredibly in disbelief watching him drink the rest of the water.

He wipes his mouth. "You seriously drank the rest of our water?" Franny observed Lucas looking at her. He spits the water back into the canteen and holds it out to Franny, with a grin, Franny who now got up and laughed, taking the bottle from him. "You're stupid you know that Lukie?" Franny replied as Lucas stared at her with no expression. "You know I hate that name," Lucas told her.

"It was Erica, not me," Franny replied walking off as Lucas followed her. They all grab a bag and they dump metal tubes. Max and the others open up different kinds of antennas. They work together to assemble metal tubes into a small pole.

In pairs, they round metal coils onto the antenna pieces. Once they were done, Dustin attaches the antenna pieces they built to the metal rods and sucres it with duck tape.

They lift it and bring it to a stand. "Pretty impressive, right?" Dustin smiled, placing his hands on his hips. "Yeah." Max gives a small mumble.

"Now, you ready to meet my love?" Dustin asked the five, and they all nodded. "Sure, if she's even real." Gabby quipped. Dustin picked up a microphone connected to a transceiver. "Suzie, this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over." Dustin tells the mic. He repeats the words he said over and over into the microphone.

"C'mon. This is gonna take forever." Franny told Lucas, he followed Franny like a lost dog to the ground and they lay down looking up at the sky. Franny exhaled and closed her eyes and lay next to Lucas, her hand holding his.

"She's there she's just..." Dustin trailed off, and Franny used her elbows to lift her a little. "Sure, Dustin," Franny replied, she lay back down with Lucas.

Dustin kept calling Suzie's name and he kept getting no response. "Dustin, come on! She's not there." Max belated. "She's there, all right? She'll pick up." Dustin replied. "Maybe Cerebro doesn't work," Will interjected. "Or maybe Suzie doesn't exist." Lucas fans his arms out.

"She exists!" Dustin drawled.

"She's a genius and she's hotter than Phoebe Cates? No girl is that perfect." Lucas stated. Franny got up and smacked him in the arm. "Are you kidding me?" She added. Lucas realized what he said and he got up to explain it to Franny.

"No! That's not what I meant. I mean you're perfect!" Lucas stammered. "Please don't break up with me." He added. Franny looked at him deeply and she grinned a little. She chucked. "I'm just messing with you." Franny got up and raised her hand out to Lucas. "Come on." Lucas grabbed her hand and got up, they walked off hand in hand.

"Where are you going?" Dustin asked, "Where else? Home." Franny quipped, turning back to Dustin the turning back around. "Welcome home, Dustin!" Franny called out waving her other hand while the other hand was in Lucas' hand.

Lucas stopped in his tracks while Franny faced him. "Maybe tomorrow I can come over and we can..." Lucas noted looking at her lips. She smiled, "It's been a day Lucas! Surely you can wait." She placed her hand on his cheek.

Lucas nodded, "Fine. I can wait." Franny smiled as they walked home.

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