32. Never Believe You

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‧₊ ·˚ ༘❁ ┊ep 3. the monster and the superhero. ▬▬▬▬▬▬
꒰ ✎ ꒱ؘ STARGIRL, a stranger things fanfiction

"Can I get this?" Kirby asked Steve as Robin, Franny, Dustin, and Max look at supplies for Eddie. "No, put that back," Steve argued. Sylvia decided to stay at the boathouse with Eddie, now, Sylvia would stay outside of the tarp Eddie was staying in.

Kirby sighed before she placed the food back. "Can I—" Kirby said before Steve cut her off. Steve wasn't having it today so he just sighed and continued on.

"Just put it in the basket." Kirby grinned as she placed her things in the basket.

Franny and Dustin were in their own world talking about random shit, "Do you still even talk to Suzie?" Franny asked as she pushed the basket full of drinks and food.

Dustin nodded as he placed cereal. "Yeah. She's like a genius."

"Yet... You're failing Spanish." Franny replied, Dustin, rolled his eyes as Franny chuckled.

"You could just come to me for help, I'd get you that grade up," Franny added before she sighed.

Max wasn't too far from the conversation giving a smile at what Franny nor Dustin said. Dustin and Franny's chat took forever and somehow got interrupted by Steve.

Steve wanted to leave as for Dustin, he wanted to get enough supplies for Eddie.

Steve agreed eventually Franny was assuming he was on a budget. As Dustin was left running around the store, the rest stood waiting for him to finish his adventure for food.

Kirby groaned waiting for Dustin. Franny soon got tired enough of waiting for Dustin.

She walked through every aisle looking for Dustin she found him eventually.

Dustin was busy picking chocolate milk for Eddie. "Dustin! C'mon, we have to go." Franny complained as she took the basket from Dustin pulling it to the cash register.


The group soon arrived at the boat house. Dustin, who walked in front of them slammed the door open scaring Sylvia and Eddie. The whole group smiled as they walked in with bags.

"Delivery service." Dustin smiled. Eddie exhales as everyone waves to him. Franny and the others walked to the table as Eddie rushed past them.

Eddie scavenged through the bags finding something to eat. He pulls out cereal with a yo-hoo. He rushed back to the chair that was sitting in front of the tarp.

He opened the box not listening to anyone for a minute. Franny watched as Eddie tried to open the cereal bag, he opened it eventually stuffing them in his mouth.

"Okay, so we got, uh, some good news and some bad news," Dustin started as he sat on a stool. Kirby stood next to Robin. Steve leaned on a pole.

Max sat on a chair as Franny sat on the floor. Sylvia was seated next to Eddie.

The silence was there for just a minute. Everyone exchanged looks as chewing came from Eddie. Franny looked at Dustin as she nodded to him.

"How do you prefer it?" Dustin asked as Eddie took a sip of his drink. "Bad news first, always."

Dustin nodded, "Alright. Bad news. We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch without Cerebro," Dustin explained. "and they're definitely looking for you."

Eddie's eyes shift to the ground, he let out a shaky exhaled before his eyes shifted to Sylvia who smiled at him and held his hand. "They're also convinced you killed Chrissy." Franny added as Max nodded, "Like, 100% percent convinced." Eddie turned his head back to Dustin.

"And the good news?" Eddie asked. "Your name hasn't gone public yet." Robin smiled.

"But if we found out about you, it's a matter of time before others do too. And once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother are gonna be gunning for you." Robin exhaled as she finished that sentence.

Eddie's eyes shift back to the ground. "Hunt the freak, right?" Eddie asked. "Exactly."


"So," Dustin started a plan. "before that happens. We find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence." Dustin explained as Eddie nodded and sighed. "That's all, Dustin? That's all?"

Dustin nodded, "Yeah, no, that's pretty much of it." Eddie yawned as he turned his head, "Listen, Eddie," Robin started as Eddie turned his gaze back to her.

"I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional," Robin makes a hand movement, as Dustin looked at her. "but we actually been through this before."

Franny nodded. "We have, a... a few times." Franny corrected as Robin nodded. "And she has once." Franny pointed to Robin who smiled at him.

"Mine was more human- flesh-based and theirs was more smoke-related," Robin started rambling, "but bottom line is, collectively, I really feel like we got this." Robin's eyes shifted between the whole group, then to Eddie and Sylvia.

"Yeah..." Steve started, "see, we usually rely on this girl who was superpowers. But that kinda went..." Steve trailed off.

"Bye, bye," Franny added as Steve and the others nodded. "So, we're technically in more of the—"

"Brainstorming phase." Max blurted. "Brainstorming." Steve agreed as everyone nodded, including Sylvia and Eddie.

Dustin splutters. "There... There's nothing to worry about." Dustin smiled worriedly at Eddie.

Steve scoffs. As Dustin and Steve share a look Eddie stared at them incredulously.

Sirens were heard as everyone panicked. "Tarp," Robin muttered as Eddie threw his found to the group and Franny got up to help Sylvia out of the boat, Eddie placed the tarp over him.

Everyone rushed and peered out the window watching cop cars rushing past the street.

Everyone exchanges look as Eddie uncovers himself from the tarp.

"What's going on?" Eddie asked as Franny turned to reply to him. Steve walks out grabbing Kirby's car keys on the way.

"We're driving my car? Seriously?" Kirby asked as Eddie was ignored. "Stay here," Sylvia told him before kissing Eddie and walking out with the group.

Franny's eyes shift pasts, Eddie and Sylvia. "You should stay here Sully. With Eddie." Franny started as Sylvia turned back.

Sylvia had a feeling she should stay with Eddie but she also shouldn't. Sylvia walked past Franny and back into the boathouse with Eddie.

Franny watched as Dustin grabbed her hand and pulled her to her sister's car. They drove to the crime scene where it took them a few minutes to arrive. Steve turned off the engine as the group got out to see Nancy being questioned by the cops.

Franny smiles in relief to see that Nancy's okay. She gave her a small wave as Nancy returned one back. After Nancy was done being questioned by the cops she rushes to the group; mainly Franny and Kirby, and rushes in for a hug.

"Nancy, are you okay?" Kirby asked as she left a hand on her shoulder. Nancy nodded before she told them who it was.

"Fred? Oh my..." Kirby placed her hands on her head before Nancy told them to come back to the trailer park to explain everything to everyone.

Nancy started a small conversation that eventually led to Dustin explaining about Vecna. "So you're saying that this thing," Nancy started as Franny clasped her hands to listen. "that killed Fred and Chrissy," Nancy paused to take a breath, "it's from the Upside Down?"

"If the shoe fits," Steve added. Dustin sighed, "Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or a curse." Dustin added before Franny nodded to Nancy.

"Now whether or not he's doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer or just loves killing teens," Dustin gave a sad smile. "we don't know."

"All we know is this is something different." Max chimed in, exchanging looks with Franny. "Something new," Franny added. "This doesn't make sense."

"It's only a theory."

Nancy shook her head to disagree, "No, Fred and Chrissy don't make sense." Nancy looked to Franny and Dustin. "I mean, why them?" She asked, Nancy's shoulders heaving as Franny shrugs her shoulders.

"Maybe they were just in the wrong place." Dustin corrected as Franny shook her head to Nancy. "They were both at the game," Franny added. "And the trailer park." Max agreed.

Steve exhaled as he realized. "We're at the trailer park." Franny rolled her eyes. "Uh, should we maybe not be here?" Steve asked as he looked around. The wind started to get heavier as they all looked around, hair on their faces.

"There is something about this place." Nancy explained as she shook her head, "The second Fred and I got here, he started acting weird." Nancy furrowed her eyebrows as Franny nodded.

"Yeah and the night before the game when Chrissy and I were walking. She acted weird too? I guess?" Franny explained as Max exhaled.

"Acting weird as in..." Robin asked. "Scared, on edge," Nancy shook her head. "upset." Franny nodded. "So was Chrissy. She told me to go away in the bathroom all I wanted to know is if she was okay." Max added, Franny looked at her.

"She was crying in the bathroom," Max added, as Franny nodded. "When we were talking she looked like she wanted to cry," Franny explained as Max carried on.

"Serial killers," Robin started as they all turned to her, she went wide-eyed. "they stalk their pretty before they strike right?" Robin asked.

"So, maybe Fred and Chrissy saw this Vecman—" Robin explained as Dustin cut her off, "Vecna."

Robin nodded. "Dunno about you guys, but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone." Steve started as everyone watched him explain.

"Maybe they did." Max added, "Franny and I saw Chrissy leave Ms. Kelly's office." Max paused. "If you saw a monster, you... you wouldn't go to the police."

"They never believe you," Franny added as Kirby nodded. "But they might've gone to their..." Max added. "Shrink." Kirby finished as Max nodded.

Franny started a plan and everyone agreed to it. They all stood up and walked to Kirby's car before Nancy breaks off to her own. Franny and Steve noticed this, Steve tried to stop her but she ignored him until Kirby called out for her.

"Where are you going?" Steve asked as Nancy turned to him. Nancy's shoulder heaved as she sighed, "Oh, there's just something I wanna check on first." Nancy pointed her thumb to her car.

Dustin and Nancy argued about what and where she was going to do. Franny rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, no. It's dangerous with this Vecna guy running around. You need someone to... to..." Steve stumbled as Nancy raised a brow.

"Here. I'll stick with Nance. You guys check out the shrink." Steve tosses the keys to Robin. "I can't drive!" Robin called out. "What about Kirby?" Steve asked. Kirby shook her head. "I'm done driving today. I'll go with Nancy and take Robin with me. You stay with them, Steve."

"No. Can anyone else drive?" Steve looked around. "I can drive." Max smiled as Steve's eyes went wide. "No, never again. Please. Anybody but you. No." Steve pointed to Max as Max and Franny laughed.

Dustin gave Steve a look. "No chance. Franny, can you drive?" Steve asked as Franny went wide-eyed. "No, Steve she can't I'm letting my sister drive! You stay with them and I'll go with Robin and Nancy," Kirby replied as Steve.

Robin grabbed Dustin's walkie as as she handed Steve, Kirby's car keys. "Yeah, us ladies will stick together. Unless you think we need you to protect us." Robin said as Steve rolled his eyes as the three girls walked off.

"Be careful!"

Franny opens the door for Max as they all clime in. Steve and Dustin argued as Steve complained he was always the babysitter. "Well, you did stay with us when we needed you," Franny added as Steve gave a sarcastic laugh and stared at Kirby's car.

Steve drives past Eddie's trailer as Franny watched the house covered in police tape. Max told Steve directions to Ms. Kelly's house. Steve comes to a stop while Max gets out. "Good luck!" Franny called out as Max shut the door before crossing the street to Ms. Kelly's house.

From the car, Steve, Franny, and Dustin watched as Max went inside. "Okay. She's in." Steve mumbled to himself. "I'm missing collar bones, not eyes," Dustin replied back as Franny rolled her eyes ready to hear the bickering between the two.

Dustin and Steve started talking about someone, Franny wasn't listening to the two as she watched outside to Ms. Kelly's house. A few minutes later Max leaves the house rushing to the car as Franny opened it for her.

Max quickly entered the car showing the Franny the keys to the office. Franny smiled. "Steve, drive," Max called out as Steve started driving.

As Steve was driving Lucas' voice could be heard from Dustin's walkie. "Dustin? Do you copy? This is Lucas. Dustin?" Franny furrowed her brows as Dustin replied to Lucas.

"Lucas? Where the hell have you been?" Dustin asked as Lucas went on. "Are you guys looking for Eddie?" Lucas asked

"We already found him," Dustin replied. Lucas told him about what Jason's plans were and about how Eddie killed Chrissy. "That's bullshit! Eddie tried to save Chrissy."

Max took the Walkie from Dustin, "Lucas, you're so behind it's ridiculous, okay?" Max explained. "Just meet us at the high school." Franny also spoke. "If you can."

After a while, the radio turns to static. "Lucas?" Franny asked from the walkie. Franny fell back into her seat as she exhaled not hearing from Lucas.

Steve made a turn onto the parking lot of the high school before he parked right in front of the entrance. "All right." Steve started before he climbs out of his car as the others followed.

The four broke up into two, Dustin and Steve, Franny and Max. "How's long-distance going for you, Max?" Franny asked knowing during the summer, Gabby had moved with her mom to another city in Indiana. She wasn't that far, but was far enough that Max couldn't even get there by walking.

Max nodded, "Good. I'll probably see her Friday." Max smiled as they reached Ms. Kelly's office. Max handed the flashlight to Franny as she took the keys out of her pocket before unlocking the door.

Max steps into the room as the others followed behind her. Franny and Max's slip open a file cabinet and the two look for files. "Holy shit," Max muttered as Steve walked to her.

"Yeah, and not just Chrissy's file. Fred was seeing her too." Max explained as Franny took Fred's folder. Franny sat in Ma. Kelly's chair as she read Fred's folder.

Headaches. Nosebleeds. Nightmares. Difficulty sleeping. Past trauma.

Everything Max told her a few weeks ago. Franny gulped as Max looked up at her. Max mouthed to her, "Everything, I told you." as Franny nodded.

A few moments later, it was like Max was put in a trance. "Max! Max!" Everyone called out to her as if she was in a trance. She was just looking at the table as they all called out to her.

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