37. War Zone

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‧₊ ·˚ ༘❁ ┊ep 8. Papa. ▬▬▬▬▬▬
꒰ ✎ ꒱ؘ STARGIRL, a stranger things fanfiction

"Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? Music! We need music!" Robin scavenged through cassettes looking for songs that Nancy might've to listen to. It was all rock.

"This is music!" Eddie took one of the cassettes and yelled at her showing the Metallica cassette. "Just find anything! She might like it!" Franny replied back. "What song!"

"Does she like Kate Bush?" Max panicked. "I don't know, maybe I'll go ask Mike! Just try it, Max!" Franny panicked also before taking the headphones and player and rushing to the gate. She found no Steve or Nancy.

"She's awake!" Steve called out. Franny exhaled in relief. Nancy made it out, thankfully safely and Steve followed after her. Nancy rushed to Franny's arms.

"You need to rest. Come on," Franny spoke. Nancy shook her head. "No, I don't want to. What if..." Nancy started. "He's not coming back for you." Steve chimed in. "We'll make sure you're safe." Nancy soon nodded.


"So what happened?" Franny asked leaning on the wall. "He showed me," Nancy started hoarsely. "things that haven't happened yet. The most awful things. I saw a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins. Downtown on fire. Dead soldiers. And this..." Nancy kept her gaze on the ground.

"Giant creature with... a gaping mouth. And this creature wasn't alone. There were so many monsters. An army. And they were coming to Hawkins. Into our neighborhoods. Our homes. And then... he showed me, my mom. And Franny. And Holly. Mike. And they... they were all..." Her breath shakes.

"Okay, but... he's just trying to scare you, Nance," Steve spoke. "Right? I mean... I mean, it's not real." Nancy shook her head. "Not yet. But there... there was something else. He showed me gates. Four gates. Spreading across Hawkins." Nancy added.

"And these gates, they looked like the one outside of Eddie's trailer, but they didn't stop growing. And this wasn't Upside Down Hawkins."

"It was ours. Our home." Everyone stood silent and looked at each other. "Four chimes." Everyone looked to Max. "Vecna's clock. It always chimes for times." She paused for two seconds. "Four exactly."

"I heard them too," Nancy added. Everyone looked at Nancy at her sudden confession. Franny and the others were never told or heard about Nancy's visions with Vecna. She didn't tell anyone. Not her mother, Mike, anyone. That was until now.

Everyone asked her why she never told them. She said Max was more important than herself and she didn't want anyone to worry about her more than Max. "He's been telling us his whole plan the entire time."

"Four kills."

"Four gates."

"End of the world."

"He's only one kill away." Dustin outed. Eddie muttered things as everyone stood silent. "Try 'em again. Try 'em again." Steve spoke as Max nodded and went to the phone to contact Mike, El, Will, and the others.

No answer. "Anything?" Franny asked, Max, shook her head. "No. Rang a few times, then went to a busy signal." Max added as Franny sighed. "Maybe you punched it wrong. Try again."

Max rolled her eyes and went back to the phone, "I didn't punch it wrong, Steve."

"Well, I don't know." Steve scoffed. "I think she knows how to use the phone," Dustin added. "Same shit," Max spoke. "How is that possible?" Lucas asked.

"There phones been busy for what? Three days now? No way. That's not Joyce. Something's wrong." Max spoke. "Frans, how long has your mom been gone?" Max asked.

"I don't know. She was gone when I woke up." Franny spoke shrugging her shoulders. "Do you know where she went?" Steve asked. Franny shook her head. "As I said, I don't know where she is or where she went."

"Besides Paola being gone, Max's is right. Whatever's happening in Lenora is connected to all of this." Nancy started walking to the window. "But Vecna can't hurt them. Not if he's dead."

Nancy turned back to the group. "We have to go back. Back into the Upside Down." Nancy blurted. Everyone shook their heads. Steve and Eddie complained about them not wanting to go back. Let's think this through Nancy. Is what Steve said.

"We weren't prepared! But this time, we will be. We'll get weapons and protection!" Nancy spoke as Steve shook his head. "We'll kill him when we find his lair." Nancy continued. "Or he'll kill us. The only reason you survived is that he wanted you to." Steve added.

Robin went on about Vecna/Henry/One. About how he's a sick, evil, male, child-murder in a version of El with really bad skin. And that he's super powerful.

Dustin agreed with Robin. "We know Eleven's strength. And weakness." Dustin continued to explain and Lucas soon followed on. Max went on about how she's cursed. "Max, you can't. He'll kill you." Franny spoke.

"I survived before. I can survive again." Max told her as Franny gulped. "Whatever you do, try not to miss," Max told Nancy who nodded.

Eddie stood up and scavenged through old newspapers Max had. He found one that had War-Zone. He went back to the table where everyone was.

"Check this out. The War Zone." Eddie placed the newspaper on the table. "I've been there once. It's huge. They got everything you need for, uh... well, killing things basically."

Erica complained about angry hicks. "Normally, I'd agree but we need the weapons. So I think it's worth the risk."

"It'll take forever to bike there and back," Dustin said. "Who said anything about bikes?" Eddie asked. "What you got some car we don't know about?" Steve scoffed. "It's not exactly a car Steve. And it's exactly not mine, but, uh... it'll do." Eddie smiled.

"Hey, Red, uh you got a ski mask or a bandanna, something like that for me and Sul?" Eddie asked as Max nodded. She walked into another room full of masks, which was her room. She handed Eddie her Michael Myers mask and handed Sylvia another mask.

Eddie nodded. "That'll do. Right, Sul?" Eddie asked as she smiled. They stepped outside of the trailer and passed a few cars Eddie lead them as they all ran to a Wander van. Eddie opened the side window as he jumped into it.

Everyone followed after him. Eddie helps Sylvia into the van. Franny helping Lucas also. And everyone else. Eddie jump-started the car as a couple of the van banged on the doors.

"Drive, Steve! Drive!" Dustin yelled as Steve pressed on the gas pedal and drove off. Eddie was head banging while Steve drove. Robin and Lucas were bouncing due to Steve's crazy driving. Franny held onto the curtain as she tried not to fall from the bouncy ride. Steve's crazy driving soon came to a stop and everyone relaxed.

People moved to different places. Lucas and Franny sat next to each other on the sofa in the back of the trailer. They talked and laughed while Steve and Nancy had their own, Robin and Kirby and Sylvia and Eddie.

"Max told me a memory she's gonna use. We're both in there. Gabby's in there. Everyone is." Franny smiled. "What is it?" Lucas asked. "Remember? The yellow dress? The..." Franny trailed off as Lucas was thinking of what she was saying. "The Snow Ball? Out the first kiss!" Lucas laughed.

"Technically it wasn't our first kiss, that was when we 'confessed' to each other. It was the day we got together." Franny told him before giving a kiss to him.

Steve soon arrived at War Zone where he chose groups. "Nancy you get the guns. Franny. Max. Erica. Ammo and shit. Kirby, Robin, and I. Any other things. The rest of you. Do whatever just stay here." Steve explained as everyone followed him out and into the store.

Erica was the first one in, and Franny followed behind. "So much for angry hicks," Franny spoke making Robin give a small chuckle. "Let's be... fast," Nancy told them. "Good idea." Kirby agreed as they all went into their groups. Erica, Max, and Franny all got blue lights and ammo. Erica just tossed things into the basket for what they needed.

"What else do you think we need?" Franny asked as Erica was walking and pushing the basket. She soon came to a stop when she saw Jason's minions. "Shit," Franny muttered when she saw them. "Come on," Franny told Erica who turned the basket.

More minions. "What do we do?" Erica asked. "Follow me," Franny told her as Erica nodded and followed Franny. Franny lead her and kept an eye out for at least of any of Jason's friends. They soon found a way where they saw no one but other customers.

"Good eye." Erica smiled and soon Max, Steve, Robin, Kirby, and Nancy soon joined them. "Okay, so... who's paying?" Kirby asked as everyone looked to Steve. "Alright."

Steve paid for everything that they got and they all rushed out after Franny and Nancy told them about Jason and his friends. "Get in. Go." Nancy opened the door and they all rushed in. "What happened?" Lucas asked. "Your old friends are here," Erica said as she rushes in. "They're looking for us," Franny spoke as she closes the trailer door.

Steve stopped at a field where they all went in different directions to set up their weapons. Franny and her sister, Dustin, Eddie and Sylvia, Lucas and Erica, Max and Nancy, and Robin and Steve.

"You're doing it wrong," Kirby complained, Franny wrapped the spear in the opposite direction. "Abuelo said this was the right way," Franny added. Kirby shook her head, "Abuela told me it was the other way." Kirby replied. "Different way's then for them." Franny laughed.

"Whatever happens, promise me this." Kirby started. Franny looked at her and nodded. "Stay safe for me? For dad, for mom for everyone." Kirby spoke as set down her spear and pulled her into a hug.

"I will. For you, for dad, for mom. For Hopper." Franny smiled as Kirby pulled out from the hug and smiled and kissed her sister on her forehead. "Kirbs! Stop! No. Ew!" Kirby laughed as she placed more kisses on her sister's forehead. "Okay, okay!"

"Is everyone ready?" Steve called out. Everyone nodded. "Yeah!" Dustin yelled as they all took their things and went into the trailer. Steve started the car before they all went in.

Everyone stood quiet the whole ride. It was a life or death situation. Franny was sure Max was going to survive. Steve drove to the Creel house where Franny, Lucas, Max, and Erica got up and faced the house. They walked closer to the house.

"See you on the other side."

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