Chapter 9

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"Will!" Michael woke up the sleeping demigod. "Come on, breakfast has started and you and I have early infirmary duty."

"Ok..." Will rolled out of bed and fell face first onto the floor. Michael went to help him up, but Will didn't even acknowledge him by just getting up and dressed.

"Will, are you ok?"

"Fine." His scars from cutting the day before started hurt from his small fall. Will arrived in the dining hall only to see his angel at the Hermes table- chatting with Luke. Will sighed and sacrificed his entire meal to Hades. 'Why did you take his memories? Please give them back.'

There was no awnser.


Will left to the infirmary. He was the first there, and they had no patients. Will just started organising things that had been messed up after yesterday's batch of injuries.

"Will." It was Michael.


"Come here."

"Ok...?" Will walked over to the bed Michael was standing by. It was usually used for when campers needed a therapist for some reason.

"Lay down."


"Will. I know something is wrong. Lay down." Will complied. "You knew Nico."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Damn it Will! Ever since Nico arrived and said something to you you've been acting depressed!"

"He doesn't remember. It doesn't matter."

"Well it clearly does! I'm not going to move and not going to let you leave until you tell me what happened between you two!"

Will sighed. This would take awhile.

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