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"The brilliant red-haired boy whose catchy song is on repeat, here he is ladies and gents, Camden Moon!" She screamed his name at the end, pointing to where he was supposed to walk out at. He walked out, smiling shyly at the crowd, which wasn't normal for him. He was never usually shy, but it was because he knew was watching. What he knew he has to do. What if his fans didn't like him anymore because they knew he didn't write the song? He doesn't know if he can do this, but he has to. It is him or Nova who'll tell the whole world. And it is better for them to hear it from him than someone else. "So, Camden, you've been on a lot of interviews,"

He nodded, giving a closed-mouth smile, "Yeah, I have."

"But not one of them has gotten an answer on this question," She paused, and he waited to hear the question she was about to ask, "How long did it take you to write that song?"

"Well, um," He began to fiddle with his thumbs, looking down at them, "I actually didn't..." Camden trailed off, looking up at Helen who was waiting for him to spill the juicy deets that she would be proud to say only she got out of him, "I have a songwriter. She wrote the song for me, but she likes to stay in the shadows and doesn't like the spotlight all that much. I don't think I should say her name. She might get mad at me and quit and I don't want that because as you could tell from the song, she writes amazing lyrics." Once Camden finally spit out the words, he knew he was going to hear about it from Nova after the interview. She was probably going to hit him or yell at him and ask him why he didn't tell them her name when that was what they agreed on.

Deliah Pitt smiled at him before turning her head to the crowd, "How about we give it up for Camden's songwriter?!" She shouted to the crowd and they all cheered loudly, clapping their hands. Once the crowd calmed down, she turned back to Camden, "What about the music video?" Deliah asked to Camden while the video played without music on the screen behind her, "Did you make that yourself?"

He chuckled, remembering that Zander was complaining about no one asking about this the other day. He shook his head, a big smile on his face, "No, that was my friend Zander. He wants to be a director when he grows up, so this was a big step for him to show everyone his talent."

"Well, he does have some true talent." Pitt agreed with him and Camden smiled, nodding.

"Yes, he does."

Pitt gave him one more smile and then turned to the camera, "That is all we have for today, but before we go completely off the air, Camden is going to sing for us!"

The camera panned over to Camden, who was standing in front of the microphone stand, getting ready to sing while the music played behind him.


"Nova," Flora called from the living room, "It's almost on, hurry up with that popcorn, will ya?"

Nova stumbled in with popcorn and soda, spilling some of the popcorn on her way to the couch.

"The brilliant red-haired boy whose catchy song is on repeat, here he is ladies and gents, Camden Moon!" Pitt said on Flora's T.V. screen. Flora wanted to hang out with Nova. Nova wanted to watch The Pitt Show and make sure Camden went through with what they planned. When Flora heard she met Camden Moon and made a deal with him, she decided it would be better to just watch the T.V. show. "So, Camden, you've been on a lot of interviews," It was obvious to both Flora and Nova that she was going to try and get something out of him.

He nodded, giving a closed-mouth smile, "Yeah, I have."

"He looks nervous," Nova pointed out, noticing how his leg and bouncing up and down, and he hadn't stopped fidgeting with his fingers since he sat in the velvet chair across from Deliah, "don't you think?"

Flora shrugged, "I would be too. I mean, you are on television in front of millions of people. If you mess up, it is everywhere."

"How long did it take you to write that song?" Nova shushed her friend, hearing the last part of the sentence. Nova leaned forward in her seat, ready to hear his exact words.

"Well, um," He continued to fiddle with his thumbs, looking down at them, and Nova's eyes were locked on the screen in front of her, "I actually didn't..." Camden trailed off, looking up at Pitt, "I have a songwriter. She wrote the song for me, but she likes to stay in the shadows and doesn't like the spotlight all that much. I don't think I should say her name. She might get mad at me and quit and I don't want that because as you could tell from the song, she writes amazing lyrics."

Nova felt nothing but relief. Yes, it wasn't what they agreed on, but she was glad that he didn't say her name in front of thousands of people. In front of thousands of fangirls who would probably tear her to shreds if they knew that she wrote songs for Camden Moon.

Deliah smiled at him before turning her head to the crowd, "How about we give it up for Camden's songwriter?!" She shouted to the crowd and they all cheered loudly, clapping their hands, making Nova smile, knowing that they were cheering for her. She turned back to Camden, "What about the music video?" Pitt asked Camden while it played without music behind her, "Did you make that yourself?"

He chuckled as he shook his head, a big smile on his face, "No, that was my friend Zander. He wants to be a director when he grows up, so this was a big step for him to show everyone his talent."

"Well, he does have some true talent." Deliah agreed with him and Cam smiled, nodding.

"Yes, he does."

Deliah gave him one more smile and then turned to the camera, "That is all we have for today, but before we go completely off the air, Camden is going to sing for us!"

The camera panned over to Camden, who was standing in front of the microphone stand, getting ready to sing while the music played behind him.

Nova put the T.V on mute, turning to Flora, "Well," Flora began, "are you going to kill him?"

Nova shook her head, still smiling, letting out a breath, "No." She said, "I'm going to thank him."


Nova walked into Camden's room with Flora, seeing him sitting on a chair in front of his desk while Zander sat on his bed. "Um, Cam," Zander says with a gulp, pointing to the girl he just met yesterday.

Camden screamed, jumping back before standing up and backing up against the wall, Zander protecting him. Nova just smiled and strode towards him, shaking her head, "What are you doing?"

"You can't hurt him," Zander began, "I won't let you!" He protected his friend, making sure Nova wouldn't be able to touch him while Camden kept his eyes closed and waited for the worst.

Flora sighed, "Move aside Nova," She told her, "I got this," Zander's eyes widened, and he leaned back onto Cam, not wanting to get hurt. She leaned forward, right in Z's face, and just let out a breath. He gagged and ran away from Camden. 

"Good God, what'd you have for lunch?" Zander asked from the doorway as Flora glared. It was an onion bagel from breakfast, but it wasn't that bad. 

"Okay, you can hurt me, but please don't touch my face because—" Nova cut off Camden's ramble by going on her tip-toes and wrapping her arms around his neck, tightening her grip, enjoying the warm embrace.

"Thank you for what you did today Camden," She said over his shoulder, "it really means a lot to me." And then she placed her head back in the crook of his neck, smiling when she felt him loosen up and put his arms around her waist, hugging her back.

"You're welcome." He said over her shoulder, smiling as much as Nova was.

Flora smiled at the two in awe, her head tilted to the side. "Awe." Z cooed and Flora snapped her head towards him. Zander felt eyes on him and he slowly turned his head to see Flora glaring. He yelped, covering his nose and mouth while Flora just grinned. At least he seemed afraid of her. 

Nova chuckled, "Don't worry Zander, she doesn't mean any harm."

He slowly put his hand down, "Or do I?" Flora said in a demonic voice and his eyes widened once again, glancing over at his best friend for help as he shifted toward the closet. Further away from the demon in front of him. Camden walked to his best friend, putting a hand on his shoulder. 

They all couldn't help but laugh, and Nova and Flora turned towards the door to walk out, "Wait, Nova," She looked over her shoulder to Camden, "does this mean you are my songwriter now?"

She felt a small smile form on her lips as she nodded once, "Yes." She went to walk out again.

"Great." Camden hit Zander, "You hear that Z? All I gotta do is sing."

She froze, whipping around, "What do you mean?" She asked, wanting answers, but he just stood in fear, "I'm not writing all your songs by myself, Camden. I have other things to do besides just sitting around writing your next big hit." She paused for a moment as an idea formed in her head. One that would mean after a while, she wouldn't have to write songs for him anymore. "You are going to be helping me."

"But I can't write songs, remember?"

"Well, maybe I can teach you a thing or two." He groaned, knowing this meant he had to do more work than he thought. "You know what?" She questioned, thinking to herself before she grabbed Camden's wrist, "We're going to start writing your new song tonight."

"What?" His eyes went wide in shock while she pulled him out of his room, ready to take him to Starr Records. 

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