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Zaylee's POV:
I woke up to groaning. I rolled to the end of the bed to see a very hungover Pavel. He groaned as he clutched his head. "Pavel?" I asked. He looked up at me and climbed into bed. I tugged at his suit and tried to pull it off. "Come on babe." I said. Pavel sat up and I pulled it off. I unbuttoned his dress shirt and he moaned. He buried his face into the crook of my neck. I pulled it off and rubbed his back. "I told you not to baby." I said softly. "It hurts." Pavel replied. I pressed kiss to Pavel's back and he sighed. Pavel grabbed a t-shirt from the floor and his sweatshirt. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head on his back.

Pavel said "do we have any aspirin?" I nodded against his back and went to grab it. I filled a cup with water and brought it to him. Pavel swung his legs over the side of the bed and took the pills. I laid down on the bed and Pavel laid next to me. "How long have we been together?" I asked. Pavel looked at me and said "a couple years. Maybe three or four." I chuckled and said "that's crazy. How long do you want to work in Starfleet?" "For as long as I can. That's for sure. Until I can't hopefully." Pavel replied. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I'd vant to have a family someday. With you. If zat's something you'd want." Pavel said softly. I kissed his lips and said "of course."

Yes years have passed in this book. Lmao I didn't explain it. I think all the Star Trek movies are a year or two apart. I know Beyond takes place 2 years after Into Darkness. But I have no clue how many years are in between Star Trek and Into Darkness. So I'm gonna say it's been 2-4 years since the first movie. I believe.

There was a knock at the door. I walked to the door and opened it to see a very laid back bones. He had on sunglasses and a yellow plaid shirt. "Come on. We're going to the beach." Bones said. "Who's going?" I asked. "The squaaaa!" Bones said.

Pavel walked to the door and leaned on the doorframe. His arms were snaked around my waist. And he said "vhat? The squaaaa is going to ze beach?" Bones nodded and said "let's go!" Kirk walked over and said "come on guys! Let's get lit!" Pavel said "don't ever say zat again." Kirk laughed and smiled towards us.

I looked at Pavel and said "you up for it?" Pavel nodded and Kirk said "alright!" Bones smiled and said "we gotta go get the rest of the squad." Pavel groaned and said "plees stop." Bone and Kirk laughed and we closed the door. I said "I'm gonna go change." I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my one piece suit and I heard Pavel swearing in Russian as he couldn't find his. I slipped mine on and stared in the mirror at myself. Pavel walked in and said "your suit matches our stars." I blushed as he kissed my cheek.

Kirk banged on the door and said "come on!" "Ok he already has a slight buzz." I said. Pavel giggled and buried his face into the crook of my neck. I put a cover up on so I wouldn't be walking around in my suit. Pavel out on a t-shirt and opened the door to reveal Kirk. "Come on!" He said. Pavel interlocked his hand with mine and had his other hand in his pocket. I carried a bag with clean clothes and Kirk looked buzzed. "Come on bitches." Bones said as he pulled up in the car. Pavel's eyes widened and I stifled a laugh. We got into the large car and Bones said "we're going to get Uhura and Spock." We drove to their shared house that was deep in the city. Kirk and Bones belted out the lyrics to Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go. I giggled as they belted out the lyrics to the 80's song.

You put the boom boom into my heart
You send my soul sky high when your lovin starts
Jitterbug into my heart
Goes a bang bang bang 'til my feet do the same

Pavel's eyes widened as they sung it. "Wake me up before you go go! Don't leave me hanging on like a yo yo!" Kirk screamed. "Cause I'm not planning on going solo! Wake me up before you go go!" Bones screamed back. I buried my face into Pavel's chest and he played with the ends of my hair. We pulled up to Spock's small house and he waited outside for Uhura. "Come on Nyota." He called. I climbed out of the car and helped Uhura. She looked beautiful. Well she always does. "Hi!" She said hugging me. I smiled as I hugged her and said "hey!" "So how was drunk Pavel last night?" She asked. I groaned and said "terrible." She laughed and said "that's hilarious." A flower crown was placed upon on her head and she looked beautiful.

We walked to the car and Uhura got in and said "Pavel how was that hangover?" Pavel groaned and buried his face into the crook of my neck. I giggled and played with his messy curls. We went to get Scotty and Sulu. Keenser came as well. Kirk got out of the car and said "yeah! It's time to get lit." Bones nodded and him and Kirk walked to the bar. Uhura and Spock walked over to the bar as well. I stepped out of the car and left my bag inside the car. Scotty said "awe you too look so cute. Can I take your picture?" Pavel nodded and peeled off his shirt, leaving it in the car. I took off my cover up and set in the car as well. We closed the car door and Scotty said "come on!" Pavel got behind me and snakes his arms around my waist, his head laid on my shoulder. I giggled at him and looked at him. Scotty took the picture with my phone and I smiled at Pavel. Pavel kissed my lips and I heard the camera go off. Scotty said "you guys are so cute!" I giggled and Pavel swayed me back and forth and I looked out to the water. Scotty walked to the bar with Keenser following close behind. I walked to the water and Pavel followed me and kissed my cheek. I giggled and said "there's a sandbar. Swim out there with me." Pavel said "I don't know." "Please?" I asked. I kissed his cheek and he said "vhat about ze crew?" "Oh the squaaaa?" I asked. Pavel laughed and said "I'll swim out there with you." I kissed his lips and he looked out onto the water.

I waded into the water. And Pavel followed behind me. He went underwater and came back up. His curly hair stuck to his forehead and he swam over to me. I went under and came back up. He grabbed me by my waist and kissed my lips. I pulled away and said "ew your salty!" Pavel giggled and said "you're salty too. Your lips taste salty." I giggled and ruffled his hair. Pavel stared at me with his arms wrapped around my waist. I stared back and his green eyes pierced into mine.

Bones swam over and said "I gotta try to swim to the sandbar without stumbling!" "You'll never make it!" James screamed. They began to race each other to the sandbar. I giggled and Scotty said "Keenser won't come in the water!" They were all drunk again. "Are you going to drink?" I asked. Pavel shook his head and said "no. Too bad of a headache. Plus I have a present for you. And I don't vanna be drunk vhen I give it to you." I blushed and hugged him. Pavel swayed us back and forth making us giggle. I pulled away from him and began walking towards the sandbar. I felt something come up under my legs. Before I knew it I was on Pavel's shoulders. "Pavel!" I screamed. He laughed as he held me on his shoulders. Nyota looked at us and somehow had my phone and took a picture. Pavel carried me to the sandbar and Kirk and Bones were seeing who can hold their breath the longest. Pavel set me down gently and James came up gasping for air. "I can't do this!" He said. Bones came up and smirked. "I always win James." Bones said. Kirk rolled his eyes and said "whatever." Scotty was on the beach trying to get Keenser to come in the water. Spock was talking to Nyota and she laughed as he gave her a hug. Sulu was at the bar bringing drinks back to the sandbar. I looked out into the water and Pavel said "did you vant to go farther?" I shook my head and said "no. I'm scared of what's out there." Pavel nodded and I looked up at him. I pecked his lips and he smiled. Kirk said "are you guyssss gonna kiss the whole time?" I shrugged and Bones said "let the kids do what they want." "Yeah. Let us do vhat we vant." Pavel replied. Kirk rolled his eyes and said "Spock I have a drink for you!" Spock's eyes widened and he took the drink from Kirk. "Chug! Chug! Chug!" Bones chanted. "Doctor I recommend you don't do that." Spock said. Kirk looked at Bones and they began chanting together. "Chug! Chug! Chug!" I giggled and Pavel said "I vant to give you your gift." "Come on." I said. Everyone followed us and I thought it was funny. Pavel went to the car and said "everyone gather round. This is a special moment." I looked at everyone and I turned around to see Pavel on one knee. I gasped and covered my mouth. "Zaylee I met you about 2 years ago. And we've been dating. I had ze biggest crush on you before I met you. When we were both assigned onto The Enterprise I had no clue we'd become more than friends. You've made me so happy. I vant to be with you the rest of my life. Zaylee Bloom will you marry me?" Pavel asked. I was in shock. I took my hand off my mouth and stared at him. "Lassie answer the question!" Scotty said. I nodded and said "yes Pavel. Of course." Pavel smiled really big and slid the ring onto my finger. A few stray tears fell from my cheeks and everyone cheered. Pavel kissed my lips and hugged me tightly. "I talked to your uncle and he allowed it." Pavel said happily. I looked up at him and said "I love you so much Pavel." "I love you too Zaylee." He replied. Kirk cheered and we all headed to the bar to have some fun. Pavel and I didn't get too drunk because we knew the side effects and didn't want to hurt. The sun was setting and Pavel and I watched it together.

Ok I've never seen Like Crazy but the gifs of the movie are adorable! Like they're relationship is goals lmao. Seriously! I want a cute relationship like that with Anton😫 it's not fair😫😔

After a while Nyota drove us home since the boys were passed out. I walked into the small apartment and set the bag down by the door. I had showered at the beach but still had sand on me. Pavel walked into the kitchen and got him something to drink. I walked into the bathroom and began preparing a bath. I lit candles around the tub and looked proud. "Pavel?" I called out. "Yes?" He called back, his mouth filled with food. I giggled and said "I'm taking a bath." "Vait! I'm coming." He replied, scrambling to the bathroom. I giggled and turned out the bathroom light.

I peeled off my suit and went to get in when Pavel ran in. "Don't stare!" I screeched. Pavel turned around and said "wery sorry! Accident!" I giggled and got in the tub, making sure the bubbles covered me. "Pavel." I said. He peeled off his suit and got in quickly. I smiled at him and we sat at opposite ends of the tub. Pavel played with the bubbles. He blew some at my face and I giggled. I blew some back and he sputtered as they flew at his face. I giggled as we pretty much threw bubbles at one another.

Pavel had soap all over his face and it was in my hair. He extended his arms out and I interlocked my hands with his. He stared at me and sat up. He pulled me closer to him and I giggled. He stared at me for a few seconds before kissing me passionately. I pulled away and he said "I love you." "I love you too." I replied. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "When do you want to actually get married?" I asked. Pavel said "I guess after our next Starfleet Mission." I nodded and said "James told me we're about to go back into space. Plus he has to have a meeting with my uncle about something." Pavel nodded and said "I'm so tired." I buried my face into the crook of his neck and said "me too. Cuddle with me." Pavel's laugh bounced off the bathroom walls. "Of course." He replied. He pulled away from me and got out of the bathtub. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around him. He began to blow out the candles. He grabbed another towel and wrapped it around me. I smiled up at him as he dried me off. He hugged me and I buried my face into his chest. Pavel and I got dressed and headed to bed. I turned out the light and laid on his chest. I said "Pavel?" "Yeah?" He asked. "Our stars are here." I said. Pavel chuckles erupted from his mouth and I could hear them in his chest. He looked out the window and said "they're always here." I nodded as he kissed my lips. I closed my eyes and buried my face into the crook of his neck.

Awe that was cute! I loved writing this chapter! It's pretty long! I hope you guys liked this! Also I have a picture to share with you guys! I found it on the internet and idk what to say. Idk if I want to say if it's true or not.


I love y'all so much! Y'all inspire me to keep writing! Just want y'all to know that!

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