Black Hole

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Zaylee's POV:
Kirk and Spock planned to go save my uncle. I stayed on the ship and helped Bones with some of the injured. There weren't many but there were some. Bones sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "What is it?" I asked. "Your uncle. I'm worried about him. He'll probably be really injured when they bring him back. And I wanna work on him. I don't want you too. Because he might be really messed up. You don't need to see your uncle that way. It isn't a nice sight to see a family member injured." He said. I nodded and bit my lip. "Are you sure you don't want me to help you? I am you assistant by the way. I'll have to face it one day. Maybe with the Captain. Or you." I replied. Bones said "if Chekov was on the verge of dying...I wouldn't let you work on him. Because you might panic. You might give him an overdosage of medicine. And it could kill him. You'd be so focused on saving his life and end up killing him in the process. Not saying you would but it happens." My lips parted and I thought about it. "I'd like to help you with my uncle. If I'm too emotional...I won't ask about it again. And you can relieve me from it." Bones nodded and said "ok. I just worry about you. Your uncle gave specific instructions to everyone you know? Especially me. Since you'd be working with me. I'd have to make sure you were focused. And safe. Because while he's busy being the captain he can't watch out for you. And then he gave Kirk authority to watch you as well. You've got a lot of people looking out for you. And now your head over heels for the navigator." I rolled my eyes and said "he's head over heels for the nurse." Bones snickered and said "that's true." I smiled and smoothed out my dress. "Do you need anything from me?" I asked. Bones said "will you go to engineering and ask Scotty how many first aid kits are there? And make sure they're all in the right places? He should know but I highly doubt it." I nodded and headed towards engineering. I knew Kirk and Spock were beamed off the ship. I walked in and said "Mr Scott?" He ran over and said "hello Miss Pike. What can I do for you?" "Do you know where your first aid kits are located?" I asked. Scotty looked around frantically and said "you're gonna hate me for this but no. I just got on this ship. I'll look though." "I can look myself." I replied. Scotty shook his head and said "it's dangerous. We're in battle right now. What's the estimate? How many are supposed to be in here?" "One in every section. So that's about 10 to 15." I replied. Scotty said "then write that down. And get back to medical. It isn't safe." I nodded and headed back to medical. We dropped out of warp and I heard firing. I grabbed ahold of a railing to keep my balance. Scotty grabbed me by the waist and helped me to the beaming room. Kirk, Spock, and my uncle were beamed aboard. Bones was helping him to medial. I grabbed some numbing substances and looked at my uncle. "Zaylee...." He said. I half smiled and said "'re ok." I dabbed his face with a wet rag and he had a small cut on his cheek. I brushed his hair out of his face and Bones began to fix him up. The ship felt like it was being sucked. I looked around frantically and Bones said "go to the bridge and see what's going on." "What's about Pike?" I asked. Bones said "go! I'll take care of him." I nodded and ran to the bridge. Kirk sat in the captain chair and they were screaming about a black hole. My eyes widened as the glass began to crack from the suction of the black hole. "Do it!" Kirk said to Scotty. Scotty said "I'm doing it! I'm ejecting the warp core." He ejected it and we were pushed from the black hole. Everyone jolted forward from the action. I lost my footing and fell into Kirk's lap. My eyes widened and my cheeks turned Scarlett red. Everyone cheered and I pushed myself off of him. He smirked and I said "stop James." He laughed a little and Sulu sighed in relief. "On our way back to earth!" Kirk said. Everyone cheered and I smiled really big. Pavel scrambled over to me and hugged me tightly. I smiled and said "what's that for?" "Cause we did it. And plus I vanted to give you a hug." He replied. I blushed and said "awe." Kirk said "the lovebirds are at it again!" I rolled my eyes and Pavel pressed his lips to mine softly. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away. Kirk smiled cockily and said "I just have one question...does Pike know?" I hit him in the chest playfully and said "he'll know soon."


When we got back to earth everyone was so proud of Kirk. People were saying how good of a captain he was. There was a huge ceremony to honor everyone on the Enterprise. Kirk was commended and given command of the Enterprise. My uncle was promoted to Admiral. I clapped for him as he smiled proudly in a wheelchair that'd be be in temporarily. When the ceremony was over I walked over to my uncle. "Uncle...I have to tell you something. And you can't be mad." I said. "Zaylee what'd you do?" He asked. I motioned for Pavel to walk over and I said "I have a boyfriend." His facial expression changed from anxious to anger. "Zaylee.." He said. I said "you don't even know who it is yet." "Yeah but he's probably not good for you." He replied. "I'm good for her." Pavel said with a pout. He was so adorable. My uncle's eyes widened and he said "Chekov? The whiz kid? Wow." "What?" I asked. "I thought it'd be Kirk." He replied. Pavel said "ze keptain?" Pavel made a disgusted face and my uncle laughed. I smiled and Pavel put his arm around me. I leaned into him and smiled. "Well...I guess it's ok." My uncle said. Pavel smiled really big and said "thank you sir." Pike smiled and said "Pavel take care of her. If you don't I'll have you fired." Pavel's eyes widened and I said "awe uncle don't scare him." I kissed Pavel's cheek and my uncle said "have fun kids." He went to talk to Kirk and I sighed. Pavel said "we'll be back in space soon." I groaned and said "I know. I'm not sure if I'm ready. Plus my uncle won't be the captain. It'll be different not having him on the ship you know?" Pavel nodded and said "but you'll have me." I smiled and buried my face into his chest. He laughed and held me. Kirk saw and said "are you guys ready to have me as your captain?" Pavel and I looked at each other and said "no!" Kirk rolled his eyes and said "I make a good captain." "Do you think your ready for space? Again?" I asked. Pavel said "as long as I'm with you." I nodded and said "of course." I kissed his cheek and he smiled and hugged me tightly. I interlocked my hand with his. Our next mission in space would mean a lot. As long as I had this cutie with me it didn't matter how much trouble we'd be in. We'd be together.

Here's the update! Ok I loved writing this! It was so adorable! I have so many feels right now! Ok. So I'm gonna give you guys a little heads up on the next chapter! If any of you have played the Star Trek game then you know what's coming. Yes! I'm adding the video game into this book. Now the video game takes place before Into Darkness. Therefore I won't be writing about Into Darkness yet. But I will eventually. Hope you guys kinda like this idea. I thought it'd be cool adding the video game into this. And Zaylee and Chekov are going to become closer and maybe go on missions together. Let me know what you guys think of this so far! I'm gonna start the next chapter and should have it up today. Also I don't think I'll be following the video game all the way through yet. I'm not sure but most of it will be about the Gorn. And the infected Vulcans. I feel like a nerd right not lmao. I love each and every one of you! Sorry for the long ass authors note. Just wanted to keep you guys updated. Love you guys!

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