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Zaylee's POV:
The ship was now being shot at. I gasped as the ship groaned and boomed. My eyes widened as explosions went off on the lower levels. Bones and Carol had made it back on the ship. Bones ran into medical and said "you ok?" I nodded and looked towards the hall. People ran and bones closed the doors. "Are we going to be ok?" I asked. Bones looked at me and said "we should me." I sighed and Kirk said "Zaylee I need you." I picked up my comm and said "on my way. Where are you?" "With Khan. He won't talk unless your here." Kirk replied. I groaned and walked out of medical. The ship was dropped out of warp, throwing everyone's balance off. I grabbed the wall next to me and held my body up against it. I sighed and tried to make it there. Kirk eyed Khan through the glass. I looked at the man behind the glass. When he looked up and saw me his eyes lit up. Kirk noticed and pulled me closer to him. I looked at Kirk and he put his hand on my shoulder. "Let me tell you what's happening here: you are a criminal! I watched you murder innocent men and women! I was authorized to *end* you! And the only reason you're alive is because I'm allowing it." Khan didn't say anything.

He smirked and paced his cell. Walking around in circles. "Captain, are you going to punch me again, over and over, until your arm weakens... clearly you want to. So tell me, why did you allow me to live?" Khan asked. Kirk said "we all make mistakes." Khan smirked again and said "I surrendered to you because, despite your attempt to convince me otherwise, you seem to have a conscience, Mr. Kirk. If you did not, then it would be impossible for me to convince you of the truth. 23174611. Coordinates not far from earth. If you want to know why I did what I did, go and take a look." "Give me one good reason why I should listen to you." Kirk shot at him. Khan said "I can give you 72. And they're on board your ship, captain. They have been all along." Kirk stared at Khan disbelief.

I looked at Kirk and said "what do we do?" Kirk said "I'll need you. So don't go anywhere." I nodded and looked towards Khan. "Tell me everything you know about that ship." Kirk said. Khan sighed and said "dreadnought class. Two times the size, three times the speed. Advanced weaponry. Modified for a minimal crew. Unlike most Federation vessels, it's built solely for combat." Kirk looked at me and then back at Khan. "He knows a lot. Maybe he could help us." I said. Kirk ran his fingers through his hair and said "no." I shrugged and said "looks like we're gonna have a hard time getting on that ship." Kirk groaned in annoyance and I smirked. "I'm just saying he could help. After he helps you can send him to prison or whatever." I said. Kirk sighed and said "I will do everything I can to make you answer for that you did. But right now I need your help." Khan nodded and said "I can help you." Kirk sighed and unlocked the cell. Marcus had pretty much destroyed our ship. We couldn't fight back against him. Before we went and talked to Khan, Kirk was going to give him and the torpedoes to spare the crew.  But Marcus wouldn't except it and he beamed Carol onto the ship. So she couldn't be used against him. The Vengeance was much bigger than the Enterprise. It was huge and more advanced. We prepared to board the enemy ship. Once we were on we met up with Scotty. "Hey lassie." He said. "Hi Scotty." I replied. We walked through the ship and Khan was awful close to me. It creeped me out. We ran through the halls, shooting enemies as we went down each hall.


Kirk and Scotty went down one hall while Khan and I were on another. I shot my phaser at one killing him while Khan fought two at once. One cornered me and I gasped. Khan came over and beat him to death. I gasped and his eyes pierced into mine. He cupped my face and kissed me roughly. I shoved him off me and eyed him. My eyes widened and he didn't say anything. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the bridge. Carol stood there next to her father. Khan and Marcus began to fight. Khan tried to get his crew and Spock wouldn't give them up. Khan grabbed me and Kirk said "no!" Spock said "Zaylee!" "Give me my crew. Or you'll never see her again." I trembled in his grasp and he said "I'll just keep her for myself." I closed my eyes and tried to focus on something else. Kirk said "let her go!" Khan grabbed me by my chin and said "beautiful. But you don't want me." "Khan I don't love you. I'm in love with someone else." I replied. Khan's eyes widened and Carol slapped her father. "I am ashamed to be your daughter!" She said. I cried and said "let me go. Please. We can help you." "You never wanted to help me. Ever. I thought that you'd help me and we'd fall in love." Khan said. My lips parted and I said "Khan I'm sorry." Kirk's eyes widened and said "let her go." Khan held me by my throat. I gasped for air and Carol tried to fight Khan. Spock said "I'll give your crew. Let her go!" I gasped and tears streamed down my face. Khan threw me onto the floor and said "give them to me. Now." The torpedoes were fired at the Vengeance. Khan let out a scream of anger. I gasped and backed to the wall. Khan walked over to Carol and stomped on her leg. Her leg broke and you could hear the crack. Carol screamed in pain. Kirk was down on the ground holding his side. Khan walked over to Marcus and began to crush his skull. "You should have let me sleep!" Khan said.

Carol clutched her leg and moaned in pain. She looked at Khan who was killing her father. My eyes widened as Khan was ruthless against Marcus. Kirk backed away from him and Carol screamed.

Her screams were terror and agony at the same time. Khan grabbed me and said "you should have loved me." He stabbed me in the shoulder with a knife. I screamed in pain and Kirk tackled Khan. All of a sudden we were beamed back onto the Enterprise. And Khan was in a rage. All I knew was he was going to kill us all. Even if he died with us.

Here's the update! Ok so next chapter will be crazy and emotional. Warning you ahead of time. Sorry it's so short! But this is a cliffhanger pretty much. Also where are you guys from? I'm just trying to get to know you guys better. I'm from Florida lmao🌴🌺 I love all of you so much! You guys have gotten this book so far. It's unbelievable to me that all of you guys loved Anton as much as I did. And it's also nice to have friends that like Star Trek. Because you guys are all I have literally. Hope y'all enjoyed this!!

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