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Zaylee's POV:
I made sure my shoulder was patched up and ran towards engineering. Kirk and Scotty followed. As the ship flipped around in space. It fell from space, coming down onto earth. Kirk was in front of me while Scotty was behind me. The ship was on its side. We ran on the walls of the ship and Scotty exclaimed in fear. I panted and Kirk said "come on! We gotta hurry!" I nodded and followed him close behind. The ship titled and spun around. It was hectic running around. Only one thought ran through my mind.


As we got closer to engineering the harder it was for us to run. The ship titled again and we had to grab onto a railing.

I held on with all my strength. The ship got to normal level and we continued to run. Things fell from other levels in engineering. It was shocking to see it all happening. The ship tilted once again and Scotty went over one rail while I followed. I grabbed Scotty's hand and Kirk followed. I gripped the railing as I held onto the two men. I screamed and tried to hang on. "Don't let go lassie!" Scotty screamed. I tried to hang on and Kirk said "drop me!" "No!" I screamed back. "I'm attached to you Kirk! Don't make her drop you!" Scotty screamed. Before I could reply my hand slipped from the bar. And someone grabbed my hand.

I gasped as I looked up to see who had caught me. My love. My one and only Pavel.

"Pavel!" I said. He nodded and said "I gotcha." I tried to smile and Scotty laughed. Pavel pulled us up with all his might. I landed on the hard platform and Pavel grabbed Kirk and Scotty. He pulled them up and laid on the ground. He panted and looked at my bloody shoulder. "You ok?" He asked. I nodded and said "go stop this thing." Pavel half smiled and Scotty said "she's gone! She's gonna crash." Kirk said "Scotty and I are going to go down there. Pavel take her and you guys go towards the switch. And make sure this things doesn't blow us all up." Pavel nodded and we ran towards the switch. The ship groaned and began to fall again. Pavel looked up in fear as did I.

We ran around looking for this switch. The ship titled again. Causing everything to slide to one end. I gasped and tried to grab things but it didn't work. I looked around and I had lost Pavel. "Pavel?" I asked. The ship groaned and explosions went off. "Pavel?!" I asked. I began to cry. "Pavel..." I couldn't find him. As the ship tilted once again I grabbed a railing and held onto it. I heard Pavel's groans from below and said "Pavel!" He looked up and smiled. The ship was normal level again and I ran up towards him. By the time I got to him we were tilting again. Pavel and I reached for the same post to hold on to but ending up rolling down the ship. Pavel screamed things in Russian while I screamed in fear.

Pavel landed ok but there was a shard of glass in my side. And one in my stomach. And another piece in my chest. I grabbed my comm and said "" Bones said "are you in engineering?" I said "yes. Help me." Bones said "on my way." I laid on my back and Pavel laid on the ground 3 feet away from me. He looked up and said "no." I coughed up blood and He crawled over to me. "No! No, no, no." Pavel said. I gasped for air and Pavel had tears streaming down my face. "Pavel you gotta go. Bones is coming for me. Hit the switch. Save everyone." I said. Pavel cried softly and held me to his chest.

Blood seeped through my red dress and Pavel said "Zaylee don't. I can't live without you." "I'll be fine. I promise. Go baby." I replied. Pavel shook his head and cried even more. My heart shattered at his crying form. "Go baby." I said. Pavel shook his head and said "please don't go." "Bones is coming for me." I replied. Pavel set me down gently and said "I'm gonna be right back. I promise." I nodded and he got up and began to run.

Bones reached me and picked me up. I was in and out of conciseness. I couldn't stay awake. "" I said as I went to sleep.

Pavel's POV:
I ran towards the switch and hit it as soon as I could. I panted and slid down the wall. "Chekov." Bones said through my comm. I grabbed it and said "yes?" "Zaylee might not make it. I'm just preparing you." Bones said. I gasped and couldn't breathe.

"I'm coming to medical." I said. I ran as fast as I could. I ran into medical and Bones was prepping her for surgery. "Keep him out!" Bones yelled. I screamed in agony as they pulled me out. I fell to my knees as I was pulled out of the room. Tears left my eyes and I couldn't breathe. Bones noticed as I gasped for air and couldn't breathe. Bones grabbed me and put me on a stretcher. He gave me an injection and sedated me. "Save her..." I said before I fell asleep.

Bones' POV:
The ship was spinning around. I could barely work. I pulled the shards of glass out of Zaylee. Blood was everywhere. She had lost a lot of blood. I had to make sure she wouldn't die of blood loss. I scanned her body for other injuries and found something I couldn't believe. I scanned it again to make sure the machine wasn't glitching. My eyes widened as I looked at the screen. "Good god man." I said.

The screen read multiple injuries but it showed me something I never would've guessed. She was pregnant. I scanned her stomach and the baby was unharmed. Not even a scratch. I patched her up and made sure she wasn't bleeding. I learned that she was 12 weeks along. I made sure that the baby was healthy and it was. It want even injured. Pavel laid asleep on the stretcher and Carol was getting her leg repaired. Zaylee's chest rose and fell slowly. I strapped her in so she wouldn't fall off the stretcher. I headed back towards engineering to see what was going on. I ran down there to see Kirk inside with all the radiation and Spock on the outside. Uhura cried into Scotty's chest and Kirk was dying.

My eyes widened as I looked at Kirk dying inside. The ship wasn't descending anymore. I shed a few tears as Kirk passed away. Spock had full on tears. It was nothing I had ever seen. I was in complete and utter shock. Spock couldn't contain his cries. Kirk took his final breath and Spock took deep breaths. "Khan!!!" Spock screamed.

I looked at the Vulcan who claimed to feel nothing, who claimed he had no feelings, who claimed feeling were irrelevant. But Spock was letting all his feelings out. Anger, sadness, grief. Spock showed everyone that he actually felt. That he wasn't just a cold heartless person. Kirk was his friend. Spock knew that he'd never be able to speak to him again. James T. Kirk was dead. Nobody could believe what they were witnessing. Spock wasn't all Vulcan. He was half human too, which meant he could feel. I think he tried not to feel. Because feelings take a toll on you. When you feel sadness it's like your ripped apart. And that's what Spock was feeling right now. Tears streamed down his face and his sobs rocked his body. And to feel grief. Spock didn't feel as much grief with his own mother as he did Kirk. Spock stood up and stormed out of the room. He made Scotty beam him down to earth and he pursued Khan. Well we were on earth but not on the ground. I ran back to medical to find Zaylee's heart failing. Her heart had stopped beating. She was laying dead on the table in front of me.

"No." I said. I shocked her with a defibrillator and her whole body jolted. Chekov sat up, well tried because he was strapped in. He threw the straps off of him and his eyes widened. "No." He said. I shocked her again and her body jolted. Chekov said "save her. Please." I nodded and shocked her one last time. I heard her heartbeat on the monitor and looked to see it on the monitor.

Chekov sighed in relief and panted. He walked over to her side and her chest rose and fell. Her heartbeat was fast since I had just shocked her. Chekov pressed a kiss to her head and said "I love you." I smiled at him and he ran over and hugged me. I was taken aback and said "good god." Chekov said "thank you so much. Thank you so much for saving her. I don't know how to thank you." "Protect her. Keep her safe. That's how you can thank me." I replied. Chekov nodded and I smiled at him. "Thank you so much." He said again. I rubbed his back and tears fell from the young boy's eyes. He pulled away and sniffled. He wiped his tears and said "I should go to ze bridge." "I don't think they need anything. Stay here with her." I said. They brought in Kirk's dead body and Chekov's eyes widened. "Keptain." He said. I nodded and he looked down. I sat down at my desk and sighed. The tribble on my desk began to chirp and my eyes widened. "Chekov give me my comm." I said. Chekov handed it to me and I said "I need Khan alive! Quickly! Do not kill him! Bring him back alive! Someone tell Spock!" Uhura said "I'll go." I nodded and ran my fingers through my hair. I didn't know if they'd be able to bring him back alive. I waited for what seemed like hours but was really minutes. I ran towards the beaming part of the ship and grabbed some of Khan's blood. I had two syringes. If Khan's blood could reanimate someone it should be able to heal them as well. I ran back to medical and injected one in Kirk and the other in Zaylee. All we could do now was wait. Sit and wait. Pray for them to be ok. That's all you can do sometimes. Is pray. Chekov didn't leave Zaylee's bedside the whole time we had been on the Enterprise. Until we had to move them to a proper hospital. Then Chekov had to leave for a while but every time I checked on Zaylee, Chekov was there. He never left her. Ever. Kirk laid in the bed next to her and was improving so much. It was amazing to see what a little blood could do. And to know that they'd live was even more amazing.

Here's the update! Agh kinda sad. It made me tear up a little. Lmao I'm lame. Anyways a couple more chapters and then I'll be writing Beyond and then after Beyond this book will come to an end. I'm just warning y'all ahead of time. It sucks I know😔 also the reads and votes are amazing! And all of your comments mean so much. For all of you that comment on my book every update I am proud to call you a friend of mine. You guys have been helping me with the loss of Anton. I'm still not over his death and don't think I ever will be. It means a lot that you guys are waiting for me to update so you can read. If I could give every single one of you a hug...I would. I'd love to meet all of you someday. That'd be amazing. I love you all so much and thanks for being so sweet and wonderful!💜💜

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