Frontier and Capture

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Zaylee's POV:
We arrived at the Starbase. We were off until the ship was prepared. Kirk and Spock has duties to attend to. Scotty said "if we weren't so deep in space I'd go to the bar. Get my son a real drink." Pavel rolled his eyes and said "vodka isn't a real drink?" Scotty shook his head and Pavel rolled his eyes. "My son!" Scotty said. He put his hand on Pavel's shoulder and Bones came over and said "he's my son too." "Whatever. Get aff!" Scotty said. I giggled and Scotty put his arm around Pavel. Scotty said "I love my son. So much." Pavel rolled his eyes and said "I love you too father." I looked around at the Starbase. It was amazing. I turned around and I said "where's Pavel?" "Bathroom." Scotty replied. I waited by the window and I looked at the stars. "Boo!" Pavel said. Scotty turned around and scolded Pavel.

Scotty smiled sarcastically at him and Pavel smiled back. Bones walked off and Scotty said "well I'm gonna go." He walked off and Pavel and I were left standing. He put his arm around me and said "come on." We walked around pretty much stargazed. "Do you like Starfleet?" He asked. I nodded and said "I've wanted to do it ever since my parents died. My brother's in Starfleet but he doesn't talk to me." "Vhy is zat?" He asked. "Cause he blames me for my parent's death." I replied. Pavel looked at me and said "how did they die?" "My parents sacrificed they're selves to save me. My brother tried to save them but it didn't work. It was a while back. Their ship crashed. I was 10. My brother is 5 years older than me. And he blames me for it. Because they sacrificed they're selves to save me. And I've lived with my uncle ever since." I replied. Pavel wiped a few tears that I didn't know had fallen. He hugged me and rubbed my back. "It's not your fault." Pavel said. I nodded and kissed his cheek. An alarm began going off. I looked around and saw people looking around questioningly. "Emergency. All personal evacuate immediately." I looked and saw Gorn. "Emergency. All personal evacuate immediately." The message repeated again. The Gorn began firing.

I grabbed Pavel and dove behind a counter. He landed on top of me and I said "it's ok. Stay here." Pavel rolled off of me and a man was shot next to us. I grabbed my phaser from my holster and said "Pavel grab that one." He crawled over to the dead body and grabbed it. I pressed my back against the counter. I began shooting at the Gorn. Pavel followed. "All personal evacuate immediately. Do not engage with the enemy. Do not engage with the enemy." The voice blared into the building. Pavel panted and said "you're ok?" I nodded and he shot a Gorn and looked back at me. "Zaylee! Chekov! Where are you?!" Scotty's voice rang out. Pavel looked around and said "Mr Scott!" Scotty shot a few Gorn along with Bones. Bones made it over to us and said "we have to make it back on the Enterprise!" Bones and Scotty's eyes widened as the looked at the Gorn.

I nodded and I shot a Gorn right between it's eyes. Scotty said "let's go! Now!" Scotty grabbed Pavel and Bones grabbed me and we began running for the Enterprise. "Don't stop!" Kirk screamed from behind. Spock ran close behind, holding onto Uhura's wrist. We made it on and Kirk said "Sulu, Chekov get us out of here." Pavel nodded and Scotty ran towards engineering. Bones and I ran to medical as fast as we could. As we began to pull away from the Starbase our ship was attacked once again. Things fell out of cabinets and glass shattered. Bones looked around furiously and said "damn it." The ship was just repaired and was only getting worse. I looked towards the hall and saw enemies. "Enemies boarding. Repeat enemies boarding." Bones and I hid behind the counter in medical. I shuddered as they walked into medical. Their footsteps boomed and things shook in the room. Low growls were heard and Bones covered my mouth with his hand. I closed my eyes and tears streamed down my face. Bones pulled me closer to him and the Gorn began walking out. I buried my face in his chest and the growling got louder. One of the Gorn let out a loud roar and I whimpered in Bones' chest.

Bones rubbed my back reassuringly. They walked out and I looked over the counter. "It's ok. You're ok." Bones said. I nodded and Bones said "the power's out. Damn." I grabbed my phaser and said "I'll go help Kirk get it back on." Bones nodded and I stood up. He kissed my head and said "please be careful. We promised your uncle we'd bring you back." I nodded and hugged Bones before walking out. I walked down the dark hallway. I held my phaser out in front of me. I made sure my footsteps were light. I went to walk around the corner and a whole group of Gorn stood there. I hid behind the corner and heard firing. I peaked around and saw Kirk and Spock. "Kirk!" I said. He said "Zaylee come on. We need you." I nodded and we had to get to the power source. I sat down in front of the screen and tried to get the power to come on. "We'll have to put in on backup power." I said. Spock said "that's sounds logical." "Do it. Quick. We're not in warp. We're kinda anchored in space. Nobody is at their posts. Everyone is fighting against them." Kirk replied. I looked up from the screen and said "even Pavel?" Spock didn't say anything and he watched the door for Gorn. "Is Pavel fighting?" I asked. Kirk nodded and I shuddered. I scrambled to get the power back on. Backup power came on and all the lights were red and dark. Only a few bright ones were on. "Good job. Go find Scotty or someone." Kirk said. I nodded and walked down the darkened hallway. I heard roaring and I hid behind the wall. I had my comm on my belt along with my phaser. I grabbed my phaser and went to jump out from behind the wall. I shot three Gorn dead on the floor. I sighed in relief and someone grabbed my shoulder. I screamed in fear and Scotty did as well. "Lassie it's me!" He said. I sighed in relief and said "geez Scotty. Have you seen Pavel?" He shook his head and said "I think he's on one of the lower decks. Around engineering I think." I nodded and took a deep breath. "I need to make sure he's ok." I said. Scotty said "I'll walk with you." We walked down a pitch black hallway. I treaded lightly and Scotty followed. I heard a phaser going off and I ran around the corner to see my older brother. My eyes widened and I said "Jack?" He turned around and gulped. His eyes widened and he stared at me.

"Hey baby sis." He said. I said "hello." Scotty said "you two know each other?" I nodded and said "that's my brother." Scotty said "well I didn't know that. He works in engineering with me." I nodded and Jack said "um I gotta go. But I'll see ya?" I shrugged and said "maybe. I'm busy." I walked off alone and Scotty followed me. This hallway was red. You could see a little bit but not a lot. Scotty said "this is so dangerous." I nodded and tried to stay focused. I could hear people screaming from being killed. "Zaylee!" Kirk's voice rang out from my comm. "What?" I asked. "You gotta go to engineering! Chekov's there! Go!" Kirk said. My eyes widened and Scotty said "go. I got this." The ship was malfunctioning very badly. I ran to engineering as fast as I could. Pavel was trapped somewhere and I was going to get there. I ran through the corridors trying to get there. I rushed onto the 6th deck. I searched frantically and looked around. There was Pavel. My eyes widened at the sight. I covered my mouth at the sight of him. There he was, leaning against a wall clutching his leg. I ran over and he was in and out of conciseness. Red blood was everywhere. A small puddle around his body. Tears clouded my vision and the thick liquid stained my hands as I put pressure on his thigh. He groaned in pain and I said "Pasha.." I lifted the huge beam off his chest. I pushed it away from us and looked at him. "Zay." He said. I pushed his curly locks out of his face and said "you're gonna be ok." "Where's keptain?" He asked weakly. My breath hitched and I said "he's on the way." I sat him up and grabbed my phaser. I shot at a few enemies and said "stay with me Pasha." He nodded and I held him in my lap. I screamed for help but nobody came. I couldn't believe nobody was coming to help us. I looked around and saw a Gorn. It growled at us and I shot it in the head. I backed to the wall and held Pavel to my chest. I stroked his head and his breathing was labored. "Everything's going to be ok." I said softly. Pavel struggled to keep his eyes open and they fluttered closed. "Pavel?" I asked. I shook him softly and he didn't budge. "No." I said. Pavel laid limp in my arms and tears streamed down my face. "No!" I screamed. That attracted Gorn and I shot at them. I killed them all and held Pavel's body close to mine. "Please don't go. Please." I said. I rocked him back and forth and said "come back. Everything's ok. You'll be ok." Pavel was limp in my arms and wasn't moving. "Please!" I said. I sobbed as I held his body. I buried my face in his curls and heard running footsteps. I looked up to see Bones. His eyes widened and I said "Bones I can't get him to wake up." He nodded and said "help me get him up." I had one of his arms while Bones had the other. We began to pretty much drag him back to medical. "This isn't going to work. Pick him up." I said. Bones picked him up and began to carry him. I shot at the enemies as we walked. Scotty was in the hallway next to us and his eyes widened at the sight of Pavel. "What's happened?" He asked. Bones said "I don't know yet. But I have to get him in the operating room." "Zaylee?" Scotty asked. He waved his hand in front of my face and I stared at the floor. "She's in shock." Bones said. A Gorn came around the corner and shot me in the arm. I screamed in pain and shot back. "Good job lassie." Scotty said. I smiled and Bones rolled his eyes.

We finally made it into medical. Bones said "I hate to do this Zaylee but you can't be in here." My eyes widened and I said "I can help you. Bones please." Kirk ran in and his eyes widened at the sight of Pavel. Spock said "will he live?" Bones said "I don't know yet." Tears streamed down my face and Pavel's chest rose and fell very slowly. "Scotty take her out of here." Bones said. I shook my head and Scotty grabbed me. "No!" I screamed. I thrashed in his arms and he drug me out of the room. Bones closed the door and Scotty drug me down the hallway. I tried everything I could to get out of his arms. "Lassie you gotta calm down! Relax!" Scotty said. I sobbed and said "he's going to die and it'll be my fault. Everything's my fault." Kirk hugged me and I clung to him. I didn't want to let go. "I wanna go home." I said. Kirk nodded and rubbed my back. My tears stained his yellow shirt and I sobbed uncontrollably. I couldn't breathe. My head throbbed from me crying. I was trembling and I couldn't think. There was only one thought running through my head.

Why out of all people did it have to be Pavel?

Here's the update! Agh this was hard for me to write. Sorry if this made any of you cry. If it didn't sorry I'm so lame lmao😂 this took me like two hours to write omg. Hope y'all like it!! I think this is the longest chapter so far!!

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