Gorn and Vulcans

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Zaylee's POV:
New Vulcan
I ran my fingers my hair as Kirk and Spock hacked into the system. "You ok?" James asked. I nodded and said "I'm worried." "If you don't mind me asking, what about?" Spock asked. I said "Pavel." Kirk furrowed his eyebrows and said "who?" "Chekov." I replied irately. Spock said "we should keep moving." I sighed and followed them. I took my comm out of my bag and said "bones is he ok?" I heard Bones sigh over the comm. "Zaylee he's sleeping right now. He's actually healing quickly. I gave him a serum that reacts quickly but makes you pretty sleepy. Sorry." Bones replied. "I'm just glad he's ok. Thanks Bones." Bones said "of course Zaylee." I put my comm back in my bag and followed Kirk and Spock. There was a Vulcan standing about 10 feet from us. It turned around and looked possessed. It had yellow veins and looked very scary.

I gasped and clutched Kirk's arm. Spock stunned him and scanned his body. He also mind melded him. "You sure you wanna touch that guy?" Kirk asked. "I have to get the password for the door from him." Spock replied. I still clutched Kirk's arm. Kirk smiled at me and I pulled away. "It scared me." I said. Kirk said "it's fine. It freaked me out to be honest." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

We walked around the abandoned buildings there were infected Vulcan at every corner. I gasped and slid down the wall as Kirk and Spock stunned Vulcans. Spock came over to me and said "what is wrong?" "What if I get infected?" I asked. Kirk looked at me and said "that won't happen. I won't let it. "What about Pavel?" I asked. Spock looked down and said "nothing will happen to the both of you." I bit my lip and said "I'm scared. This mission is getting out of hand guys." Kirk said "I know and I'm sorry. We just need someone from medical with us. And your being trained to do this. I need you to relax and know that you're safe with the two of us." I nodded and looked behind Kirk and saw it. I panted and Spock said "Zaylee?" If there wasn't a wall behind me I would've backed up 20 feet. An alien stood 5 feet away. Kirk grabbed my wrist and I trembled as I stared at it. I began to shake uncontrollably. "J-James." I said. Kirk turned around and said "oh wow." Spock said "I wasn't made aware that Gorn would be here."

Spock and Kirk looked at each other before shooting at the alien. I gasped and Kirk grabbed me and said "you're ok. Focus." I nodded and stood up. "Kirk I know I'm not doing a very great job. This mission has worried me. The last one was about Nero and I wasn't even concerned as much. Now I'm just a wimp who can't do anything on her own. Why do I have to be this way?" I asked. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I looked down. Kirk looked at me sadly and Spock didn't know what to say. "Zaylee?" Kirk asked. I looked back up at him and I said "I'm useless. Why did I even apply for this? I can't do anything right." "Zaylee?" I heard Pavel's voice. I had no clue I had left my comm on. I gasped and Kirk stared at me in shock.

"Zaylee you're not useless. You're perfect." Pavel said. My curly hair hung in my face and tears clouded my vision. "Pavel I'm not perfect. Ever since I let you get hurt things have been falling apart. I feel like I'm not needed." I replied. I heard Pavel's breath hitch on the other side. "Don't say zat. Do not say zat you're worthless. Because your not. You're one of ze best medics I know. If I wanted anyone to help me it'd be you. Honest. You're not worthless, useless, or anything you call yourself. You make who you are Zaylee. And I can't listen to you say these things. Do you understand zat? It breaks me to hear zat." Pavel replied. I could hear his small cries on the other side.

My heart shattered as I listened to him cry. "You have everything to live for." Pavel said, his voice breaking.

"Don't put yourself down. You're doing great. And when you get back on ze ship I'll be there to give you a hug and congratulate you." Pavel said. I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "I will Pavel. I love you so much." I replied. Spock didn't face me and Kirk sighed sadly. Pavel said "come back ok?" "Pavel I will. Hug me tight when I get there." I replied. Tears fell from my eyes and Pavel said "I will. I'm gonna let you go ok?" His voice was breaking on every word. "I love you." I whispered. Pavel said "I love you too." Kirk wiped my tears and said "no more crying. I got you. Be strong. Nothing will happen to you or Pavel. I promise." I nodded as we navigated our way through more Gorn. They were pretty scary if you ask me. We had to get a device that they were trying to steal. But they had escaped with it. We went on this main deck, trying to shoot them all. Spock jumped onto one of the Gorn ships and I followed. Kirk was behind us and it was a few feet away from the deck. My eyes widened as he jumped. He barely caught the ship and a Gorn grabbed Spock and I. Kirk said "the gun!" I kicked it towards him and he shot the Gorn off Spock. Spock shot the one off me and we shot the remaining Gorn on the ship. "Ever use a phaser before?" Kirk asked. I shook my head and said "first time." Spock said "your aim is very accurate." I smiled to myself and looked up. The Gorn ship that was next to us aimed it's weapon straight at Kirk. Spock's eyes widened and he said "captain!" He pushed him out of the way and the ship began to go down. I blacked out.


I woke up on the ground. I looked around and saw debris everywhere. I wasn't injured that bad. I had a small cut on my arm and my knee was bleeding. I gasped as I tried to stand up. I shuddered in pain and laid back down on the ground. I saw Kirk and crawled over to him. Kirk laid unconscious and I said "captain get up. Please." Kirk opened his eyes and said "ow." He looked at my knee and said "that looks bad." "It hurts but I'll live." I replied. Kirk went to stand up and fell back down. His entire thigh was cut open. I gasped and covered my mouth. "Ah my leg." He groaned. "I can't fix it. I'd need a laser. To close the wound." I said. Spock was in a balcony above and he said "captain!" He began to make his way down to us. Spock held up Kirk as we walked. "Zaylee shoot the enemies." Spock said. I grabbed the phaser from the holster on my hip. I held it and tried not to shudder. A Gorn came out of the doors and growled at me. I shot it in the head, it fell to the ground. Two more came out and I did the same for both of them. I panted and my hair hung in my face. Spock helped Kirk onto the table and began fixing his leg. Profanities left Kirk's mouth and I shot the Gorn. As soon as Kirk was healed he walked around with no problem. Spock fixed my knee and arm as well before leaving. We encountered a lot of Gorn. I couldn't keep count of how many aliens I had shot. We waited desperately to get beamed back onto the ship. As soon as Scotty could beam us back we were beamed. I looked at Kirk who ran a hand through his hair. Our outfits were torn and very dirty. Scotty said "what the hell happened to you guys?" "Gorn." I replied. Scotty nodded and I walked into the med bay. Bones looked up from his paperwork and looked back down. Then he looked up frantically and said "good god." I half smiled and said "I'm fine." I walked over to Pavel's bed and brushed his curls out of his face. "Is he ok?" I asked. Bones nodded and said "after that comm he was a mess. It took a while to get him back to sleep. I think he needs you." I shook him softly and he opened his eyes. His green eyes filled with happiness when he saw me. He hugged me and didn't let go. He clung to me and I rubbed his back. "I'm so sorry." I said. He nodded and said "don't say those things ever again. You're perfect." I nodded and just laid my head on his shoulder. I didn't want to pull away. I wanted to stay like this. I could her small sniffles from Pavel and it broke my heart. "Pavel I'm so sorry. You weren't supposed to hear those things. Please forgive me." Pavel pulled away and said "of course I forgive you. I can't listen to you say those things. Promise me you won't." "Promise." I replied. I stuck my pinky out and he intertwined his with mine. He smiled and giggled. I wiped his tears and said "don't cry love." Pavel smiled and leaned in. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me passionately. I pulled away and blushed along with Pavel. Bones said "is everything good now? It's too sad in here." "Everything's good." Pavel said with a shrug. I curved my lips into a smile and Pavel returned it.

Here's the update! Sorry for not updating for so long. That was sad and idk where I was going with it. I cried writing this agh😫😫😫 hope y'all liked this😁😁 sorry it was sad😭😭 here's a cute gif of Anton to make up for it!


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