Jaylah and Explosions

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OMFG look how he's looking at her😂😂😂 this picture is life oml😂😂😂 she looks so focused on what she's talking about. Probably her 'house' lmao😂😂 and he's just staring at her in complete awe OMG this pic is so cute!! Also MAJOR SPOILERS if you haven't seen the movie. I warn people so I don't get attacked. Also this is my take on Beyond. Therefore not everything will be the same as the movie. Don't hate me guys.

Zaylee's POV:
I woke up to gasping. I couldn't see very well. I looked next to me to see Milo gasping for air. I opened the pod and Milo couldn't breathe. "Hang on baby." I said. I searched the pod for his inhaler and handed it to him. He inhaled on it and shuddered. I looked down and he hugged me. "It's ok baby. I'm right here." I said. I had asthma when I was younger. Severely. But as I got older it got better. But I still had attacks sometimes. Milo hiccuped and I patted his back. "You ok?" I asked. He nodded against my chest and he had a small cut on his arm. I wrapped it up and Milo cried. "Shh it's ok baby." I said. He nodded and we got out of the pod. The woods were dense and there were trees everywhere. "Papa?" Milo called out. I covered his mouth and hid behind a tree. There was rustling and I held Milo in behind me. An alien jumped in front of me and I gasped. Milo stood behind me and she stared at me. She noticed Milo and her face softened. He looked at her and said "please don't kill me and my mommy." "What is that?" She asked. She pointed to my Starfleet pin. Enemies jumped out of the trees and she knocked them all out gracefully.

Milo stared at her in awe.

"What is that?" She asked. She pointed to my Starfleet pin once again. "It's my Starfleet pin. Well Federation pin. I work on a starship. In the medical field." I replied. She said "Starfleet?" I nodded and she looked amazed. "What's your name?" I asked. "I am Jaylah." She replied. I smiled and said "I'm Zaylee and this is my son Milo." There was more rustling and Scotty stumbled out of the bushes. "Lassie! And Milo?" He said. I hugged Scotty and said "oh my gosh. I was worried nobody made it." Milo held my hand and didn't let go. "You work Starfleet too?" Jaylah asked. Scotty nodded and said "yeah. In engineering. What's your name?" "Jaylah. You?" She replied. "Montgomery Scott but everyone calls me Scotty." He said to her. Milo raised his arms in the air and said "up mommy. Please? Up?" Jaylah looked at Milo questioningly and I picked him up. He rested on my hip and he laid his head on my shoulder. Jaylah said "you are engineer yes?" Scotty nodded and Jaylah smiled. "You can fix my house." She said. She walked off and Scotty looked at me with his eyes widened. "Come on!" She said. We followed her through the dense woods. Milo began to fall asleep on my shoulder. When we got to her house Scotty said "this is a ship! You live inside a Starship!" Jaylah said "yep. But I need you to fix it? Can you fix it Montgomery Scotty?" I smiled at Scotty and he nodded. I looked around at the starship. I set Milo down on a bench. He clutched his dog close to him and I sighed. Scotty said "you alright?" "I'm worried about Pavel. I can't raise Milo on my own. I know I can't. And I told Milo he was ok. I lied Scotty. But the truth is...I don't know if he made it." I replied. Tears formed in my eyes at the thought. I didn't want Pavel to be hurting or in pain somewhere. Scotty hugged me and said "if Pavel was with Kirk then they made it out. I know they did. They're probably wondering the same thing about you." He pulled away from me and smiled at me. I chuckled and said "probably. But what about Bones? And Spock? Uhura? Sulu? Sulu has a daughter and I know he'd do anything to stay alive for her and his husband. Bones is like a second father to me. I really hope he isn't gone. Kirk is my brother. Totally." Scotty laughed and said "did you know that he had a crush on you? A tiny one. And then you and Pavel had Milo and it blew his mind." I blushed and said "really?" Scotty nodded I said "wow. I never thought Pavel and I would get married at such a young age. And then have our first child at 19." Scotty said "do you regret any of it?" I shook my head and said "no. I'm glad that I married Pavel. I'm glad we had Milo. I'm glad I got to meet him when I did. But you know what? Everyone might say it was young love but I think it was destined to be." Scotty said "that's deep. I don't do well and with that." I giggled and said "if I don't make it....promise me you'll find Pavel and make sure he doesn't get himself killed." Scotty said "you're gonna make it." "I'm just saying that if I don't." I replied. I looked at Scotty and Scotty said "I'm gonna take a look at this ship." I nodded and he stood up and followed Jaylah. Milo say up and rubbed his eyes. "Hi baby." I said softly. "Where's papa?" He asked. "He's not here baby." I replied. Milo half smiled and looked down.

I frowned at him. "We'll see papa again soon." I said to him. Milo nodded and said "mommy lay with me." I laid down next to him and he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I stroked his head and said "we'll see papa soon. I promise."

Pavel's POV:
We headed towards the Enterprise. Kirk thought Kalara had something to do with Krall's attack. "Keptain shouldn't ve search for survivors?" I asked. Kirk looked at me and said "Chekov I know you want to look for Zaylee and Milo but we gotta see if this thing can still fly. I know how hard it is. We'll find them. And I'm still not trusting you." He stared Kalara down and said "this is your fault." "I only did it to get my crew back. He took my crew Capitan. I had to." She replied. I furrowed my eyebrows as Kirk stormed through the woods. I followed behind and stomped. Kirk noticed and stopped. "What is your problem?" He asked. I crossed my arms and said "it's fine. I'll just follow you." Kirk pinched the bridge of his nose and said "please come on. Your really irritating me." I smirked and led the way. As we made our way to the Enterprise it was dark. Kirk said "I'll go first." "Vhy?" I asked. "Cause if someone gets shot I want it to be me. You have a wife and child. And they don't need you dying. And personally if you died on my watch I'd kill myself. Cause it'd be my fault." Kirk replied. My lips parted and I was shocked. I couldn't believe Kirk felt that way about Zaylee and I. "Zhank you keptain." "For?" Kirk asked. "For caring about Zaylee and I so much. It means a lot sir." I replied. Kirk smiled at me and said "of course."

"Let's go. Come on." Kirk said. He went first and aimed his phaser in all directions. "Go." I went first and Kalara followed. The Enterprise was completely destroyed. "We have to find the Abronath." Kirk said. He led Kalara through the destroyed ship and I furrowed my eyebrows at his actions. Kirk figured out that she was working with Krall the whole time. "It's over there. Go look." Kirk said. Kalara went over to where Kirk was talking about and she got furious. "You said it'd be here!" She said. "Well looks like I lied." Kirk replied. I said "you thought." Kalara glared at me and aimed her phaser at me. Kirk said "don't do something you'll regret." Kalara didn't say anything. She just kept her phaser aimed at me. My eyes widened as she stared me in the eyes. Kirk said "hey look at me." Kalara looked at him and took her eyes off me. "Oh shit! Look! The blob! It's behind you!" Kirk said. Kalara looked behind her and drones came after us. My eyes widened and I jumped behind a wall for some cover. I killed one drone and Kirk said "Chekov get this thing in the air!" I nodded and scrambled over to the screen. It took me a second but I got it. "Gotcha!" I said.

Kirk said "great now let's go!" We jumped off the ship and the Enterprise came down hard, killing Kalara as it came down. And the ship exploded.

I face planted on the ground. Kirk landed next to me on his back. "Ow. Damn." Kirk said. I groaned but it was muffled by the dirt. "You ok?" Kirk asked. He sat me up and I panted. "Ow. My chest." I said. Kirk looked at my chest and his eyes widened. "Vhat?" I asked. Kirk said "nothing. It's just that you've got a scratch on your chest." I looked down at my chest that was bleeding. "Keptain!" I screeched. "Your fine. It's a very small one. Bones can patch it up when we see him." He replied. "Zat is if he's alive sir." I retorted. Kirk rolled his eyes and helped me up. "Come on. Let's go find your wife." He said. I groaned and said "I vanna go home." Kirk smiled and put his arm around me. "Come on." He said.

Here's the update! Sorry it took so long. I was busy today and yesterday. Also I love you all so much and this is kinda sucky but Anton's not. Also I watched Tron: Legacy yesterday and omfg I haven't seen it in forever. Garrett Hedlund is my fucking dad lmao. I'll put gifs below! Love you all!!

Lmao I'm done he's just beautiful😍💙😍💙

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