Khan's Truth

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This song will definitely fit the chapter where Khan is involved. Just listen to it when you're reading about Khan lmao. And this chapter is just like the movie even though I haven't seen it in a while.

Zaylee's POV:
Before Bones was going to open one of the torpedoes he wanted me to get information on Khan. I walked into the room. Spock eyed Khan and James looked at me. "Zaylee what're you doing here?" Kirk asked. "Bones wants information on him." I said softly. Khan looked up from the floor and eyed me as I walked closer to the glass.

Khan stared at me through the glass. Kirk looked at Khan and said "I watched you open fire in a room of unarmed Starfleet officers. You killed them in cold blood." "Marcus took my crew from me!" Khan said. Kirk got angry and said "you are a murderer!" My breath hitched as I thought about Khan killing my uncle. Khan noticed and looked at me. A few stray tears fell from my eyes and Khan said "why do you cry?" "You killed my uncle." I replied. Khan immediately looked down and blinked a few times. "I'm sorry." He said softly. I looked at him and said "sorry won't bring him back." Khan looked taken aback and he said "I understand that. I want you to know that I did not know he had a niece. I thought he was alone. I did not know." I nodded and Kirk said "that still makes you a murderer." "He used my friends to control me. I tried to smuggle them to safety by concealing them in the very weapons I have designed. But I was discovered. I had no choice but to escape alone. And when I did, I had every reason to suspect Marcus had killed every single one of the people I hold most dear. So I responded in kind. My crew is my family, Kirk. Is there anything you would not do for your family?" Khan asked. My eyes widened as I looked at Kirk. Spock furrowed his eyebrows and Kirk looked at me and then back at Khan. Khan had a few tears go down his face. I kinda felt bad for him.

"Why would a Starfleet admiral ask a three-hundred-year-old frozen man for help?" Kirk asked. Khan faced the wall. He turned around and said "because I am better." "At what?" Kirk asked. Khan said "everything. Alexander Marcus needed to respond to an uncivilized threat in a civilized time, and for that, he needed a warriors mind - my mind - to design weapons and warships." Kirk's eyes widened and I looked at Spock. "You are suggesting the Admiral violated every regulation he vowed to uphold, simply because he wanted to exploit your intellect..." Spock replied. "He wanted to exploit my savagery!" Khan said. I gasped and backed away from the glass. Khan cleared his throat and said "intellect alone is useless in a fight, Mr Spock. You, you can't even break a rule - how can you be expected to break bone? Marcus used me to design weapons. I helped him realize his vision of a militarized Starfleet. He sent you to use those weapons, to fire my torpedoes on an unsuspecting planet, and then be purposely crippled your ship in enemy space, leading to one inevitable outcome: the Klingons would come searching for whoever was responsible, and you would have no chance of escape. Marcus would finally have the war he talked about, the war he always wanted." My lips parted as I looked towards Kirk. Spock looked at me and then towards Kirk. I bit my lip and Spock tried to understand. "Why is there a man in that torpedo?" Kirk asked. Khan said "there are men and women in all of those torpedoes, Captain. I put them there." Kirk said "who the hell are you?" "A remnant of a time long past. Genetically engineered to be superior so as to lead others to peace in a world of war. But we were condemned as criminals, forced into exile. For centuries we slept, hoping when we awoke things would be different. But as a result of the the destruction of Vulcan your Starfleet begun to aggressively search different quadrants of space. My ship was found adrift. I alone was revived." Khan replied. Kirk sighed and said "I looked up John Harrison. Until a year ago he didn't exist." Khan eyed Kirk and said "John Harrison was a fiction created the moment I was awoken by your admiral Marcus to help him advance his cause, a smokescreen to conceal my true identity. Khan." "Well looks like we're going to have to take you back to Starfleet to face justice." Kirk said. Khan looked down and shook his head.

"Spock go to the bridge and tell them the news." Kirk said. Spock nodded and headed towards the bridge. I stood up and Khan said "Zaylee." My eyes widened and hearing him say my name sent chills down my spine. "Yes?" I asked. Kirk said "don't talk to her." "I trust Zaylee. Will she make sure the torpedoes don't get damaged?" He asked. Kirk nodded and said "whatever." Khan looked at me and Kirk said "Zaylee come on. Let's go." Khan eyed me as I walked away. Kirk pulled me out of the room and I said "ow! Your pulling me." "Just go back to medical. Or go to engineering. Or something. Stay away from Khan." Kirk said. I nodded and looked at Bones who was hauling around one of the torpedoes. "Don't ruin it." I said. "That's why Carol is going with me. She's a weapons specialist." Bones replied. Carol followed and waved at me. "Who are you?" Kirk said. Carol said "I'm Carol Marcus. It's an honor to meet you James." Kirk nodded and said "take care of that. Now." They walked off and I sighed. I walked towards engineering and looked around for Pavel. "What're you doing here?" Jack asked me. I turned around and said "do you know where Pavel is?" Jack said "the chief? Don't know." I rolled my eyes and walked around. Jack followed and I said "what?" "Just wondering where you're going." "Looking for my fiancé." I shot at him. Jack sighed and I found Pavel at a desk messaging Kirk. "Warp available at your command." Pavel said.

Pavel looked up and said "hey." I hugged him and he said "what's wrong?" "Khan. The prisoner." I replied. Pavel said "oh. Is he bothering you?" "He's creeping me out." I replied. Pavel swayed us back and forth and said "I'm here." I nuzzled my face into his chest. I looked up at him and he kissed my lips. I smiled into the kiss and then pulled away. "I gotta make sure everything's ok." He said. I hugged his waist as he walked around. Pavel tried to squeeze through people wile I hugged his waist. Jack said "y'all are disgusting." Pavel said "shut up." Jack laughed and said "I'm serious. Can y'all not do that?" Pavel stopped and I bumped into him. "Do you vanna say that again?" Pavel asked with his head tilted. Jack got closer to him and said "say what?" "Zat we are disgusting. If anybody is disgusting it's you. Look at your face." Pavel said as he walked away. I continued to hug his waist and I could see how infuriated he was. Jack said "you take things too seriously Chekov." Pavel turned around and said "you annoy me. Wery much." Jack said "how do I know my baby sis will be safe with you?" Pavel stared at him and took my arms off his waist. "Say it again." Pavel said. My lips parted and I said "Pavel..." I pushed on his chest and he stood his ground. Jack stared at him and I tried to push Jack. Nothing was working. "How do I know my baby sis will be safe with you?" Jack asked cockily. Jack laughed as Pavel didn't do anything. "Guys please don't-" I was interrupted by Pavel punching Jack in the face. Jack stared at Pavel with a shocked expression. My eyes widened and Jack chuckled and walked away. Pavel looked down and everyone stared. "Vhat are you all looking at?" He asked angrily. He stormed off towards a desk. He breathes heavily and his chest heaved up and down. "Baby it's ok." I said. I hugged him and rubbed his back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I rubbed his back and said "you ok?" "My hand hurts." He replied. I giggled and pulled away from him. His curls hung in his face and I pushed them aside. I grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles. Pavel sighed and buried his face in the crook of my neck. "I punched him." His muffled voice said. "It's ok baby." I replied. "Are you mad at me?" Pavel asked muffled. I said "baby look at me." Pavel looked at me and I said "I could never be mad at you. Know why?" Pavel shrugged and I said "because your so cute." Pavel groaned and buried his face in my hair. "You're adorable." I said. Pavel sighed and said "I gotta go back to work." I frowned as he pulled away from me. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me. The kiss was passionate and he pulled away. His forehead rested on mine and he said "I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too. Kirk wants me away from Khan." I replied. Pavel said "stay away from him. Plees." I nodded and Pavel smiled at me.

"I love you." I said to him. Pavel said "I love you too." I hugged him one last time before walking away. Well I didn't really walk. I ran to the bathroom to vomit again. And I realized I hadn't eaten in 2 to 3 days. I groaned and walked back to medical. Bones still wasn't there. I grabbed some crackers and juice and tried to put something small in my stomach. Of course Pavel didn't know I hadn't eaten for a few days. Since my uncle died I haven't felt like it. But now I should be ok. I filled out paperwork and made sure everything was right. Bones had something dead on a table. I looked to see it was a tribble. I frowned at the small creature and looked at Bones' recordings. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and sighed. I went back to my desk and tried to find something to do.

Here's the update! Lots of Khan lmao. I love Benedict lmao. Also next chapter should be where Marcus comes. I was going to have this chapter be it but I got carried away with Khan and Pavel. I love you all so much!

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