Kirk's Banishment

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Zaylee's POV:
Spock was now in command of the Enterprise. Bones said "let's go up to the bridge so we know exactly what happened to Vulcan." I nodded and followed him. Spock stood very straight. He nodded towards me and I nodded back. I stood next to Bones. "The Narada is heading towards Earth. Which is where we're going to go." Spock said. Kirk said "what's about Pike?" My knees weakened at the thought of my uncle. Pavel noticed and watched me. "We cannot go back for him. We must go to Earth and prevent him from destroying Starfleet." Spock said. Kirk said "we have to go back for the captain! We cannot leave him there. He'd want us to go back for him! That's Zaylee's uncle! You want her to grow up without one?" My eyes widened and I said "Spock please." Spock said "Zaylee as much as I'd love to I cannot go back for him." I closed my eyes and the tears streamed down my face. Pavel stood up and hugged me. Kirk said "Spock we need to hunt Nero down! Why are you questioning Pike's life?!" "Stop!" I said. Pavel pulled away from me and I looked at Spock and said "please!" I dropped to my knees and said "please! I'm begging you." Pavel covered his mouth and had a few tears go down his face. Uhura wiped tears from her eyes. I was full on crying and I said "please!" Bones took a deep breath and Kirk said "Spock if you don't do this...she'll grow up alone." "I've decided that we're not going after Pike. Security, escort Kirk off the bridge." Kirk was being escorted off the bridge and he fought against them. Spock used the Vulcan nerve pinch and he fell to the ground. I sobbed while looking at Kirk. "Get him off this ship." Spock said. Bones helped me up and I stared at Spock. He looked at me and I said "how dare you?" "Excuse me?" He asked. "How dare you?!" I screamed. The tears streamed down my face. "I'm going to grow up alone now." I looked at the ground and Pavel walked over. He hugged me and I cried into his chest. Bones said "come on. Let's go back to medical. Pavel come with us." Spock said "he needs to navigate." "Excuse me Spock but he's the only one that can calm her down. So I need him. He'll be back in 15-20 minutes tops." We walked to medical and I sat on a bed inside. Pavel sniffled and wiped his tears. "Zaylee?" He asked. I looked up at him and hugged him. Pavel was taken aback and I clung to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I pulled myself closer to him. I held him. I didn't want to let go of him. I wanted to be in his presence.

Pavel's POV:
Zaylee cried into my chest. I felt bad for her. Bones injected something into her arm and said "it'll calm her down." I stroked her head and she began to calm down. "You ok?" I asked. She looked up at me and said "I think so." I pressed my lips to her forehead and Bones noticed. Zaylee said "Pavel.....?" "Yeah?" I asked. It was quiet for a minute and she said "kiss me." I furrowed my eyebrows and then said "are you sure?" She nodded and I pressed my lips to hers softly. Zaylee wrapped her arms around my neck and I rested my forehead on hers. "It's about time." Bones said. Zaylee laughed and said "you'd better get back to navigation." I rolled my eyes and said "it can wait. I want to be here with you." She blushed and said "really?" I nodded and played with the ends of her hair. Her face was stained with tears and her mascara was smeared everywhere. I grabbed a tissue and wiped her eyes. She half smiled at me and I said "beautiful." Zaylee blushed again and I smiled at her. Bones was fixing some people up. I sat next to Zaylee and we just talked forever. Well until I had to back to navigation. "I gotta go. Just so Spock doesn't get mad." I said. Zaylee nodded and said "mm k." I kissed her cheek and stood up. She smoothed out my shirt and said "ok now go." I smiled and went to walk out when Zaylee called my name. "Yeah?" I said. "Are we official?" She asked. I thought about it and said "zat is up to you." I smiled and she rolled her eyes. I laughed and she said "bye Pavel." "Bye bye." I said. Zaylee giggled and I headed back to the bridge. I sat down in my seat and tried to focus on what I was supposed to be doing. It was hard knowing Spock banished Kirk and could banish someone else if he was in the mood. There was a loud commotion with security. Kirk had somehow beamed onto the ship while we were in warp. He made it to the bridge along with another man by the name of Scotty. "Can I get a towel please?" Scotty asked. Bones and Zaylee made it to the bridge and her eyes widened when she saw Kirk. "James?" She asked. Kirk smirked at her and said "I made it back." Zaylee furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and nodded. Kirk and Spock began to argue. About Spock's feelings. Regarding his mother's death. "You don't even feel." He said. Then they began to fight each other. I jumped out of my seat and moved out of the way. I was quite clumsy and stumbled around for a second. Zaylee giggled and helped me with my balance. Spock's father interrupted the fight. Since Spock almost killed Kirk. Zaylee said "who's captain now?" Spock looked at Kirk and said "he is." Kirk looked at him and nodded. "I need everyone to help me find a way to stop Nero's ship. Scotty can go to engineering. Zaylee stay up here and help me figure this out. You and Chekov figure out a way." We both nodded and headed to a screen to see what the possible outcome of this was.

Zaylee's POV:
I stood next to Pavel and was trying to figure this out. "What will work?" I asked. Pavel furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and scrolled through things on the screen. He was so cute. His curls hung in his face and he studied the screen. "Pavel." I said. He looked at me and said "yeah?" I pushed his curls out of his face and said "what will work?" "If we use Saturn's rings to hide then Nero's ship won't be able to detect us." He replied. I nodded and said "you should tell the captain that." "Yes we should." He said. I nodded and went to walk away when he grabbed my wrist. "What is it?" I asked. He kissed my cheek and I giggled and said "don't let Kirk see. He'll tease us and tell my uncle." Pavel said "Pike can know." "We should tell him ourselves you know? That way it doesn't seem like we're trying to hide it. And you never answered my question." I said. "What question was zat?" He asked. "If you wanted to be official." I replied. Pavel kissed my lips and said "does zat answer your question?" I nodded and he smiled at me.

"Keptain Kirk! Keptain Kirk!" Pavel said as he ran over to Kirk. "Yes Chekov what is it?" He asked. Pavel looked so excited to tell Kirk about his brilliant plan. To use Saturn's rings to hide was genius. Kirk nodded and said "what do you guys think?" Scotty said "aye that might work." Bones said "wait a minute kid. How old are you?" "Seventeen sir." Pavel replied happily. Bones' eyes widened and he said "oh, oh good he's 17." "She's 17 too!" Pavel said, motioning towards me. I blushed and said "he's correct. If we hide behind Saturn's rings Nero won't find us." I looked at Pavel and he looked at me. We both blushed and looked down. Kirk noticed and he said "ha! I knew it!" "What?" I asked. "That you two were a thing." Kirk said. Bones rolled his eyes and said "wow did you just notice?" Kirk rolled his eyes and said "I knew." Pavel said "ok keptain." Kirk said "I did. Also thanks for saving us earlier. I never got a chance to thank you." Pavel smiled and exclaimed in Russian.

Kirk said "then it's settled. Chekov's solved the problem. So everything's good. Spock and I will rescue Pike and it'll be good." I nodded and said "great." Chekov put his arm around me and I smiled and hugged him. Kirk said "no public affection." "What about Spock and Uhura?" I asked. Uhura didn't say anything along with Spock. Kirk said "y'all are a thing?" "Am I the only one who knows who's dating who?" Bones asked. Sulu nodded and Scotty said "I just got here and there's two couples." Spock rolled his eyes and said "I'm ready to accept the mission with you Kirk." Kirk nodded and said "we'll need to get beamed out soon. Let's go get suited up." They walked off the bridge and Bones said "I'm going back to medical." Pavel kissed my cheek again and I blushed. This boy gave me butterflies. It was clear we were made for each other.

Here's the update! It's fluffy and adorable! Oml I love it so much!! Hope y'all like it!!

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