Kirk's Birthday

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Kirk's POV:
I looked to see Zaylee gasping for air. Pavel grabbed her and hugged her. She was very limp in his arms and she gasped. "Pavel?" She asked with a raspy voice. "Yes! I'm here Zaylee. Right here. It's ok." He said. Zaylee wrapped her arms around his body very slowly. She looked at Milo and Pavel pulled away. "Come here." She said. Milo ran over and sat in the middle of them and they hugged it out. Uhura cried happy tears and Scotty tried to deny he was crying. Bones said "son of a bitch I did it!" Spock smiled and I patted Pavel on the back. Zaylee's chest was closing very slowly. "Bones what'd you do?" She asked. "Khan's blood." He replied. Milo said "mommy I didn't think you'd make it." "Mommy and papa have always made it. Know why?" She asked. Milo shook his head and Pavel pointed to Bones. "Zat guy. Uncle Bones. He alvays saves us. Vith a miracle of course." Bones rolled his eyes and said "yes a miracle." Pavel stood up and pulled Zaylee to her feet. "You guys go on home. We're always honored." I said to the family of three.

Zaylee's POV:
Two weeks later
Everyone came back to earth. Pavel and I decided to retire from Starfleet. Since we had Milo and didn't want to get ourselves killed. Pavel and I didn't want to get out of bed. We'd change positions every 5 minutes and just lay on each other. "Ve have to get up." He'd say. "I know." I'd reply but still lay on him.

I kissed his lips and he said "vhere's Milo?" "Getting dressed in the mirror look." I pointed towards our bathroom. Where Milo was fixing his bow tie.

I giggled at our son. He fixed himself up in the mirror and said "come on papa!" Pavel groaned in the crook of my neck and stood up. "I'm coming." Pavel replied tiredly.

I smiled at the two boys and Pavel threw on a shirt with pants. I grabbed a tank top with some skinny jeans and some heels. We walked to the place where were surprising Kirk. He had no clue. I talked with Bones and Scotty while Pavel had Milo on his shoulders. "Where uncle Kirk?" Milo asked. "He's coming. He'll be here wery soon." Milo nodded and stared out the window. Jaylah had come back with us and she was amazing. She was teaching Milo how to fight and that was good. I had a feeling Milo would be joining Starfleet one day. Kirk walked in and we all yelled "surprise!" Kirk blushed and shook his head. "Bones I said no party." He said. Bones shrugged and said "you deserve it out of all people. You've saved all of us at least once." Kirk smiled and said "thanks guys." He looked at me and I ran over and hugged him. Kirk hugged me tightly and said "how are you?" "I'm great." I replied as I pulled away. I smiled up at him and Kirk said "it's gonna be weird without you being on the enterprise. You and Pavel are the kids on the ship. What is this life?" I giggled and said "Milo is very smart. He might come into Starfleet younger than Pavel and I." Kirk looked at Milo as he laughed with his father. Milo looked up and ran towards Kirk. He picked him up and said "hey little guy. Do you wanna be on a starship with me as your captain one day?" Milo nodded and said "I'm ready. I'm in 2nd grade! I can do it. Plus I'm in all the smart classes. Which is why I'm 5 in second grade." Kirk nodded towards Pavel and I and he set him down. Milo ran towards Jaylah who tackled him and they played. Pavel said "keptain it's been an honor serving under you for years. I'm wery grateful that you were my keptain." Kirk smiled and hugged Pavel. "Happy birthday Kirk." I said softly. He smiled at me again and Bones smirked as he brought out the alcohol. Everyone cheered and drank. Milo looked up at me and said "mommy you and papa aren't leaving again are you?" I shook my head and said "we're staying with you." He smiled and the door opened. Jack stood at the door. My brother Jack. "Zaylee I owe you a lot. And I owe Kirk a lot too. I've been on the enterprise as long as you have. And I've never even met my nephew." He said. Milo's eyes widened and he held my hand as I walked him over towards him. Jack knelt down and said "I'm Jack. What's your name?" Milo looked up at me and I nodded. "I'm Milo." He said. Jack smiled and said "hey little man I brought you something. Look at this." It was a dog. An actual dog. Milo gasped and the dog began to lick his face. Pavel looked towards the dog and Milo was giggling on the ground. Jack smiled and I said "Jack I don't know how to thank you." Jack hugged me and I nuzzled my face into his chest. "Sis you almost died. I'm gonna stay around a little longer. But I'm going to go back into Starfleet." He replied. I nodded and pulled away. Pavel said "ve have a dog now? Lovely." I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Pavel it's fine. I promise. He nodded and Kirk walked towards the window where they were building the next enterprise. We all looked up and Milo stared up at the ship in awe. Bones said "looks like we're going again." Kirk smiled and Spock looked at Bones and nodded.

"Life is an amazing adventure." I said softly. Pavel wrapped his arms around my waist and I giggled. Jaylah was going to join Starfleet as well. We stood proudly as we looked at the ship being a work in progress. Before we knew it would be finished.

10 years later
Today was a big day. Milo was joining Starfleet at 15 years old. Well actually he was going to be a navigator onto the enterprise. I looked at my son who was now taller than me. "I'm so proud of you." I said. Milo smiled and said "thanks mom. Papa come here!" Pavel walked in and said "do you vant us to come with you? To the station?" Milo shook his head and said "I'll be fine. I promise." "Say goodbye to your siblings yeah?" I asked. "Zack, Tommy, Charlie come here!" The three boys ran down the stairs. Tommy was the youngest and Charlie was the middle child. And Zack was the second oldest. Zack said "you're really going?" Milo said "yeah I'm going." Zack nodded and said "I don't want you to go."

Milo said "I'll be fine. Beside I got the best crew." Charlie walked in with his sunglasses on and pulled them down a little. "Big bro is finally going into Starfleet! Hell yeah." Charlie said. I rolled my eyes at my son and he smirked towards me.

Tommy said "come back ok?" Milo said "Tommy I promise to come back. Everything will be ok." Tommy nodded and smiled towards his younger brother.

Milo hugged me and said "mom I love you and thanks for always being there for me." I smiled and said "of course." Pavel said "be wery careful. Make keptain Kirk proud." "Do I have to call him keptain?" He asked as his accent slipped out. Milo face palmed himself and I said "your accent is cute." Milo shook his head and Pavel said "I vant someone to get my accent." "I have it." Tommy said. Pavel laughed and hugged his youngest son. Milo saluted the two of us and said "I'm going." "Hug your brothers." I replied. Charlie held his arms up and said "come on big bro. Bring it in." They group hugged and Pavel put his arm around me. "Ok I'm gonna be late. I love you all and I'll have Kirk call you." Milo said as he walked out. I smiled at Pavel and said "look at that. He actually did it." "I knew he vould. I'm proud of this." I giggled and looked at our 3 sons. "Anyone else joining Starfleet?" I asked.

Agh last and final chapter! Thanks to everyone who has been here from the start!! If you've been here from the start I thank you so much! To all the friends I've made I love you all!!! kw-2187 you're like my best friend and we text every single day. SimoneJavierSultana we text every day too lmao. I love you all so much! RIPAntonYelchin you've been here for me through this and I appreciate it! I love the three of you so much! The bold went off wtf! Anyways I'm gonna have a cast tribute here and then a tribute for Anton! I love you guys so much and thanks for making this journey amazing!


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