Krall's Battle

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Zaylee's POV:
The Enterprise parked and Kirk said "Zaylee come with me." I nodded and Pavel looked at me worriedly.

"Plees be careful." Pavel said softly. I nodded and kissed his lips. I then grabbed my phaser and left with Kirk. We made our way into Yorktown, Kirk and I followed Krall. He was looking like his normal self. Balthazar Edison. A Starfleet captain from centuries ago. There's absolutely no way that he could be alive. But he became Krall. Kirk said "Zaylee stay close!" I nodded as we ran through the hectic Yorktown. People screamed and everyone ran into nearby buildings. I looked up towards Kirk who jumped on a ledge. And I followed him. I grabbed my phaser and Kirk aimed his at Balthazar.

Balthazar did what any villain would do and run. He was running towards Yorktown's life support hub. We jumped into the space with Krall. Kirk and Krall began to fist fight. I had my phaser aimed and ready if something went wrong. He punched Kirk square in the eye and I shot him in the arm. He screamed in pain and looked angrily towards me. Kirk began to try to reason with him. "We can help you. You don't have to do this. There are women and children who don't deserve this. I'm sorry for what happened to you Balthazar. But if you stop this now you can get help. It'll all be ok. You can even captain again if you want." Balthazar eyed Kirk and said "never." We tried desperately to fight off Krall. It was just getting too hard. The Enterprise was watching and everyone could see.

Kirk's POV:
I punched Krall and Zaylee shot him in the opposite arm. He pulled out a sword and shoved me away from her. He drove it through her chest and she gasped for air. My eyes watered and I could hear Pavel's screams. "Mommy!" Milo screamed. I yelled in anger. Zaylee choked on her own blood and I said "no." He set her on the ground and she had a hole in her chest. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. Krall tried desperately to kill me but I shut him out of the hole. He used the gravity in the air to go to the next place. I groaned in frustration and Zaylee said "go..." I picked her up and looked around. There was no help where we were. Zaylee would either die in that hole or in my arms. No matter what she was going to die. I looked at her wheezing form and she looked dead. The life has been drained from her eyes. Tears streamed down her face and she said "Pavel?" "Zaylee don't." He pleaded. She looked towards Krall and said "kill him." Spock and Bones were nowhere to be found and I began to sob. "Please don't die!" I screamed. Zaylee said "I'll be ok. It's been an honor serving with you captain." "Zaylee....plees don't. I kan't go on." Pavel said. "I love you." She whispered. A single tear fell from her eye and Pavel screamed in agony. I used the gravity in the air to get me closer towards Krall. Zaylee was still in my arms. I set her down and began to fight him once again. Pavel shut him out of the hole and he floated into space to die. I picked up Zaylee and Bones and Spock picked us up. Spock said "is she...." I nodded. I closed her eyes and sobbed over her body. Bones tried to drive but couldn't because he was sobbing. Spock actually had tears coming down. This man who I thought was heartless was crying over the young girl. Bones said "I don't know if I can save her." We landed and I carried her off of the ship. Pavel looked at me with tears in his eyes. As I walked closer he dropped to his knees and sobbed.

Uhura held Milo and he said "mommy!" He got out of her arms and ran over towards me. I dropped to my knees as I sobbed over her body. "Mommy wake up! Mommy!" Milo said. Pavel stared at her dead body and shook his head. "Why?" He asked. Scotty wiped his face and tried to not cry. Jaylah looked at her and walked over. She examined her body and Sulu couldn't bear to be around her. He ran off to make sure his family was ok. Pavel couldn't contain his sobs. He sniffled a little and choked on his sobs.

I shook my head and Bones said "wait a minute!" We all looked towards him and said "what?" He grabbed her and set her on the ground. Milo stared at her body in shock and Pavel said "vhat are you doing?" Bones looked where her wound was. He rolled her on her side and said "it didn't go all the way through." "Yes it did. I saw it come out of the front of her chest." I said. Bones shook his head and said "no." He sobbed over her body and looked for anyway to revive her. He looked at her chest. It was bloody and his eyes widened. The wound was in the middle of her chest. Bones looked around frantically and grabbed a bag full of medical supplies. "She's dead." Pavel said coldly. I looked at him and he shook his head and looked at me coldly.

Bones grabbed a syringe and filled it up with a substance. "Come on damn it." Bones said. Bones injected it into her neck and said "everyone stand back." Pavel didn't move. He scooted back an inch and stared at her body coldly. Milo had tears in his eyes and he clutched his father. I closed my eyes as nothing happened. All of a sudden there was a gasp. Pavel's eyes widened and everyone was in shock.

Here's the update! Sorry for not being on! My wisdom teeth have been killing me and I gotta get them taken out! Also this book will have one last chapter and then it will be finished. And I'll have a huge tribute to Anton. So if there is anything you want me to put on the tribute comment or message me. There will be gifs and pictures of him. Just give me your name and what you would like to say. And I'll be sure to put it in. I'm also gonna do my favorite movies and roles. I love you guys so much!!

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