Little Pasha

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The song above makes me think of Anton. It was in an edit of him on vine. And I cry every time😭😭😭 I also cried writing Pavel with his son😭💔😭💔

Zaylee's POV:
I woke up to my 4 year old son giggling. Pavel's face was buried into the pillows on our bed. I walked into the hallway where Jess was playing hide and seek with Milo. "Where are you Milo?" She asked. Milo giggled and Jess' son Gray sat on the laptop in the living room. "Where could Milo be?" Jess asked, putting her hands on her hips.

I giggled and walked to the kitchen. I began to make breakfast and I heard a scream. Jess said "I gotcha!" Milo screamed happily and I said "Jess get you?" Milo nodded eagerly making his curls bounce up and down like his father. "Where's papa?" Milo asked. "Papa's sleeping. But he'll be up soon. Why don't you play with Jess until papa wakes up." I said. Milo nodded and Jess said "come on Milo." She tickled him and Milo's giggled erupted into the slightly bigger apartment. I ran to the hallway to close the bedroom door. Well I cracked it. Ever since Milo came into the world life has been great. Pavel and I were a married couple. We had to move into a bigger place though. It's deeper into the city and closer to Kirk. He's always at the apartment, flirting with Jess for what seems like hours. I walked back into the living room and heard Milo giggling as Jess looked for him around the house. "Hey Gray." I said as I ruffled his hair. He smiled up at me and I smiled back.

Gray had blue eyes like Pavel and Milo. His mother had green and I think his father had brown eyes. Or hazel. I never saw much of him. I cooked breakfast and Gray ran to the bar and waited eagerly. I set a plate in front of him and he began to eat. I heard Milo's running footsteps and smiled. "Mommy!" He said. He jumped into my arms and I said "what's wrong baby?" "Jess is gonna get me! She's a monster!" Milo said while giggling. Jess poked her head out from around the corner. "Me? A monster?" Jess asked. She scoffed in disbelief and said "I could never be a monster." She kissed Milo's head and sat next to Gray and ate breakfast with him. "Here Milo." I said. Milo looked at the eggs and pushed them away. "Yuck." He said. I said "Milo they're eggs! Everyone loves eggs." "Not me." He said with a pout. "Papa loves them." I said. Milo's eyes got big and he said "he does?" I nodded and Milo said "will papa be happy if I eat them?" I nodded and Jess smiled at Milo. "Ok I'll eat them. Only if I can have an extra piece of bacon?" Milo asked. "That's not fair." Gray's deeper voice said. I handed them both an extra piece of bacon and Jess said "greedy boys." Gray said "I'm just hungry." Milo hummed while he ate and I picked up a tray and walked towards the bedroom. I closed the door behind me and climbed onto the bed with the tray. I straddled Pavel with the tray and said "wake up sleepyhead."

Pavel groaned and opened his eyes. "You've brought me breakfast." He said. I smiled and said "yes I have." I set the tray on the dresser and made sure it wouldn't fall off. Pavel grabbed me by the waist, causing me to giggle. He kissed my lips and said "thank you." "You're welcome Pasha." I replied. He kissed my lips again and hovered over me. I looked up at him and he leaned down to kiss my lips passionately. He pulled away and stared into my eyes. He positioned some pillows to help him sit up in the bed. I grabbed the tray and set it in his lap. "Did you eat?" He asked. I shook my head and said "no baby." Pavel nodded and gave me half of his food. I blushed and leaned my head on his shoulder. Pavel said "vhat is zat?" "Eggs. Please eat them. I told your son that you loved them so he'd eat them." I replied. Pavel made a face and said "mmm-mmm." I rolled my eyes and said "please eat them." These two boys were the same. They liked the same things and disliked the same things. Pavel began to eat them and I sighed in relief. "Ew." He said. I nudged him and Milo walked in. Milo tried to climb onto the bed and I pulled him up. "See papa eats his eggs." I said. Milo smiled really big and Pavel smiled back. "Vhat vould you like to do today little Pasha?" Pavel asked. "Let's go for ice cream!" Milo said. Jess stood in the doorway and I looked at her and she smiled. He was already dressed and I said "did Jess dress you?" He nodded with a smile. I rolled my eyes and said "looks like we're going for ice cream Pavel." "Looks like it." He replied. I smiled as Pavel finished his food and set it on the dresser next to us. "Are you sure zat's vhat you vant to do?" Pavel asked. Milo nodded again with a smile.

"Let papa and I get dressed. Go wait with Jess." I said. Jess held her hand out for Milo to take it. Jess smiled at us before we walked out. Pavel pulled me closer to him and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I played with his curls and he said "ve'd better get ready." I nodded and stood up. I put on some skinny jeans along with a tank top. And then my sneaker heels. Pavel put on a t-shirt with jeans and I smiled at him. "The ice cream is right in the middle of the city. So Kirk will probably see us." I said. Pavel sighed and said "probably. Let's make today fun." I nodded and he kissed my lips passionately.

I pulled away and led him out of the bedroom. Jess was dressing Gray and Milo circled the living room. "I'm a bat! I'm a bat!" He giggled as he circled the living room. His arms were in the air and he went in a circle around the living room. He blew raspberries around continued to circle the room. I leaned my head against Pavel's chest and he smiled down at his son. "I'm a bat!" He blew more raspberries and stood in one place.

Ok so I watched Hotel Transylvania 2 yesterday and I hadn't seen it in forever. And watching the whole movie Dennis looked like a little Anton with red hair. The curly hair obviously and the cute personality! Omg I'm giggling because this is so accurate!

"Little Pasha." Pavel said. Milo looked up at his father and ran towards him. Pavel picked him up and I ruffled his hair. Jess walked out with Gray and said "let's go." Jess got in her car and Pavel drove us to the heart of the city. Where cars flew 3 feet above your head, and people of all different shapes and sizes passed by. Trains zoomed below and there were fountains galore. I stepped out of the car holding Milo's hand. Milo looked around in amazement at everything. Pavel said "come on Milo! I found ice cream." I let go of his hand and he ran towards his father, who picked him up and spun around while laughing. Jess said "go with them Gray." "Gray come on!" Pavel said. He set Milo down and they walked towards the ice cream stand. Jess said "how's Jack?" "I haven't seen him in two years. He's been working. On another ship in Starfleet. He should be getting back tonight." Jess nodded and said "they're adorable." Pavel laughed with the two kids and Milo stared up at his father. Jess and I walked over to where they were. "What flavor did you guys get?" I asked. "Milo got vanilla to try. And I got chocolate and Gray got cookie dough." Pavel replied. I smiled and Jess' eyes widened at the cookie dough. "He's gonna have a sugar high now. Just like his father." She said. Gray rolled his eyes and ate the ice cream. Milo tried the ice cream. He licked it very carefully, afraid it would bite him or something.

Pavel watched his son eat the vanilla ice cream. "It's ok little Pasha." He said. Milo ate it and nodded at his father. Jess tried to get the cookie dough away from Gray but it wasn't happening. Milo ate his ice cream happily and I felt someone snake their arms around my waist. I squealed and realized it was Kirk. He smiled and said "Heyyyyyyyy!"

"Damn you Kirk." I said. Kirk put his hands on his heart and said "damn me? I just came to say hello." Milo had finished his ice cream and he looked up towards me. "Uncle Kirk!" Milo screamed. Kirk smiled really big and said "Milo!" Milo ran towards Kirk and Pavel said "be careful!" Kirk detached himself from me and picked up Milo. He had Milo on his hip and he said "how've you been buddy?" "Good." Milo said while giggling. Kirk said "that's good. And your birthday is tomorrow. Your gonna be 5 years old!" Milo giggled and Kirk said "are you having a party?" Milo nodded and said "mommy and daddy are throwing me one!" Kirk smiled at the boy on his hip. "Am I invited?" Kirk asked pouting. Milo said "of course! You're uncle Kirk! You have to be there! You're a captain of a Starship!" Kirk laughed and Pavel walked over. "So vhat to do now?" He asked. Milo giggled as his father ruffled his hair. Kirk said "I have an idea. Why don't we show Milo the Enterprise. Like where it's being completed. It's almost finished. He'll be able to see it." Pavel nodded and said "vanna papa's ship?" Milo nodded and Kirk put him on his back. Milo smiled as Kirk pretended to be a ship soaring in the sky. Gray ran off with Kirk as well. Pavel looked at me and said "our son is adorable." I smiled and Jess said "go with them Pavel." Pavel ran up to Kirk and began playing with them. Milo squealed as they ran around the streets with people staring at them. Jess said "your family is beautiful. I wish mine was like that." I frowned at that and she said "mine used to be like that. Until my husband became obsessed with money. And that was all he cared about. So I divorced him. He still loves Gray but I don't think he loves me any longer." Jess looked at me sadly and I hugged her. She pulled away and said "Jordan and I were in love. But I have no clue what he is now."

Jess wiped a few tears from her eyes. I hugged her and said "it's ok. You have me." Jess smiled and said "true. I love you sissy." "I love you too." I replied. We walked into the room where the Enterprise was being repaired. Milo's eyes got wide and he said "it's so cool uncle Kirk!" Kirk laughed and said "you like it?" Milo said "it's so cool!" Pavel smiled and Gray stared up at the ship. His blue eyes were filled with awe.

Jess smiled and hugged her son. Jess laughed and Gray said "look mom! Look how cool!" Kirk laughed and Pavel stared up at the ship. "Papa and mommy vill be on zat ship one day." Pavel said. Milo said "really?" Pavel nodded and we began to stare at the ship in awe. Milo began to fall asleep on Kirk's back. "Let's go back home." I said. Kirk carried Milo all the way bad to the car. He kissed his head before leaving. Pavel drove us him and Jess put Gray to bed in his room. Jess headed towards the kitchen and began doing the dishes. "I'll do this. You and Pavel go ahead and turn in." She said. I nodded and said "thanks Jess." She smiled and I walked away.

Pavel and I put Milo to bed. He carried him to his room. "I love you little Pasha." He said. I smiled and walked into Pavel and i's shared bedroom. I got a bath ready and got in. I heard the bathroom door open and Pavel came in. He got in at the other end of the tub. I stared at him and said "we have a beautiful son." Pavel said "I know." I smiled and played with the bubbles that surrounded us. The candles lit up the room and I looked at him. "Are you ready to go back to Starfleet?" I asked. Pavel shrugged and said "I'll miss Milo." I frowned and said "yeah but this could be our last one. We promised Kirk that we'd come back." Pavel nodded and said "last time." I nodded and said "of course baby." Pavel leaned in and kissed my lips passionately before pulling away. I played with the bubbles again and Pavel watched me and smiled at me. I splashed water onto his face and he looked taken aback.

Pavel said "we've got a big day tomorrow. Hopefully Jess can help out." "Of course she can." I replied. I got out and wrapped myself up in a towel. Pavel did the same and I got dressed as did he. I plopped down onto the bed and Pavel followed. I turned out the light and left the nightlight on. Pavel grabbed me and pulled me closer to him. I giggled as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

I played with his curls and didn't want to let him go. Pavel ran his fingers over the scar on my stomach. I bit my lip and he said "it's beautiful." "Pavel that scar is so ugly." I replied. I looked down and he brought my face to his lips and he kissed me. "You're wery beautiful." He said. I blushed and it was my turn to bury my face in the crook of his neck. Pavel laughed as I did and he said "I love you." "I love you crazy." I replied.

Here's the update! Hope y'all liked this! I tried to make Milo as adorable as I could! I love you all so much and I might possibly be going to see Suicide Squad tonight. I haven't seen it yet. I got my days mixed up and thought yesterday was Friday. Lmao wow I need help. I love you guys so much!!

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