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Zaylee's POV:
The Enterprise was malfunctioning. I heard Pavel was trapped somewhere. I ran through the corridors. I rushed onto the 6th deck. There was Pavel. Leaning against a wall clutching his leg. I ran over and he was in and out of conciseness. Red blood was everywhere. A small puddle around his body. Tears clouded my vision and the thick red liquid stained my hands as I put pressure on his thigh. He groaned in pain and I said "Pasha.." I lifted the huge beam off his chest. "Zay." He said. I pushed his curly locks out of his face and said "you're gonna be ok." "Where's keptain?" He asked weakly. My breath hitched and I said "he's on the way." I sat him up and grabbed my phaser. I shot at a few enemies and said "stay with me Pasha." He nodded and I held him in my lap. I screamed for help but nobody came. I couldn't believe nobody was coming to help us. I looked around and saw a Gorn. It growled at us and I shot it in the head. I backed to the wall and held Pavel to my chest. I stroked his head and his breathing was labored. "Everything's going to be ok." I said softly.

One year before:
I was one of the youngest people to ever recruit for Starfleet. I was proud to do it. I walked through the building to one of my classes to train. I ran into a man. "Well hello." He said. I smirked and said "hello." "I'm James Kirk." He said. I smiled and said "I'm Zaylee Bloom." He shook my hand and Bones walked over and said "hello Zaylee. Come on James. You'll be late. You need to take things seriously. Training is almost over and then you'll be on a Starship one day." He nodded and said "I'll see you Zaylee." I walked to my final class of the day. This was the class I dreaded. Why you ask? Because I share it with Pavel Chekov. Most people say you're so lucky! No. We're the smartest people in the class. And I can't ever answer any questions. And he doesn't do it on purpose but he's a little smarter than me. I walked in and sat down. I looked over towards his direction and he set his bag down and another boy walked in. "Little Chekov. Thinking he's better than everyone." He knocked down Chekov's books and laughed. "Vhy'd you do that?" He asked. " think you're better than everyone. Plus your a nerd." The boy said. I frowned and walked over. "Hey Pavel?" I asked. Pavel looked up and said "hello Zaylee." I picked up his books and set them on his desk. This was the 6th time this week they picked on him. I took him in the hallway and said "you ok?" Pavel shrugged and I said "please don't cry." He nodded and looked down. I hugged him and he sighed as our bodies pressed against one another. I pulled away and wiped his tears that had fallen. "Don't cry Pavel. Don't let those big mean guys push you around." I said smiling. Pavel blushed and said "sorry for answering everything in class." "It doesn't bother me. I just don't want people to think I'm not smart." I said. I felt insecure because he was much smarter than me. "Don't be. Your very smart." Pavel said. I smiled and we walked into class. When that class ended that was the last I'd seen of him. I had the biggest crush on him as well. But nobody knew.

Three weeks later:

Everyone was getting assigned onto Starships. I got the Enterprise. I hadn't seen Pavel in almost a month. I heard Bones and Uhura got it as well. James didn't though. He wasn't allowed. I walked onto the ship. I was able to work on the bridge but not a lot. My uncle didn't want me there. Oh I forgot to mention. My uncle raised me and is the captain of the Enterprise. Christopher Pike. I was good at engineering but my main focus was medical. Bones was a great teacher. I walked up to the bridge and said "I'm going to medial." My uncle kissed my cheek and off I went. Bones was attending to James. "What's wrong with him?" I asked. "I drugged him up to bring him into the ship." He replied. I nodded and said "you'd better not let my uncle find out." I walked around the ship and made sure that all the first aid kits were in place. I missed the announcement and I got a message on my com. I opened it and said "Bloom." "It's your uncle. Please come to the bridge at once." He said. I made my way to the bridge and James was yelling at my uncle. I walked in and pulled down my red dress. Spock said "hello Zaylee." "Hello commander." I said proudly. The bridge was filled with people. That's when I saw Chekov. He didn't see me at first. "Pavel?" I asked amongst the commotion. He looked up and his eyes widened. He rubbed his eyes and said "Zaylee?" I walked over to him and he stood up. I hugged him tightly and said "I didn't think I'd see you again." Pavel chuckled against the crook of my neck and said "me neither." I pulled away and my uncle stared at me. I cleared my throat and said "we were in training together." Pavel blushed and looked down. I smiled and James said "now that you've seen the hail. They're Romulans." My uncle nodded and said "Kirk, Sulu, and...Zaylee. The three of you will go down and destroy this tower. Oh and Olson come too." Kirk looked at me and said "think you're up for this?" I nodded and said "of course." Pavel gave me a worried look and I said "I'll be ok." "Chekov you have the con. And Spock your acting captain." He finished. "Aye sir." Chekov said. I knew what acting captain meant but I didn't know why he was assigning Spock. "Oh and Kirk I have another job for you." Pike said. Kirk furrowed his eyebrows and said "what is that?" "To make sure that Zaylee is safe at all times. Kinda like a bodyguard. From boys and stuff." Pike said. I groaned in annoyance and Sulu snickered. "Will do that sir." Kirk said, putting his arm around me. I smiled sarcastically and knew this was going to be crazy.

Here's the prologue. It was longer than I expected to write it but here it is! This is my first Star Trek book! Also this book is dedicated to the lovely Anton Yelchin. Who I miss very much and won't ever forget.

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