Qo'noS (Kronos)

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Zaylee's POV:
Pike's funeral was today. And then we were going up into space. I sat down next to Pavel and he held my hand. He rubbed circles with his thumb onto my hand. Kirk stood on stage and said a few words. I bit my lip and tried to keep from crying. Kirk motioned for me to come up onstage. I walked onstage and Kirk stood next to me. I looked out into the crowd and Pavel smiled at me. "It's ok." He mouthed. I sighed and took a deep breath. "Christopher Pike. He was my uncle. Who took me and my brother in after my parents were killed. He was my inspiration to join Starfleet. He always protected me and made sure I was ok. I never thought he would pass like this. I was there. I was right in front of him. James and I witnessed it. John Harrison murdered him. Why? I do not know. I miss him so much. I don't have him. He was more of a dad then my father was. He was my dad. James was like the son he never had. He always looked out for us both. He always made sure I was ok. And I hope to become like him one day. An admiral. My uncle won't even get to see me be married. That breaks my heart. I'm going to make him proud. I love you so much uncle." The tears fell from my eyes and James hugged me and we walked offstage. The funeral went on a little longer and Pavel walked towards me. "Hey." He said.

He embraced me and hugged me tightly. "I have to go talk to Admiral Marcus. I need to go after John Harrison. We should be on the Enterprise soon." James said. He walked away and Pavel kissed my hand. I blushed and said "Pavel did I do ok?" "It vas great. You didn't even stutter." Pavel said. I smiled at him and headed towards the ships. Pavel and I rode together towards the Enterprise. Scotty refused to bring the torpedoes aboard and resigned. That hurt me. I walked towards the bridge and Kirk said "Chekov are you good with engineering?" Pavel nodded and Kirk said "good your chief engineer." Pavel's eyes widened and he said "aye keptain."

Pavel looked at me and I said "be careful. Last time you were in engineering you almost died." Pavel smiled and said "I'll be fine. I promise." "I guess this means we won't be seeing each other a lot yeah?" I asked. Pavel shrugged and said "I hope not."

I kissed Pavel's cheek and he blushed. "I love you." I said softly. "I love you too." Pavel replied. I kissed his lips and said "be careful." Pavel laughed slightly and said "I can do zat." I giggled and Kirk said "Chekov get your butt to engineering. And put on a red shirt." Pavel nodded and said "aye sir." He smiled at me and kissed my lips before going. I looked at Kirk and said "he'll be ok?" He nodded and said "he'll be fine Zaylee. I promise." I smiled up at him and headed towards medical. I bumped into another girl in a blue dress. "Oh I'm so sorry." I said. "Oh darling that's ok." She replied. Her English accent dripped from her lips. "Are you Zaylee Bloom?" She asked. I nodded and she said "I'm Carol. Carol Marcus." I gasped and said "admiral Marcus's daughter. What an honor to meet you." She smiled and said "you too."

"Well I was on my way to medial. Sorry for bumping into by the way." I said. Carol said "it's fine. I'll see you around." I smiled and walked away from her, heading towards medical. "Zaylee there you are! I've been looking all over for you. Where have you been?" Bones asked. "The bridge." I replied. Bones said "what's happening up there?" "Pavel is the chief engineer and Scotty quit." Bones eyes widened and I nodded. "Yeah." I replied. Bones said "what is this coming to?" I shrugged and made sure everything was in it's right place. "Zaylee I need you on the bridge." Kirk said into my comm. "On my way." I replied. Bones said "what does he need now?" I shrugged and walked back out. I walked up to the bridge and we were dropped out of warp. "Mr Chekov did you break my ship?" Kirk asked. "I'm working on it sir! The warp core is malfunctioning." Pavel said. "Fix it." Kirk said. Pavel sighed and said "I'll try sir." Kirk said "ok Zaylee I need you. We're going onto the planet." I nodded and we got into a ship and headed towards there. The planet was dark and desolate. Kirk kept me close to him while Uhura tried to negotiate.

I absolutely love this gif of her. Zoë is so beautiful. And people say I look like her which is crazy. Because I kinda do except my hair is curly. And I'm not trying to brag or anything. People say I brag about it and I don't want y'all to think that I am. She looks so badass here when she's speaking to the Klingons. Like Oml. I just had to admire my queen🌺💎🌺💎

Spock looked around for enemies when we were attacked. I hid behind a rock for some cover and I was shot in the hand. I gasped as there was a hole in my hand from the laser. I screamed in pain. My scream bouncing off the walls. Blood streamed down my arm and hand. I looked around and saw Kirk shooting at the enemy. I shuddered and Spock noticed. His eyes widened and Uhura turned around to look at me.

She gasped and said "are you ok?" I shuddered again. The attacker turned out to be John Harrison. My eyes widened as I walked closer to Kirk. He stood watching us with cold eyes.

He stopped shooting and eyed Kirk and I. "Why?" I asked. John looked taken a back. "Why? Why did you kill Christopher Pike?" I asked. Uhura's eyes widened and tears fell from my eyes. "Did it feel good to do this?" I asked holding up my hand. He stared at the hole in my hand and said "that wasn't my intention. I promise you." "Why did you have to kill my uncle?" I asked. Kirk aimed his phaser at John and John aimed his gun at Kirk. Then aimed it at me. My eyes widened and I gasped. He went to shoot me and then hesitated. John lowered it and then aimed it back at me. Kirk said "if your going to shoot anyone shoot me." John kept his gaze on me and then lowered his gun slowly.

He stared at me and my hand throbbed from the pain. He jumped of the ledge he was on and Kirk began to beat him senseless. I gasped and Uhura held me. "It hurts. I can't patch this up myself." I said. John said "why must you beat me? Your tiring yourself. You can't even throw another punch." Kirk panted and was weak. John wasn't feeling any pain whatsoever. "Take him back to the ship." Kirk breathed out. Spock grabbed him and we began to drag him back to the ship. I ran to medical to get my hand fixed. Bones said "what did that?" "Not what. Who. Him. John Harrison." I said. Bones eyes widened and he said "are you serious? The man that killed your uncle shot you in the hand?" I nodded as Bones took my hand and put it under the laser. He began reanimating the tissue in my hand to close the hole. "Yeah. And he wanted to shoot me but hesitated. He looked at me and hesitated. Why?" I asked. Bones shrugged and said "I'll have to get some of his blood. Come down there with me. So your safe. Because you've been out of my sight for too long. And plus since Pike isn't here he needs someone to keep an eye on you. And if that's what I have to do then I'll do it." I rolled my eyes and looked at my small bandage on my hand. "I'm fine Bones." I said. He scoffed and said "you say that now." I laughed as we walked towards where Kirk was keeping John captive. Kirk stared at him through the glass. Spock did as well. Bones walked in and said "I'll get his blood when your finished interrogating him. John stood and stared at the wall. He turned around and his eyes widened when he saw me.

"Why did you attack Starfleet John?" Kirk asked. "Khan. My name is Khan." He said. Spock stared at the man on the other side of the glass. Khan stared me up and down. His blue eyes pierced into mine, like he was trying to figure me out. "What do you want?" Spock asked. "My crew." He said. Khan's eyes went to Kirk and he stared at him with disgust. Spock noticed and didn't say anything. Bones said "Zaylee go get his blood." I walked over and opened the arm hole. "Zaylee. Beautiful name." Khan said. I looked at him and said "your arm please." Khan studied my features and eyed me. His blue eyes pierced into mine. I said "your arm." He held his arm out and stared at me. His eyes had no emotion to them. Like he was dead almost.

I used the needle to extract his blood. I held his arm in place as the needle did it's work. Bones spoke to Kirk and Khan said "your in medical." "Yes." I replied. "Will you help me get my crew?" He asked. I looked up from the needle and said "where are they?" "Zaylee don't talk to the prisoner." Kirk said. I looked down and pulled the needle out of his skin. Khan said "torpedoes." I looked at him and said "what?" "Torpedoes." He said again. Kirk pulled me away from him and said "don't talk to her. You have something to say, say it to me." Khan smirked and said "I was simply making conversation with the young girl. The beautiful young girl." I eyed him and Bones said "let's go back to medical yeah?" I nodded and Khan eyed me when I walked out. Bones said "let me see that blood. I need it." I nodded and sat down at my desk. "Bones...?" I asked. He looked up at me and said "what is it?" "Why do you need his blood?" Bones said "I just do." I nodded and stood up again. "I'm going to the bathroom." I said. Bones nodded and continued on his work. I walked into one of the stalls and I threw up. I wiped my mouth and washed it out. I had no clue what it was. Maybe it was nerves about Pavel. Maybe it was how Khan looked at me. Or it was that I met the man who murdered my uncle. Maybe I was just sick. Not sure. I made sure I was ok and then headed to engineering. Pavel scurried around and tried to fix the warp core. "Hi." I said. Pavel smiled really big and ran over and hugged me. I pulled away and said "how are you?" "I'm fine. It's wery hard. Trying to fix the warp core. I'll have it up soon. You can tell keptain." Pavel replied. I looked at the people running around and said "looks like a lot of work." Pavel nodded and said "it is. It's crazy." He wore a red shirt with goggles on his head. His curls were messy because of it and I ruffled them. "Zaylee!" He whined. I giggled and pecked his lips. "I gotta go but be careful." I said. Pavel nodded and hugged me. "I'll be fine. Promise. I'm almost done with the warp core. I'll call keptain when it's finished." I nodded and he kissed my hand before I left. I walked off and back to medical. Kirk called me down to where Khan was being held. "He says you know where his crew is." Spock said. I scoffed. I was flabbergasted. "I don't know where his crew is." I said. Khan said "do not lie. I told you. One word." I walked up to the glass and said "you didn't tell me Khan. All you said was torpedoes." I thought about it and said "torpedoes! His crew are inside the torpedoes!" Kirk's eyes widened and said "Spock tell Bones and Carol to open one on a remote planet." Spock nodded and ran off. "Keptain. The warp core has been tampered with." Pavel said through Kirk's comm. "Who tampered with it?" Kirk asked. Pavel sighed and said "you von't like the answer." "Tell me Chekov." Kirk replied. "Admiral Marcus." Pavel said. My eyes widened and Khan laughed from inside his cell. He then got very serious. "It's not me you have to worry about. It's him." Khan said.

Kirk didn't say anything. He looked furious. I said "captain?" "Zaylee come with me to the bridge now." He said. I nodded and Khan said "don't hurt them." I turned around and looked back at him. Khan said "do not hurt my crew." "We won't." I said. Khan nodded and I followed Kirk down the hall. He was furious. I didn't say anything and tried to keep up with him. He was much faster than me. "What're we going to do captain?" I asked. "Take Khan back to earth and confront Admiral Pike." He replied.

Here's the update! Two updates in one day that's crazy. Next chapter will be when Marcus comes and starts trouble. I haven't seen Into Darkness in a while so if it's not exactly like the movie please don't attack me. So it'll be following the movie but have my twist to it. Hope y'all liked this. Also I love Benedict Cumberbatch. He's amazing. Lmao I love you guys so much!!

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