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Zaylee's POV:
"Since the crew is down that crater can't we beam them out?" Kirk asked. Scotty said "possibly." Spock looked towards Scotty and Bones sighed in annoyance. "Does anyone know anything?" He asked. Kirk huffed and Pavel walked towards one of the screens. He frowned and said "ve kan't." Ve kan't vhat?" Kirk asked. Pavel eyed him for imitating his accent. Kirk smirked at him and Pavel said "you're not funny." Kirk snickered and said "I think it's pretty funny." Pavel sighed and said "ve kan't beam zhem out. Because of ze crater." Kirk nodded and said "looks like we gotta go down there. Jaylah will you take us?" She looked towards him and said "I'm not going down there. People who go there do not come back alive. Do you understand?" Kirk sighed and said "you need to take us. Please." "No." She replied. "Plees?" Pavel asked. He looked toward her and kinda smiled.

Jaylah nodded and looked at Pavel. He smiled sweetly towards her and she half smiled. She stood up and walked away. Scotty followed her and Pavel sat down. I kissed his head and followed Scotty. Jaylah sat with her head down and Scotty was trying to talk her into taking us. And he was reassuring her that we'd make sure she'd be ok.

We walked to Kirk along with Spock with the plan they were going with. "I'll need Chekov to go with me." Kirk said. Spock said "isn't he the best beamer?" "Yes I am. But if keptain needs me then I'll go. Plus I can manually beam myself back sir." Pavel said. Kirk nodded and said "I'll bring Zaylee too. The two of them together are pretty good." Pavel got into a disguise. Dark clothing. I went into a separate room and peeled off my red dress. I put on some skinny jeans and a dark top. I walked out and Kirk said "whenever y'all are ready." "Let's do this." I said. I'd be going with Pavel and Kirk would be dropping us off. I cupped Pavel's cheeks and said "I love you. And be careful." I kissed his lips and he nodded when I pulled away.

Kirk drove us down to the crater on the motorcycle. Kirk dropped us off and I saw a few enemies. "Ve kan sneak past zthem..." Pavel began to speak but I interrupted him by going after the enemies. I beat them down one by one. Pavel hid behind a rock and stared at me in shock.

"What?" I asked. Pavel began to stutter and couldn't make words. "Ok maybe I know how to fight really well." I said. Pavel stared at me in disbelief and I giggled. "Damn Zaylee. Nice moves." Kirk said over the comm. I giggled and Bones said "get our crew out of there damn it." "On it." I replied. Pavel and I moved without being detected. I snapped ones neck and kept moving. "Ve don't have to kill zthem." "Pavel they tried to kill us...therefore I'm killing them." I replied. Pavel sighed and nodded. As we were crawling through the gravel I saw a creature. It wasn't one of Krall's men. This was an actual creature. "Pavel." I nudged him. He looks towards the creature and went to say something but I covered his mouth. It was a weird looking thing. It hid in the shadows because the sun was somehow going away. As the sun went down the creature chirped and it was small. It walked around and hummed to itself. It saw us and squealed. It hid behind a rock and made warbling noises. "It's ok. We won't hurt you." I said softly. Pavel's eyes widened and the creature stuck it's head over the rock.

Pavel's eyes widened and he said "it's cute." I smiled and the creature hobbled over. "What should we name it?" I asked. Pavel said "ve're keeping it?" "Why not?" I asked. The creature looked at me and I motioned for it to come over. "Do you have a name?" I asked. Pavel rolled his eyes and said "it kan't talk." I glared at him and said "what's your name little guy?" "Gizmo!" It said happily. I awed and Pavel looked down at it. It climbed into my lap and I held him. "Hi little guy." I said softly.

He was the cutest little thing. "Put him in your bag Pavel. We gotta go." I said. Pavel grabbed him gently and set him in his bag and we continued towards the enemies. I took some more out and Pavel said "let's beam them! Come on!" He beamed half of the crew back at a time. And then the other half. Jaylah was still fighting some enemies. Pavel went to beam us back and grabbed Kirk's arm and pulled us onto the motorcycle. "Get ready to jump!" Kirk said. "What?!" I asked. Kirk jumped and Pavel and I followed. Kirk extended his arm and reached for Jaylah. And he grabbed her at the last second and we were beamed onto the ship. Once we got on the ship Pavel said "you ok?" I nodded and he smiled towards me.

Kirk said "Sulu get us out of here." "On it." Sulu replied. Sulu and Pavel began sliding things across the screen and were trying to get the ship in the air. Kirk said "Chekov can we get this thing going?" Pavel nodded and said "I'm vorking on it captain!" It was silent except for the beeping from the screens. Milo walked over to Pavel and said "papa...are we leaving?" Pavel nodded and Milo smiled. Pavel said "I have something for you." He set Gizmo down on the floor and Kirk's eyes widened. Gizmo looked around at the ship and hummed to himself.

Milo picked him up softly and walked to a seat. I strapped him in along with Gizmo. Spock sighed as he sat in his seat and Bones glared at him.

Kirk said "Chekov it's time." Sulu said "captain were working on it. This ship is pretty old." Kirk sighed and looked out the window. Pavel looked at Kirk said "it's ready." "Punch it." Kirk said.

Sulu made the ship go. We dove off of the cliff. My eyes widened as we got closer to the ground. "Anytime Mr Sulu!" Kirk screamed. Sulu hit the throttle and we went flying into the sky. Pavel looked at Sulu worriedly. Sulu looked back with a 'whoops' face.

"We did it." I said softly. We tried to get back to Yorktown as fast as we could. "Spock and Bones need to go onto a drone ship and distract them. Scotty beam them out." Kirk said. Bones groaned in annoyance and looked at Spock. Spock looked at Bones and said "this is logical." Bones huffed and looked towards me and then back at Spock.

Scotty beamed them onto a drone ship and the ship swirled around in space. Milo held Gizmo and he chirped. "What are you?" Milo asked. "Mogwai." Gizmo replied. Milo giggled and I smiled down at him. "Jaylah's music! We can use her music to make discordant noise!" I said. Scotty said "aye that might work." Sulu nodded in surprise and Kirk said "do it Scotty." Pavel looked toward me and said "good job babe." I walked over and kissed his lips.

Scotty struggled to get the music on. Sabotage by the Beastie Boys blared through the speakers. "Is this classical music I'm hearing?" Bones asked. Kirk nodded and smiled. I giggled and wrapped my arms around Pavel's lower body. He leaned his head up and kissed me. I buried my face into his curls and he chuckled. As the drones get obliterated Pavel smiled proudly. But then Krall got into Yorktown which made Pavel tense up. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably and I massaged his shoulders. I leaned my head next to his ear. "It's ok." I whispered. Pavel nodded and I kissed his cheek. Milo watched Pavel and I and he stood up. He walked towards us and he hugged my legs. I wrapped my arms around him and Pavel sat him on his lap. Pavel strapped Milo in over him and we began following Krall's ship. We were in pursuit of this ship. If there was one thing about Kirk, he wasn't going to let an enemy get away. He was determined to take Krall down. Even if it killed him, he was going to take him down. I wanted to take Krall down as well. I would make sure that if Kirk failed that I would take him down. He had to be stopped. Krall was something out of a nightmare. He wanted to basically drain the life force out of people, people who work for Starfleet. He wanted to kill them all. Along with the federation. Krall needs to be executed. And if Krall and I get into a fight and he tried to kill Pavel.....I'll sacrifice myself for him. I'd do anything for Pavel.

Here's the update! I survived the first day of school! Lmao I'm not happy. Anyways my updates may be a little slower now. Considering there's like 3 or 4 chapters left. Gizmo is from the movie Gremlins (1984) If you haven't seen that movie omfg you haven't lived! It's a classic 80's movie! I love you all and thanks for everything! Thanks for making me want to write this book. Writing this book was fun because of y'all!!!

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