Shocking News

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Zaylee's POV:
It's been a few weeks since the beach trip. Pavel and I are now an engaged couple. We were on a planet trying to make peace with an inhabitants. Also trying to save it from a volcano that would destroy it. The planet was awful different than normal. It was a "Class M" planet called Nibiru. Of course Pavel was on the ship and I was off. I was with Kirk and Bones. Currently running from the inhabitants. I dodged tree branches and Kirk was in front of me. "I hate this!" Bones screamed. Kirk panted and said "I know you do!" I looked behind us to see the inhabitants chasing after us. Bones said "Zaylee you good?" "I'm fine." I replied as I ran. Kirk put up a scroll and they began bowing at it. Bones said "they stopped?" Kirk said "for now." "How are we going to get to the Enterprise? It's underwater?" I asked out of breath. There was a cliff and I said "James no!" Bones said "damn it!" We jumped off a cliff and into the water.

We swam to the Enterprise quickly. We were in these tight wetsuits and we made it back on. Bones said "damn it Jim. Never again." Kirk said "hey Bones we made it. It's all good." We walked up to the bridge where Spock was being lowered into the volcano. "Keptain on ze bridge!" Pavel said. I smiled at him and he turned around and smiled towards me.

Bones looked at the screens and began talking to other people. Kirk began talking into his comm trying to get ahold of Spock. Pavel jumped up and ran over to hug me. I kissed his lips and he said "how vas it?" "Pretty crazy." I replied. Spock was trying to save the planet by killing himself and it wasn't going to work. My eyes widened as his comm went out. Pavel squeezed my hand in reassurance and Nyota covered her mouth with her hand. Kirk said "let's go get him." The ship was driven over to where Spock was. Spock was beamed back onto the ship quickly. "Spock you alright?" Kirk asked. Spock huffed and said "captain you let them see our ship!" "He's fine!" Bones replied irately. "They saw us. Who cares Spock?" Kirk asked. I looked at Kirk and said "Pike won't be happy. I promise." Kirk huffed and we were in warp to get back to Earth. Once we arrived Kirk strutted around happily. Pike wanted to see Kirk immediately. I walked into my uncle's office and he eyed Kirk. Pavel followed me in as well and stood next to me. He grabbed my hand and held it reassuringly. Kirk gulped as he knew what would be coming. "What were you thinking?!" Pike asked. Kirk said "I had to save Spock." Kirk frowned as Pike scolded him.

Kirk looked down and couldn't look at him. Pike looked at me and then back at Kirk. "She could've died! My niece! And her fiancé. Do you understand? My future son in law! James do you understand what you've done? You don't think sometimes! Your lucky this wasn't a harmful trip. Anyone could die. You don't think sometimes!" Kirk stared at the ground and gulped. "Chekov do you have anything to say about this?" Pike asked. Pavel shook his head and made a face.

"Uncle it's fine." I said softly. Pike looked at me and said "Zaylee it's not fine. He didn't follow the rules. Looks like I'll have to captain the Enterprise." Kirk's eyes widened and said "Pike please. Please don't do this." Pike began to scold him again and Kirk looked down once again.

Kirk nodded and said "if your going to have anybody captain the Enterprise if you don't want to do it....give it to Spock. He's great with the crew. He'll lead them in the right direction." Kirk looked down again and Pike said "I'll consider it." Kirk nodded and walked out of the room. Pike sighed and said "how are you?" "Fine." I replied. "When do you plan on getting married?" He asked us. Pavel looked at him and said "after this next voyage sir." Pike said "that'll be a while. Since you've already done 2 years in space and have 3 to go." "It'll be fine. Next time we come home. Which will be after this voyage." I replied. Pavel shifted uncomfortably and Pike said "Chekov are you joining this voyage?" "Yes sir." He replied. "Do you think you'll be ok. And you'll protect her?" Pike asked. Pavel nodded and said "of course." I smiled towards my uncle and Pavel licked his lips nervously. "It'll be ok. I promise sir. I'll protect her with my life." Pavel said.

Pike smiled and said "thanks Pavel." Pavel smiled and hugged me tightly. We stayed on earth a little longer before getting ready to go on the Enterprise. John Harrison. He had been stirring some things up in Starfleet. My uncle had a meeting with Admiral Marcus because of it. Kirk attended as Pike's first officer. Pavel and I waited for Pike to be finished. We were going to have dinner before our next voyage. A ship came up towards the large glass window. I stood up and moved closer to it. "John Harrison." I said. Pavel said "Zaylee!" He grabbed me and we hid behind a wall to not get shot. I squealed in surprise and Pavel held me close to him. The ship began shooting at the office my uncle was in. I began to run towards it. Pavel said "Zaylee!" Everything was in slow motion. All I could hear was my heartbeat and footsteps. My footsteps echoed as I ran and Pike ran out into the hall. Kirk shot at the ship and tried to shoot John down. The lasers shot at my uncle and he was shot down. I gasped and it echoed. "Zaylee!" I heard a muffled voice say. I dropped to my knees and crawled towards him. "No!" I screamed as I crawled. I got to him and John left and went to an unknown planet. Kirk came out into the hall and gasped. "No." He said.

"Zaylee...." Kirk said. Tears streamed down my face and I heard Pavel scream for me. I turned around and his lips were parted. He was in complete and utter shock. My brother stood over me and he was in shock. Kirk sat on the ground and tears fell from his eyes. "Zaylee....I love you so much." Pike said. Blood came out of his mouth and I cried. "Don't go uncle. Please." I said softly. "Marry Pavel. There's good in him. He'll never let you go. I love you. Kirk you were the son I never had." Pike said. Kirk sobbed as Pike took his last breath. I screamed in agony and Pavel hugged me. I cried into his chest and my brother broke down. I had never seen him break down before. Ever. He never shows his feelings. Jack Wilder was the boy that kept everything in. Kirk hugged his body and cried into Pike's chest. Pavel rocked me back and forth as I sobbed uncontrollably into his chest. Jack screamed in anger and walked off. Spock was in shock. You could tell from his eyes. But his face showed no emotion. This was going to be a long night.

Pavel's POV:
Zaylee fell asleep in my arms after a while. Kirk helped me get her home. I held her in my arms. I stroked her head softly as she laid asleep. Zaylee looked really bad. She had just lost her uncle and I felt terrible. My eyes grew heavy and I began to fall asleep when I heard Zaylee scream. I sat up immediately and Zaylee cried. My heart shattered to hear her crying. "It's ok." I said softly. She cried into the crook of my neck and she said "it's our fault. If Kirk hadn't of screwed up he'd be alive. If we hadn't of saved Spock. If we just would've let him make his decision to die." I rubbed her back and said "Zaylee I'm so sorry. Plees don't cry." "He believed in me Pavel. He didn't want me to join Starfleet because you can get killed. But he still believed in me and helped me through it. And if I never would've joined...I never would've met you." Zaylee said.

My eyes widened and I hugged her even tighter. I buried my face into her hair and didn't let go. Stray tears ran down my face and Zaylee held me and didn't let go. I held her tightly against my body and she cried into the crook of my neck.

Zaylee's cried were muffled by my neck and I tried to hide my tears. "I gotta take a shower." Zaylee's muffled voice said. I nodded and said "mmm k." "Pavel come with me. I don't want to be alone." She said as she pulled away and looked at me. "In ze bathroom or in ze shower?" I asked. She smiled slightly and said "in the shower. Come on." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the bathroom. She undressed and went in first and I followed. The steam from the hot water filled the bathroom. Zaylee hugged me inside and didn't let go. Her head rested on my shoulder as mine did hers. She rubbed my back softly and I played with the ends of her hair. We just sort of stood in the shower. Holding one another.

I placed soft kisses on her back and her crying had stopped for now. "Pavel?" She asked. "Hmm?" I hummed. "I love you so much. And my uncle told me that I need to marry you. Because you'll never let me go. And I'll never let you let me go." She said. I smiled and said "really?" She nodded and said "so after this voyage let's get married." I smiled and said "of course." "I know that if Pike was here he'd want us to get married before the voyage but we told him after. And that's what we promised." Zaylee said. I nodded and hugged her tightly. Zaylee smiled and said "I love you Pavel." "I love you too Zaylee." I replied.

Awe it's fluffy! Ok so next chapter will officially be where they're in space. We're now in Into Darkness. Should I write Beyond in this too when I get finished with Into Darkness? It's up to y'all. Also thanks for all the reads and votes! It means a lot! Also I found out what year Into Darkness takes place lmao! It takes place from 2259-2260! And I found that the first one takes place in 2387 on Wikipedia but that don't make sense. I'm guessing two years are in between each movie. So that's how I'm gonna go. Hope that's ok with y'all. Love y'all so much!

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